Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5637: : A role not to be ignored

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Ye Ke Khan is the general of Guishuang. He has rich experience on the battlefield. However, when facing the army of Jin, he has a sense of powerlessness, that is, facing the offensive of Jin\'s army. At the time, I didn\'t know what strategy should be adopted to defend, as if no matter what kind of defense means, it would not be effective in front of the Jin army.

The Jin army is an extremely terrifying existence on the battlefield. If it were in the past, perhaps many Guishuang generals would sneer at such a statement. Even if the Jin Kingdom’s army was strong in the war, could it be said that it was attacking the Guishuang city. Time can still destroy the dead, especially the powerful existence such as Anguanya.

However, today’s Jin army’s attack on the city deeply shocked Guishuang’s generals. This kind of offensive method was beyond the knowledge of Guishuang’s generals. Whether it was an attack by fierce oil or artillery, it was before Guishuang’s generals. Rarely touched, especially after the artillery attack, the power is astonishing, and the problems in this area can be seen from the situation on the level.

But when facing the offensive of the Jin army, Guishuang soldiers cannot show weakness. If the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed in such a confrontation, the situation that follows will definitely become more complicated. The Jin army’s offensive will not Said that it stopped because of the damage of Guishuang soldiers

The goal of this Jin\'s army offensive was to capture more of Guishuang\'s city and dispatch more than one hundred thousand troops. He wanted to do this. At the beginning, Guishuang\'s generals were also jokes about the Jin\'s army.

But now, facing the Jin army, they don\'t have more laughter. In the first offensive, the soldiers of the Jin army proved their own strength by powerful means.

At this time, it is the soldiers at the top of the level that are the most tortured. Their task is to guard against the offensive of Jin\'s army. However, when the Jin\'s army is attacking, it is not their strength that can stop it, not to mention it is in their hands. The shield, even the female wall, is constantly swaying when facing the Jin army\'s offensive. It is conceivable what kind of terrifying result such an offensive would have if it fell on them.

The horror of the offensive of the Jin Kingdom’s army was manifested at this moment. Not to mention the strength of the Jin Kingdom’s army, just such an offensive method can scare the soldiers of Guishuang, which will make Guishuang’s army. When defending, he was more cautious and even feared Jin\'s army during the battle.

The unfolding of the war will have a great impact on the soldiers of Guishuang. If you can’t win the battle, or even suffer a lot of damages in the course of the battle against the enemy, the subsequent defense of the Guishuang army will be Create more trouble.

Under these circumstances, General Guishuang had no choice. Facing the fierce attack by the Jin army, even if they had a lot of fear in their hearts, they could only persevere stubbornly on the wall because of the attack from the Jin army. Will come again soon.

As for escaping from the city wall, if they do this, they can only die faster. Staying at the level may still have a chance to survive. If they choose to escape, there is absolutely no chance of luck.

Guishuang\'s army also has strict military discipline, especially when it comes to fleeing from the army during the battle, this is a very serious matter.

The most important task of a lieutenant soldier is to be able to execute the commands of the generals well and to prohibit them. If you want to retreat when you have difficulties in defense, wouldn\'t it cause the entire army to mess up?

Although the Jin army\'s offensive is sharp, it may not be possible to survive if you are more careful when defensive. The offensive power is indeed amazing, but the power still needs to be further discussed.

It is best to be able to master the offensive characteristics of the Jin army as much as possible, so that it will be easier to defend against the enemy\'s offensive, and to avoid the difficulty of making greater achievements in the face of the enemy\'s offensive.

The unfolding of the war is itself a relatively complicated matter for the Jin army. Victory from the war will make the lieutenant soldiers feel the arrival of hope.

The soldiers of the Jin army fought on the battlefield, and they were able to win the battle and let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war, which in itself is the best proof of strength.

Not only the generals of Guishuang, but also the generals of the Jin army, after seeing the offensive launched by the Jin army, they were also talking about it. Such a fierce attack surpassed the imagination of the lieutenant generals and made them even better about this war. I have much hope that when the Jin army has such a fierce offensive method, it will become inevitable to win the war.

How difficult is it to have greater performance in blocking the Jin army\'s offensive.

The Jin Army is an invincible existence on the battlefield. Although the important stage of the attack on Guishuang, the power displayed is also not weak.

This kind of offensive makes the Jin army generals excited. Under such suppression, the Jin army will be more relaxed when attacking Anguanya. It is best to make Anguanya\'s defense appear more vulnerable at this time. , The offense will be more smooth.

However, as long as the Jin army appears on the battlefield, victory is not difficult for the Jin army soldiers. In this regard, the Jin army has confidence. From the previous battles of the Jin army soldiers, the record, You can see the influence of the Jin army very well.

When the Jin army’s offensive is carried out on the battlefield, it can have a great impact on the enemy, and even make the enemy lose confidence in resistance in the face of such an offensive. This situation is not exactly what the Jin army soldiers want. Can you see it? The power of the Jin army soldiers who have come out of wars is often unimaginable by the enemy.

With fierce fighting methods, it is necessary for the enemy to feel more panic from the war. It is the most terrifying thing if even the victory cannot be guaranteed in the course of the battle.

Attacking the enemy forces allows the enemy forces to continue to taste the taste of war failure in such a war, making it difficult for the enemy\'s defense to play a corresponding role, and it will have a great impact on the offensive launched by the Jin army. of.

Hao Meng nodded with satisfaction. The attack of the artillery must have had a great impact on Anguanya. The cost of artillery is expensive and it is difficult to transport, but it can play a role in the war. , Absolutely can’t be ignored. If it weren’t for the cement roads in Jin, it would be impossible for the materials to be delivered so fast.

It can be said that the Jin Dynasty emperor\'s plan can provide a lot of convenience for the war of the Jin army. Following such a monarch, the soldiers of the Jin army will feel the hope of victory in the war.

For lieutenants and soldiers, victory in a war is of the utmost importance. If an army appears on the battlefield and even the victory of the war cannot be obtained, such a campaign would have no more meaning at all.

The miracle created by the Jin army in the war would make the enemy arouse a lot of fear when the Jin army attacked. Such an effect is also what the Jin army wants to see.

The current war must have a great impact on Guishuang, but it is a great encouragement for the soldiers of the Jin army. They want to do more damage to Guishuang at this time, so that Guishuang At this time, the army realized how fragile their power is in front of the Jin army.

It is the goal of the Jin army’s soldiers to gain victory from the battle to ensure the development of the Jin country to a greater extent. However, any enemy who blocks the advancement of the Jin army can gradually help the Jin army’s soldiers. collapse.

The current state of the war can enable the Jin army to do more in the war. Of course, behind this kind of action, what is needed is that the lieutenants and soldiers should pay more for the war.

Promoting the development of Jin by means of war, this method itself requires more efforts by lieutenants and However, after receiving the order of war, the lieutenants and soldiers will not do more. Hesitantly, as a member of the Jin army, what they need to do is to continuously gain victories in the process of fighting against the enemy, so as to provide a better foundation for the development of Jin.

The benefits of the development of the Jin state are obvious. After the Jin army captured the enemy\'s city, the speed of the city\'s development was also shocking. This also allowed the Jin army to have greater value every time it was dispatched. If it is only to occupy the enemy\'s city, and the strength shown in the process of governing the city is not enough, it is impossible to get more benefits after the end of the battle.

The Jin Kingdom has a lot of experience in conquering wars, and it is this experience that makes the soldiers of the Jin army even more motivated when they go through the war.

It is impossible for the enemy to seize the city belonging to the Jin country, and the city may be seized by the soldiers of the Jin army under the control of the enemy.

The Jin army is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. When they appear in the battle, they are bound to gain benefits from the enemy\'s hands.

The Jin army’s offensive methods are also constantly changing. Such changes allow lieutenants and soldiers to see more possibilities for victory.

Face-to-face battles and attacks on cities are what the Jin army is good at. No matter what methods the enemy has when defending, can it be said that it can still do more in blocking the Jin army’s attack? When the Jin army is in When the means are displayed in the war, the enemy will deeply understand how weak their means are in front of the Jin army, and how weak their plan for the war will have on the Jin army.

The Jin army, which emerged from the war, had a fanatical attitude in the face of war.