Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 704

When the purple electric knife comes out of its sheath. ?

the whole top of Dongshan mountain is ten times more powerful than before, and all of them gather on the black sword. The long sword suddenly drinks thunder light and turns into a purple lightning dragon that is tens of feet long. It is arrogant and rebellious.

"Why is he still alive?"

His legs trembled and he was about to go first.

There are more than 20 strong people in the divine realm who came here this time. Before that, 21 of them were chopped by Chen fan. Only he, the great God of Iraq and the judges of the Vatican are left, and the rest of the strong are falling.

"Kill Chen beixuan, or none of us can escape."

The adjudicator growled.

Chen fan was very fierce and powerful. In this war, the nine holy places of the Holy See were all in ink. The whole world, I'm afraid, has withered away.

And Pope Francis, holding the scepter of light, had a dignified face. A light divine skill is released by him and blessed on himself. Next to him, Aaron raised his sword and eyebrow and hunted with his lightsaber.


This time, chen fan didn't talk nonsense at all.

In an instant, three inborn strongmen collided with each other.

Chen Fan's foot on heaven and earth tears the sky. The terrible thunder dragon blows up thunder lights in the void, and the power of quasi Lingbao reaches its peak. Even the most powerful blood ancestor couldn't stop his sword.

"Bang Dang."

Francis was directly cut down from the air by Chen fan.

The bright blade splits inch by inch. Shengsheng splits seven or eight layers of defense magic on him. If it wasn't for fransy's Hemp clothes, which suddenly burst out holy radiance, to stop the knife gas, he would have been killed by a knife.

It's the holy robe.

Chen Fangen didn't care about it. One by one, thunderdragons roared down from the air. The rocks were broken and the ground collapsed. No matter what kind of high-quality magic weapon you have, you can block me ten times!

"Help me."

Francis's face went wild.

Although the robe of the Holy One is strong, it is a magic weapon that has been blessed by the Holy One in the past dynasties, and contains a strong guard of light. But Chen fan can not withstand such attacks. With each cut of Chen Fan's knife, Francis spat out a mouthful of blood. In the end, the blood dyed the sackcloth red, making the robe of the saint more brilliant.


With his wings flapping, he is agile and holds a cross lightsaber to block Chen Fan's attack.


The power of terror explodes from the junction of lightsaber and thunder knife.

On the top of the whole Dongshan mountain, tens of meters of earth and stone were all cracked. Countless trees and buildings were torn to pieces. Hua Yunfeng and others hurriedly retreat into the green dragon array and rely on the protection of the FA array. But the people at the foot of the mountain were not so lucky. They were beaten by Daodao's strength and cried for their parents.


Aaron's lightsaber is broken.

It's just the condensation of magic. How can it block the power of Lingbao?

Fortunately, with the help of this tone, Francis slowed down and killed again with the staff of the God of light. A magic trick, released from the staff.

"Great collapse and destruction skill"

"sword of light"

"great judgment skill"

these skills are inherited from the ancient Vatican, many of which are perfected by the saints of the past dynasties, and more of which are handed down by the founder of the Vatican, with amazing power. In particular, great collapse, no matter what contact, will be dissociated into particles.

But Chen fan does not dodge, with the body, hard carry God, just a little flash.

now he has swallowed up the cream of six blood ancestors, and the strength of the body of God is more profound than before.


Chen Fan's Sabre light is in the air, drawing a semicircle. In an instant, he splits seven sabres. Each Sabre is condensed into a thin awn. The awn is condensed by pure lightning, just like purple wave light.

The wave light sweeps through the void and makes the space tremble slightly, which seems unbearable.

"Angels come!"

Francis also saw the horror of Chen Fan's knife. He raised his Scepter in front of him and drank in a low voice. I saw a pair of white wings blooming from behind him. Like the wings of an angel.

The fierce combination of wings wrapped Francis in it and turned him into a huge ball of light.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Seven Dao Mang, one after another impact on the ball of light, immediately aroused all over the sky light chip. Although the angel comes is the Holy See's top magic, it claims to be able to defend against missile attacks. But Chen Fan's strike with a thunder knife is really terrible.

The first knife, wings crack.

The third knife, the light ball breaks.

In the fifth, the awn of the sword cuts through the robe of the saint.

With the seventh knife, Francis flies backwards and spills blood into the sky.

There was a ferocious scar on his body. The scar, which started from his forehead and extended all the way to his left leg, almost cut Francis in half from the middle. If it wasn't for the critical moment, the staff of light helped him block a knife, it would be the body of the saint, which also fell on the spot.


Seeing this scene, countless people took a breath.

Francis is a former Pope, a saint of the Holy See, and even holds the Holy See artifact. Unexpectedly, even chen fan can't stop him. Chen Fanna seems to have seven swords, but the seven strength changes of one sword. At his level, any weapon will be superb in an instant, and the skill of the sword will reach the sky."Chen beixuan's coming back this time will really frighten the world."

The old green dragon's face is heavy.

And in the sky, Aaron has tried his best to get rid of Chen fan.


The two men are fighting in the air.

Both chen fan and Allen are far away from the sound, reaching twice, triple and even higher. In the void, a white awn and thunder light crisscross.

Every impact.

The rocks are broken and the world collapses.

The East Mountain, hundreds of meters high, was flattened by the two men, even the whole mountain was flattened. The mighty son of light, far away from Francis.

It has a cross sword in its hand.

The sword type is the ancient Roman guard's sword, which is two people high. The sword body condenses the holy flame, and each sword splits out, there is a vast flame light, tearing the sky, exploding thunder like roar.

"Quasi Lingbao?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Only zhunlingbao can strike the thunder knife continuously without damage. The Holy Son was obviously very favored by his father, so he gave him a quasi spiritual treasure.

"The name of the sword is Tian Sheng Nu Huo. It was made by my father with nine heavenly iron and heaven flame. On the day when the sword came out, the flame burned the mountain and went out ten days and ten nights. "

"Mortal, you are very powerful. You have the honor to witness this magic sword," he said

"Just a two winged angel of Guangming clan, dare to be so presumptuous with me? He is the LORD God of the Guangming clan. I have cut him off. "

Chen Fan sneered.

The Guangming clan is a big family in the universe, occupying countless galaxies and spreading beliefs. Nature has been at war with the human race. Chen fan, on behalf of Zhenwu Xianzong, fought countless times in his previous life. He even entered the ancestral star of Guangming clan. He fought alone with 12 Guangming gods and killed seven of them, shocking the universe.

"Bold! How dare you blaspheme

Aaron's blue eyes glared, rarely showing anger.

The main god of the Guangming clan is the existence of the reversion period. He is supreme and has a very high status in the Guangming clan. Chen Fan's words are like humiliating his idol in front of a believer.

"The sword of divine punishment!"

Aaron cut it out.

On the holy sword of the cross, the Milky flame surrounds the sky. The holy flame burns the sky, as if it can refine the void. It's the purest and most refined fire, not inferior to the fire of Unicorn. With the promotion of Allen's cultivation, the immortals dare not face his front.

The huge cross lightsaber, tens of feet long, twined with fire and thunder, came down from the sky, like the divine punishment of heaven, to judge all sins.


Chen fan has a thunder knife.

All of a sudden, the thunder sounded in the sky.

The terrible thunder light flew out of the black blade, turned into a nine day dragon, and flew to Allen with teeth and claws. Suddenly, between heaven and earth, only the milky white flame, and the purple thunder and lightning.


The flames and thunder burst, shattering half the sky. The power of terror came down from the sky and directly cut off the mountain peak. A huge mushroom cloud rose like a nuclear explosion, destroying the sky and the earth. Thousands of dark strongmen who came to watch the battle fled to Dongshan in a panic. Hundreds of people who run slowly are directly torn into pieces by the energy.

"It's terrible."

Countless people trembled with fear.

The battle between Chen Fan and Allen completely shows what is the power of the top earth immortal. In front of them, both ye Qingcang and Francis are as vulnerable as children.

"Who wins and who loses?"

Cried the old ancestor of Hongmen.

People stare big eyes to see, see the smoke, a white figure, fierce inverted fly out. Like a meteor, it fell on the mountain thousands of meters away.

The figure, with wings on its back and white robes, is the son of Aaron.

But at this time, the corner of Aaron's mouth showed blood, holy wings, feathers withered, slightly decadent. The chest is a purple ray Mang's knife seal, life split in his chest, almost cut him in two.

"The son is defeated?"

The adjudicator couldn't believe it.

And countless dark strong, is like falling into the ice cellar.

It's better than the son Aaron, who is in charge of the holy sword of the gods, but also defeated by Chen fan. Who is Chen Fan's opponent? With these crooked melons?


Yi Shi, a great God, was so scared that he set up a black fog and ran away in confusion.

"Now that you're here, leave your life behind."

In the smoke, there was a cold voice.


Then there was a thunder.

See nine days thunder pillar, fall from the sky, fierce blast in Yi Shi big God officer body. This master of yin and Yang at the National University of Japan didn't even shout.

Thunderbolt after thunderbolt fell from the sky.

Hongmen's ancestors and the adjudicators were all silent and were blown to ashes by lightning."No!"

Fransy uttered a shrill cry, turned into a white light, and tried to escape. Although he was seriously injured, he was a saint after all. Holding the scepter of light, he broke the sound barrier like thunder.


In the void, a knife light came from an unimaginable angle, as if it had been cutting fransy fiercely over time. As soon as there was a trace of horror on the Holy See's face, he was cut into two parts by a knife, even a man with a scepter, and even the spirit was broken to ashes.

Under a knife, the saint falls!

At the foot of Dongshan mountain, countless strong people are numb and dead.

Only Chen Fan stepped out of the smoke and dust, stood up with a knife, fierce and powerful! , the fastest update of the webnovel!