Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 628

From the beginning to the end, chen fan didn't use all his strength. He only used seven parts.

Chen Fan's cultivation is the top five elements immortal sect's divine method. He builds the foundation, connects the metaphysics and the sea of gods. Every realm has become the supreme foundation. Step by step, he is more powerful than the earth?

In the middle of Shenhai, chen fan was able to crush the black Duke. Now he has stepped into the peak of Shenhai, only half a step away from his birth. His true yuan is as strong as the Yangtze River, endless and just as fierce. Now, it's incredible how powerful it is.


It seems that the heaven and the earth are all collapsed by Chen Fan's fist. Under this fist, the vitality of the heaven and the earth with a radius of several hundred meters turns into boiling sea water and shakes uneasily. Before the strength of the fist arrived, the breath of terror had fallen from the sky. All the people watching the battle in the distance were suffocated.

"Chen beixuan didn't use all his strength before?"

Oleg and others were appalled.

If ye Qingcang is promoted to Dixian, they can't believe it. And Chen Fan's full power makes them even more astonished. Chen fan is not an immortal. How can he have such powerful power?

"Well, the power of gods and demons is beyond our imagination. No matter how strong Chen beixuan is, he is only a mortal, not an opponent of gods and demons. " Guru guru combined ten ways.

The gold priest and others all nodded in agreement.

All the girls of beiqiong sect were looking at the battle nervously.


Ye Qingcang waved his sleeve robe.

The vitality within a few miles gathered in his palm, turned into a huge white cloud, and entrusted to Chen fan. In this understatement, the power of manipulating heaven and earth is much lighter than that of human immortals.

"Chen beixuan, if you don't care, I will let you know the power of the earth immortal."

As ye Qingcang opened his mouth, two surging forces collided with each other.


There is no way to describe the blow in words!

The two forces, which are comparable to the earth immortals, collide together, and suddenly on the Yanshan mountain, it's like the earth immortals of level 12. The bright green awn and vigor shot away in all directions. Centered on the handover of Ye Qingcang and Chen Fan's fists, a terrible shockwave instantly extends down.

The main peak of Yanshan Mountain has been flattened once again, and all the vegetation on the mountain has been broken. The aftereffect of power is not exhausted, and it continues to scrape to other peaks. Some of the nearest dark strongmen were blown directly to the sky, half dead. The Wangs, Xiaos and others, even if they were far away, were blown to the east by the strong wind. It feels like the ground is shaking.

"It's beyond the power of conventional weapons."

Someone hit the tongue.

With one blow, the two men swept over a thousand square meters.

Even the father of the cloud bomb and the bomb did not have the ability to be so terrifying. He only had nuclear weapons of more than 1000 tons. That's the power.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Chen fan made three punches in a row and was blocked three times by Ye Qingcang.

Three huge waves came down from the sky and rocked the Yanshan mountain for ten miles. The dark strongmen standing on the surrounding mountains, crying for their parents, fled to the distance. It is just like a boat in the sea. Even the main peak of Yanshan Mountain has been cut off tens of meters.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. Is this the power of the earth immortal

Oleg, the gold priest and others, while flying back, out of the range of the two men's fight, while looking at each other in horror.

Before chen fan and ye Qingcang's fight, not beyond the understanding of outstanding people. Now, every collision is shaking, which has gone beyond the boundary of mortals and reached the level of an immortal.

"The ancient legend of the gods a anger, often destroy the city, destroy the land, moving mountains and seas, but also so it."

Guru guru trembled.

As for many aristocratic families in Yanjing, they can't say anything. In this kind of battle, they don't want to be involved. I'm not even qualified to watch. Many aristocratic families have begun to retreat from the Yanshan area. Otherwise, they will be crushed into powder by the aftershocks of the two.

"Go to heaven, you can't do it here!"

Ye Qingcang's heart has scruples. He turns into a blood rainbow and flies to the sky.


Chen fan also turned into a green awn, followed closely, the two flew thousands of meters, until between the clouds, and then began to fight again. This time, regardless of Chen fan, or Ye Qingcang, in no scruple, finally full hand.


Ye Qingcang hits it with one claw.

All over the sky, the clouds turned into a huge palm with the size of more than 100 meters, like a cloud dragon claw, grabbing at chen fan. Although human immortals can do it, they have to be ready for a long time, such as ye Qingcang. And this cloud claw, with the blood red gas, obviously has Ye Qingcang's own strength in it.

"A small skill in carving insects."

Chen Fan gave a cold hum and split it with one hand.

Ten feet long green palm awn, like a giant sword. The surging true yuan, rolling through the void, crushing everything in front of him."Bang."

Chen Fan smashes the cloud claw, but ye Qingcang doesn't care. With his hands waving, he drove the vitality of heaven and earth for several miles, and the whole sky was churned with clouds and smoke. He is like the will of heaven, suppressing the world.

Chen Fan did not borrow the slightest strength, relying solely on his own strong true yuan and flesh.

One punch, one foot, one shoulder, one bump, one wipe...

Chen fan is like a brave man fighting with the sky, fearless and bloodless.

"Ye Qingcang, you have to know that obedience is everything, and adversity is immortality. Silence in the power of manipulating heaven and earth, sooner or later, you will be assimilated by the will of heaven and earth. Our generation of friars, when fighting heaven and earth, never stop. What's the power of a planet's surface? If you can control the power of the earth's core, the stars and the sun, it's unparalleled

Chen fan while fighting wildly, while shouting.

"Don't be ashamed."

Ye Qingcang's eyes are ancient and his mind is immersed in the boundless world. I just feel that the sky is so vast that I can't see the end, and the power is so vast that I can move mountains and fill the sea, and cross rivers and mountains. I don't know how many times better than before.

"Chen beixuan, you have no awe of the world, so you can't set foot in the immortals all the time."

Ye Qingcang grabs it, clouds and rain all over the sky, condenses into a huge ice sword more than 100 meters long, and cuts it at Chen Fan in the air. The ice sword roared as if it could cut off the aircraft carrier.

"If you don't believe it, I'll call you."

Chen Fan gave a cold Snort and a fist of ice breaking sword. Then he broke the sound barrier in an instant and hit Ye Qingcang at three times the speed of sound. In the middle of the air, he hit him with a white mark, as if a fighter plane was flying over the sky.

"Ha ha."

Ye Qingcang's face was calm and fearless.

His hands together, the vast vitality between heaven and earth, in front of Ye Qingcang, laid a thick barrier.

These vitality, usually invisible and immaterial, suddenly turned into a wall of iron and steel. In front of Ye Qingcang, it was like a few meters thick steel wall. Unless it's nuclear, there's no power on earth to blow through this kind of protection. As soon as Chen Fan entered the range of vitality, he seemed to rush into the glue and his speed dropped sharply.


Chen Fan's black hair is scattered and his Qi and blood are surging.

The bright green light was surging all over him. In that moment, chen fan continued to use the hammer from the first type to the 15th type.

The thirty-six movements of Zhenwu are incomparable in power, not to mention the fifteen movements?

Suddenly between heaven and earth, only a red and white pillar of light remained. It is the power of the sun and the silver moon entangled, turned into a bright fist seal. Chen fanren walked with his fist. He was enveloped in the pillar of light. With the power of destroying the withered and decadent, he broke through countless barriers of vitality and rushed to Ye Qingcang.

"It's useless, I said. The power of the earth immortal is something you can never imagine."

Ye Qingcang shook his head slightly.

He raised his hand, and the crystal clear blood came out between his fingers. The blood awn breathes and breathes indefinitely, just like the essence, condenses Ye Qingcang's whole body strength. Moreover, in terms of quality, it is no worse than Chen Fan's true yuan.


Ye Qingcang claps it out, and Sheng Sheng stands in front of the sun moon wheel.

The bright fist seal, ye Qingcang's one palm intercepts, unexpectedly can't inch into. For the first time, chen fan's thirty-six movements of Zhenwu were in vain.

"Chen beixuan, your martial art is really immortal's skill, even me. But the gap between the realms is beyond the reach of ordinary people. "

Ye Qingcang said, another palm whisked out, blood awn soared, hit Chen Fan retreat.

When Chen Fan blocked the blow, he felt that all the energy around him turned into concrete and wanted to freeze him in it. No matter how it is used, it is out of place with the world. Ye Qingcang is the master of heaven and earth. He is the enemy of heaven and earth.

Heaven and man in one, is for the immortals!

Ye Qingcang's hand just now has the shadow of "sealing the town". Let him study it for decades and master it. I'm afraid chen fan will lose without fighting. How can the power of man be the enemy of heaven and earth?


Ye Qingcang showed no mercy and made several punches one after another.

Every fist and every palm of his hand came from the core of his family.

Chen fan even saw Hongmen's unique "magic Moyun". It is said that Hongmen's ancestors can perform 13 kinds of martial arts at one time. Ye Qingcang, on the other hand, combined 19 kinds of martial arts and Taoism. His power was so strong that he could not stop Chen Fan's "thousand lotus blossoms" and shot back hundreds of meters in the air, even bleeding.

"Admit defeat. It's not humiliating to lose to the immortals!"

Ye Qingcang controls the sky like a God.

His eyes, like the vast sky, look down on all living beings. In his eyes, chen fan is just an ant.

"Ha ha, it's up to you?"

Chen fan stopped, a trace of regret appeared on his face: "Ye Qingcang, you may be the first person on the earth to really see the unique knowledge of Zhenwu immortal sect. You should be honored!"With that, chen fan slowly pulled out a simple fist.

The universe, the sun, the moon and the stars emerge behind him. A bright golden halo envelops chen fan, making him like an invincible God of war.

On the thirty-six moves of Zhenwu!

Zhenwu Shenquan!

PS: the third shift is here. The author will continue to write the fourth shift. It will be finished today. O(∩_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!