Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 678

"That's the God of thunder punishment..."

after a long time, the master of angry flame said.

Lei Xing Di Xian is one of the most powerful people in the world of kunxu. He is good at all kinds of magic powers, such as Lei FA, life and death!

Such a giant exists, is Chen Fan slapped to death?

"Even if the Taoist master Qingxuan or the master Tianlei comes, it is impossible to defeat the thunder and punish the immortals!"

Cold Moon Fairy face dignified said.

Although there is a big gap between the middle and late congenital stage, it may even be several times. However, the cultivation of thunder punishing immortals is extremely terrifying. Some weak congenital later periods may not be able to resist him. They will never be defeated so easily.


Sure enough, just listen to a crisp ring, a figure wrapped in the purple thunder, skyrocketing, it is the thunder punishment fairy.

It's just that at this time, the thunder punishing earth immortals, which has just entered the earth's majestic hegemony. His face was pale, his body was covered with blood, and his black and red solemn thunder robe turned into broken silk.

However, Lei Xing didn't care at all. He looked at Chen Fan with a blank face:

"if a strong man like you can be born in the secular world, he will be as strong as a real immortal when he first enters the earth. If he is as strong as an immortal in the later stage, he will have great fortune. He is a rare genius in a thousand years. If you join our Tianlei sect, I recommend you as the next leader of Tianlei sect. The previous gratitude and resentment will be written off. One hundred years later, you will be the king of kunxu, and you will be invincible again. "

As the deputy leader of Tianlei sect, it is like a golden rule that every word falls to the ground.

The Cold Moon Fairy, the angry flame master, and so on, all turned pale.

Tianleizong is a great religion of kunxu, which has been handed down for thousands of years. Its profound foundation is incredible. How noble its position is, it is far better than the president of a country on earth.

Tianlei Zong even decided to accept chen fan as the future leader of the sect, which shows the spirit and mind of Lei Xing Dixian.

It is worthy of being a giant and the overlord of kunxu!

Especially the night snow, more anxious to see.

If Chen fan can give up and make peace, it's better. After all, even if he can defeat Lei Xing's immortals, there are many immortals in the kunxu world, and the leaders of the superior religions. Can Chen Fan fight against each other?

"It's just tianleizong. In my eyes, it's like dust. If you dare to destroy my family, you should bear the price. " Chen Fan flicked his finger and said calmly.

"At the level of you and me, you will see for a long time. When you know your relatives and friends, they will turn to dust after a hundred years. Why care about them?"

Lei Xing Di Xian frowned, but he didn't say any more, but his eyes were shining:

"since you have made up your mind, I can only kill you completely, and think that Zongzhong is the enemy of the clan!"


Chen Fan's blood is like a raging wave.

Lei xingdixian thought that he offered the best price. But don't know, parents and relatives in Chen Fan's heart, is against scale, can't touch. If you touch it, you will die. If you want to teach in kunxu, you will lose your reputation.

"Here comes the knife."

Let's have a drink.

A pillar of purple thunder, which was penetrating the sky and the earth, rose from him. In the thunder pillar, a long, dark knife, four feet seven inches long, loomed out. The blade is flat, but the black surface is like purple thunder, surrounded by lightning.

"Purple thunder crazy knife!"

"The first patriarch of Tianlei sect, the God punishes the real king. He takes the iron from Kun ruins and merges the alien Thunder God to refine this Dao. It is said that on the day when the sword is finished, the purple thunder will shine in the sky, just like the sun, and it will disperse in ten days. "

Thousands of night snow, word by word, Congzhong said.

This thunder knife is really powerful. When it is born, the whole void is shaking. On the heaven and earth, there are dense black clouds and thunderbolts, just like the arrival of troubled times.

"This Dao is one of the most precious treasures of Tianlei sect. If it wasn't for the burial of immortal Valley, the LORD would not allow me to enter the secular world. Today, I will take you to the top of Kunlun with this sword! "

As soon as Leixing Dixian grasped the handle of the knife, his breath suddenly rose instead of falling, and he ascended sharply, vaguely climbing into an incredible realm.

"Quasi Lingbao?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

His hand was almost full. Even ten immortals are not enough to kill. It is this magic weapon that can survive.

"Although zhunlingbao is not as good as Lingbao, it's almost the same. It's just that it's lack of spirit. Mortals who hold this treasure can cut off the congenital. You have this treasure in your hand. It's no wonder you dare to speak up. It's a pity that you are facing me. "

Chen Fan chuckled.

Lingbao can only be refined by Jindan friars. The complete five elements thunder is the power of Lingbao. Zhunlingbao is not much weaker than Lingbao. Chen Fan's Mercury armor and God killing spear are regarded as zhunlingbao.

"Whether we win or not, we'll talk about it after the war!"

Thunder punishes the immortals and is furious.

He has black hair, like a black snake dancing in the air. The black knife in his hand turned directly into a purple Thunder Dragon tens of feet long. In the void, it burst out a crackling sound, a violent evil spirit, instantly swept the whole sky.This purple thunder crazy knife is worthy of being refined by an alien spirit. It's extremely manic. It seems that it wants to fly out of the hands of thunder punishing immortals and drink Chen Fan's blood.


And at this time, a clear shadow also flies in the air, it is Changhe Sword Fairy.

On his head, a talisman with a long sword was burning violently. A huge force fell from the talisman and fell on Changhe Sword Fairy. His breath changed, as if he were a peerless swordsman.

"It's the incarnation of Taoist master Qingxuan. It's a sword talisman and a sword immortal of Changhe. At this time, you can borrow Taoist master Qingxuan's power for a quarter of an hour."

A thousand nights of snow.

A quasi Lingbao, an avatar.

These two top strong, facing chen fan this peerless enemy, immediately open the cards.

This is not only, in the void, two streamers burst out. In the streamer, there is an ancient corpse, which looks like a unicorn.

"The real king of the celestial corpse buried in the immortal land, and the Mo Qilin of Heiyan valley."

Thunder leopard roars.

These two visitors are the most powerful people in the valley of burying immortals. Their strength is far superior to thunder leopard and fire ape.

"It's said that the true king of the celestial corpse was a celestial corpse that fell in the valley of buried immortals thousands of years ago. He was awakened and turned into an immortal. His whole body was covered with iron and bronze walls, and his fighting power was boundless. Mo Qilin even more legend has Kirin blood, even if only a trace, but also fierce. Both of them are the real supremacy of our burial valley. "

Cried the red tiger.

At this time, the Cold Moon Fairy's eyes lit up and yelled:

"you are the beast lords of the burial immortal valley. Lei muguo is now in the world, but now the most important goal is to kill Chen beixuan. Otherwise, with him, none of us will get the result of thunder, and even our lives may be in danger! "

Hearing what the Cold Moon Fairy said, many spirit beasts suddenly had a commotion, and their eyes were eager to try.

They all witness the power of Chen fan, which is unmatched. If it's one-on-one, I'm afraid no one is his opponent.

Mo Qilin, who received the spirit transmission from some spirit beasts, roared and spewed out a black flame to burn Chen Fan: "those who dare to move thunder to rob fruit trees are dead!"


Heaven corpse really king, directly step out, take up the monstrous corpse gas, grasp to Chen fan.

The gray and white corpse Qi swept through the void. When the plants, trees and life around them came into contact with the corpse Qi, they all withered and rotted, and everything was destroyed. It accumulated thousands of years of corpse gas, how terrible! Enough to corrode the immortals.

They are extremely clever. I know that Chen fan is the strongest man at present. Only by killing him can I come back to quarrel with the people in kunxu.


There are two supreme beast king, Lei Bao, red tiger, etc., immediately followed up.

Suddenly, the whole buried immortal valley was full of fury. With Chen Fan as the center, within one kilometer, they are filled with these powerful forces. Each blow is not inferior to Lin Shuming's Dixian sword, and with all kinds of supernatural powers, the Taoist master Qingxuan has to fall here.

"Chen beixuan, after all, you are too arrogant. If you can listen to Lei Xingshang, why is that?"

Thousands of night snow retreated to thousands of feet away, looking at Chen Fan submerged by countless forces, I can't help sighing.

Four congenitally medium-term giants, and they are all the top ones in congenitally medium-term, plus two old Dixian and six spirit beasts. Even if the first person in kunxu came here, there was no place to fight back.

"Master Chen!"

Ye Qingcang wants to crack.

He rushed forward desperately, but was stopped directly by the Archean fire ape.

"Although he has talent, he doesn't know what's good and what's bad. He will die eventually."

Changhe Sword Fairy sighed slightly, and the compassion in his eyes became more and more strong, but in his hands there was three feet of green light. The green light flew out of the sky and turned into a green rainbow rolling towards chen fan.

This green rainbow is peerless. It seems to split the heaven and the earth, just like the flying sword in the hand of the immortal sword.

But the thunder punishes the immortal, is speechless, directly steps out, in the hand purple thunder crazy knife, cuts down in the air.


It's like heaven's punishment, like the ancient Thor throwing a spear in his hand. The whole void is just the fierce Thunder Dragon with endless punishment. The Thunder Dragon is tens of feet long. It crosses the void and cuts off chen fan.

In a flash, chen fan fell into an unprecedented desperate situation. And he was still standing there, as if he was scared.

Such a terrible force, almost despair!

Ye Qingcang couldn't help closing his eyes.

"Boom boom!"

Countless attacks fall directly on Chen fan. In an instant, the world was filled with terrible energy. An aircraft carrier will be easily torn to pieces.

Surging power, even through and down, hit the earth.

The ground was directly cracked, and there was a huge hole with a radius of 100 meters. It was not deep enough to see the bottom, and even the power of the Dharma array could be seen shining in the depth.


Someone called with joy.

With the help of so many powerful people, the true God will come and fall, not to mention chen fan? Everyone looked up and saw an incredible scene."Hoo

The dust dispersed, and a group of cyan golden cocoons suspended above the pit.

In the cocoon of God, a strange animal like fish but not fish, like bird but not bird looms. The strange beast was ten feet long, and opened his eyes fiercely, with the terrible breath of ancient times.

The Kunpeng Dharma phase of the twelve day chart.

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