Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5636: : The shock brought by the Jin army's offensive

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The rumbling noises sounded from Anguanya from time to time. This is the power of the Jin army’s artillery attack. Just this kind of momentum completely shocked many Guishuang soldiers, and many of them were at a loss. Cuo, they don\'t know exactly what happened, even their ears are in a state of humming.

The sound of the artillery shocked people\'s hearts and made their ears useless.

After suffering such a shock, a soldier ran directly from behind the female wall and yelled loudly at the checkpoint. It can be seen that the offensive of Jin\'s army had already had a great impact on their hearts.

However, this kind of offensive method cannot be stopped because of the reaction of the enemy. The two sides are currently in a hostile state. During the offensive process, after the soldiers of Guishuang pay more for the war, the soldiers of Guishuang will To a greater extent, I understand that it is impossible for them to have greater deeds when defending against the offensive of Jin\'s army just by relying on their strength.

The explosion after the shell fell on the city wall was also amazing. As long as it was hit by shrapnel, injury was inevitable. The armor on their body was difficult to form an effective block in front of the shrapnel of the shell.

In such a war, if there are injuries and cannot be treated in time, death or disability is inevitable.

The continuous sound maintained enough time for a cup of tea, and then it gradually subsided, but seeing the entire Anguan Cliff, at this time, it seemed to be shrouded in smoke and dust, and the air exuded a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

Not only the generals of Guishuang, but also the generals of the Jin army were deeply shocked after seeing the continuous attack of artillery. This is the artillery of the Jin army. With such a powerful method, why can\'t you worry about it against the enemy? In the army, there are greater achievements, even in the process of defense, the enemy has a lot of means, their defense is so fragile in front of the generals of the Jin army.

The current offensive methods of the Shanxi army have a great impact on the enemy. In this process, it is necessary for the enemy to feel greater power.

How to make the enemy lose more in such a battle is also the goal of the generals of the Jin army.

When the war begins, what kind of strategy the soldiers of the Jin army should adopt is very necessary. If they are not fierce enough in such a confrontation, giving the enemy a chance to breathe will bring about the future war of the Jin army. The impact must be great.

The emergence of artillery is a very good offensive method. With the fierce artillery, the enemy can feel desperate in such a confrontation. What can be more comfortable than this, when the Jin army only continues Constantly adopting such an offensive method can make it difficult for the defenders to raise their heads if they are suppressed.

Anguanya is known as Guishuang\'s Xiongguan. How effective is it to defend against Jin\'s army? When Jin\'s soldiers appear on the battlefield, how much influence can it bring to the enemy.

What can be seen from the various performances of the Jin army in the war is the strength and fierceness of the Jin army. Once such a war continues, the enemy will feel the terrible side of the war.

Lv Bu led the lieutenant generals to create miracles on the battlefield. From the generals of the Jin army, it was a common thing in itself. If the Jin Dynasty emperor appeared on the battlefield and still could not win, it would be the strangest thing.

Promoting the development of Jin by means of war, so that Jin can avoid more situations in the process of development, is extremely normal in the eyes of the emperor of Jin. It is precisely because of such a development method that Jin can be The achievement is even more amazing.

The current Jin State’s strategy in the face of war is itself terrifying. How can the enemy get more victories in the process of fighting the enemy and let the enemy feel the Jin’s army in such a war? It\'s terrible. Just thinking about the strategy of the Jin army can imagine the impact that the Jin army will have on the enemy when it appears on the battlefield.

War is inevitably terrible. The key is to face the Jin army’s offensive. Such a war will be even more terrifying. An offensive from the Jin army can often make the enemy see no hope of victory in such a war. This is also normal.

Having been on the battlefield for many years, if the emperor of Jin, who is as strong as Jin, does not have even the most basic means when attacking the enemy, such an emperor is absolutely unqualified, and the strong situation of the Jin army , It just proved that the emperor of Jin\'s methods were fierce.

Promoting the development of Jin by means of war. This strategy is exactly what the Emperor Jin insisted. If the same thing were put on the body of other monarchs, would there be such a choice?

Once the war starts, the impact will be great. If the lieutenant soldiers cannot win the war, the subsequent impact will be great. In the past, the Guishuang army attacked Guishan City. It shows that there was a lot of damage during the attack on Guishan City, which gave the Jin army a chance. Even after the war, Guishuang compensated a lot of supplies. This was the punishment after the war failed.

Could it be said that Guishuang is willing to pay the price of materials at this time, but they have no other choice, unless they want to face the offensive of the Jin army.

It’s just this kind of materials that will never satisfy the emperor of Jin. The current emperor of Jin led an army to attack Guishuang. Ways to make the development of Jin state more rapid.

With the gradual unfolding of such a confrontation, Guishuang will fall into greater turmoil, and such a confrontation will have a great impact on Guishuang and Jin. Both sides want to get out of such a war. Victory, but the victory of the war, how can it be that simple thing, the Jin army soldiers with extremely sharp means can play a great role in the war.

Only the methods currently used by the Jin army in the offensive process are enough to make the enemy more shocked.

From the actual war, what can be seen is the impact of the Jin army soldiers appearing on the battlefield, and this kind of war effect is even more shocking for the enemy.

After the artillery attack gradually subsided, Ye Ke Khan\'s mouth opened slightly, and he looked at the smoke and dust on the level in disbelief. This is the offensive method of the Jin army, the artillery matter, Ye Ke Khan has heard about the attack distance of the artillery. He also knew it, but the artillery had such a terrifying side when attacking, which he had not imagined.

The shells that fell in the level caused deaths and injuries to the soldiers in the level.

This situation is also quite shocking to the soldiers in the checkpoint. They are inside the checkpoint. When the Jin army is attacking the checkpoint, they can also threaten their safety. Such a thing always sounds a little bit. unbelievable.

The fierce offensive methods of the Jin army can play a great role in the war. If you want to do more to block the offensive of the Jin army, you need more countermeasures.

Only the first round of the Jin army’s offensive gave Ye Khan a lot of shock. You can think about the mentality of Guishuang’s soldiers at this time, especially when they see the situation of the defenders above the level, they will feel More fearful.

The offensive of the Jin army was not generally sharp. In the face of such an offensive situation, who can be sure that ordinary soldiers can stop the offensive from the Jin army. Such an offense is beyond imagination and manpower. Whether it’s heavy fire oil or artillery shells, the impact of the attack is great.

However, at this time, Guishuang soldiers have no choice. All they need to do is to guard Anguanya, so that it is difficult for the offensive of the Jin army to affect the stability of Guishuang to a greater If the stability of Anguanya cannot be guaranteed, the Jin army will be able to enter the hinterland of Guishuang, which will bring greater challenges to the stability of Guishuang.

The Jin army that emerged from the war is itself an extremely terrifying presence on the battlefield. When they deploy their own means in a confrontation, the impact they can bring to the enemy is also unimaginable by ordinary soldiers.

It is precisely because the soldiers of the Jin army have such terrible strength that when the Jin army appears in a war, it can bring more shock to the enemy army, and let the enemy army understand in this process that it is only by virtue of their strength that they want to be There are difficulties in blocking the Jin Kingdom’s army from attacking.

The achievements of the Jin army in the war are amazing. It is precisely because of such achievements that the progress of the war is of greater help to the Jin country.

In fact, the appearance of the Jin army on the battlefield is itself a great shock to the enemy. Once the Jin army\'s attack can be successful on the battlefield, the enemy\'s continuous fall of the city will definitely be an inevitable thing.

Anguanya is an important checkpoint for Guishuang, and it plays a significant role in blocking the Jin army. If Anguanya breaks through the Jin army at a very fast speed, it will hit Guishuang. It will be bigger, and the entire Guishuang will fall into panic and uneasiness at that time.

If Anguanya\'s Xiongguan simply fell into the hands of the Jin army, would other cities in Guishuang stop the attack from the Jin army?

The shock in the heart is one aspect. Ye Khan immediately ordered the lieutenant soldiers to prepare for war. As long as the Jin army dared to attack Anguanya head-on, the defending army would make the Jin army\'s offensive be compromised in the battle.

With the Xiongguan as a guard and being suppressed by the Jin army, Ye Khan felt very uncomfortable.