Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 627

It's ninety thousand li a day. It's a journey to the North Sea. It's dark at dusk. It's five hundred years old. It's not old. It's beautiful forever. It's a flying sword. It's immortal. It's for heaven and man!

In the East, they are called immortals; in the west, they are saints; in paganism, they are called demons.

The earth has not been out of heaven and man for thousands of years! No matter Zhang Sanfeng five hundred years ago, or the old sorcerer three hundred years ago, or Antonio, the Archbishop of the reincarnation of saints, or the five chief arbitrators of the dark arbitration department, they are only half a step away from heaven and man.

But this half step is a natural moat!

Since the millennium, no one has been able to break through.

The world thought that there would be no earthly immortals on the earth, but everyone did not expect that today, they actually witnessed the birth of a heaven and man!

There was no one to speak.

No matter many gods, or martial masters, all the people of Yanjing clan stare at the young man standing in the center of the storm with black clothes and black hair. Standing there, he is just like the center of the whole world.

On January 23, 2012, ye Qingcang was promoted to the top of Yanshan mountain!


"no, the teacher is in danger."

Beiqiong sent people, their faces changed greatly.

Ah Xiu, Xue Dai Sha and Yu Wen Jing are all disgraced, and many real masters are falling to the bottom of their hearts. They are the immortals who have not been born for thousands of years! It has always belonged to the myth and legend, and has the power of moving mountains and rivers.

This is no longer a man, but a fairy! It's God! It's saint!

Can Chen Fan fight such an existence?

Including Fang Qiong, Anya and others, all have a deep heart.


no matter how powerful Chen Fan was before, he was only faced with a master of the divine realm, or a half step earth immortal like the dark master, but now he is a real earth immortal. Since ancient times, even among the oldest historical records, we have never heard of any mortal who can defeat the earth immortal.

Man and nature are invincible!

Only Hua Yunfeng still keeps the color.

"Master mother, please rest assured that the teacher has studied the way of heaven, has a mind of nature, and has unpredictable ability. It's just heaven and man. It's already in the teacher's calculation."

Hua Yunfeng comforted.

He once saw some fragments of Chen Fan '. In front of those Jindan, Yuanying and even more powerful people, they are just like mole ants.

In contrast, the Ye family, the Kunlun family, the Xiao family, and even many of Chen Fan's enemies were overjoyed.

"My grandfather was promoted to earth immortal?"

Yee people can't believe it.

"My father worked hard for a hundred years, and finally took this step. From then on, no one can be his enemy. My Ye family should stand up and inherit for thousands of years."

Ye Beichen caresses his hands and laughs, his eyes shining.

"Chen beixuan is really powerful, worthy of being a banished immortal. But as his father said, the road of cultivation is more than the chance of heart and nature. Chen beixuan is half inferior to his father in the end."

Ye Nantian nodded.

But old Qinglong, Minister Xiao, Bai Hu and others in Kunlun burst out laughing:

"general Ye has been promoted to heaven and man. Since then, we have earthly immortals in China, and even the United States dare not easily violate them. This is God's blessing for China, and God's blessing for Kunlun!"

Many extraordinary people in Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and the West hate chen fan even more though they don't like to see China:

"kill him, kill Chen beixuan, let him know that he is not the boss in this world!"

Countless people curse.

In the past few years, chen fan has killed a lot, and his hands are stained with the blood of the dark forces. More than half of the people in the whole dark world may have a grudge against him. On the way to Europe, chen fan killed the blood of the Caspian Sea. It can be said that his enemies are all over the earth.

Before, everyone was afraid of his invincible power and dared not speak. They could only bear it in their hearts. But at this time, ye Qingcang was promoted to the immortal saint. In everyone's eyes, chen fan was already a mortal.

No matter how strong mortals are, how can they resist immortals?

Among them, Zhang Yu was the most fierce. He was shivering just now, but now he was very angry again.

In contrast, the Wangs and qins are in low spirits.

All the people of the Qin family originally put their treasure on Chen Fan and hoped to rely on him to fight against the Xiao family, who had the support of the Ye family. Unexpectedly, ye Qingcang ascended to the sky and became a myth. It seems that the Qin family's plan to marry a daughter is likely to fail, and may even offend the Ye family.

"This Chen beixuan is so stupid! How to let him break through? How nice it is to kill them directly

The senior members of the Qin family were dejected.

More people look to the side, and the gorgeous Qin Yan'er says:

"patriarch, I heard that ye Qingcang has a grandson. Although he is not as good as ye Yi, he is also very talented. Let's regret our engagement with Chen beixuan and marry Yan'er to him. With Yan'er's beauty, he shouldn't refuse, so ye won't trouble us after family affairs. "When Qin Yan'er heard this, her pretty face was pale and her body was about to fall.

When she married chen fan as a junior, she has been under great pressure. In the face of innumerable criticisms from her former friends, friends and classmates, now the family has to break the contract and marry her to the Ye family?

"What's the difference between this and three surnamed slaves? I, Qin Yan'er, will never accept such humiliation and be ridiculed by the world. "

Qin Yan'er nibbles her lips, with a firm look in her beautiful eyes.

As for the Wang family, Wang's eyes are low, while Wang Cheng and others are happy.

"Grandfather, ye Qingcang killed Chen beixuan, which was beyond our expectation, but it didn't break away from our family's strategy. After today's war, our Wang family is still one of the five families in Yanjing."

Wang Cheng comforted him.

Next to the old lady is repeatedly nodded: "good good, that little bastard, already damn, he died, my old lady can live another 20 years old!"

Wang Keqin, Wang Kefeng and others, although their faces are still, smile is in their eyes.

Only Wang Zhongguo sighed:

"well, originally our Wang family could have more than one giant pillars to really ascend the top of the first family of China, but who told him that his heart was not here, and his fortune was better."

With that, Wang Zhongguo was firm in his eyes and had no regrets.


no matter how many people on the ground comment.

Standing on the sky, where are these ants in their eyes?

"Thank you, Daoyou, for helping me into heaven and man!" Ye Qingcang bowed to Chen Fanyi solemnly:

"I have been practicing for a total of 103 years. I have been trembling every day, and I dare not slack off at all. I have fought more than 300 battles. I have tried my best, and I have stepped into the realm of Immortals before Lin Shuming. If you didn't get the relics and spiritual land of the old earth immortals in Kunlun Valley, you might be half a step away from the earth immortals. "

"This half step is a natural moat. I'm afraid I can't have taken this step in my whole life without the help of Taoist friends just now."

Ye Qingcang finished and bowed solemnly again.

What he said is true.

The resources on earth are not enough to push Ye Qingcang into the earth immortal. Although Ye Qingcang was extremely gifted and had a great chance to build a treasure body, his last step was to condense all his energy into one point, break through the gate of heaven, and transform himself into a new man.

If it wasn't for Chen Fan's recruitment of the five elements God thunder and his use of the sky thunder as ye Qingcang's body, ye Qingcang would not have been promoted.

"The way of destruction is the way of creation. Death is the gate of life! Daoyou's thunder method is out of the ordinary. I feel that it's out of reach when I enter the earth immortal. I'm afraid only the earth immortal can control it. "

Ye Qingcang flicks the sleeves of cloud and looks like a childe of an ancient family.

"It's not only your chance, but also your talent that you can take advantage of this transformation. Ninety nine percent of other friars will die under my Lei FA, so don't thank me."

Chen fan palm thunder print, eyes green light shining, calm said.

"Having said that, Daoyou and I have kindness, which I will always remember. But Daoyou, do you want to fight again?"

Ye Qingcang looked at chen fan, shook his head slightly and said:

"I didn't know before, but after entering the earth immortal, I had a clear view of the ability of Taoist friends."

"You're a real Qi, and you've never had the same kind of magic power in history. The spiritual power is even more magnificent, which can cover hundreds of miles. It's a treasure body. Don't go out of the way. It's like the spirit of the wood system. It's connected with the wood system of tens of miles around. If you can't destroy the trees around, you won't be killed. It may be difficult for ordinary people, but it's as easy as a palm in front of the immortals. "

Ye Qingcang's eyes are like a wise man who knows the sun and the moon.

"The body of the earth immortal, the God of the earth immortal, and the power of the earth immortal... The Taoist friends only need the last land of the earth immortal, and they can enter the earth immortal at any time. Why don't they wait a few years to fight again?"

Ye Qingcang sighed.

After entering the earth immortal, although Chen Fan was strong, he was no longer in Ye Qingcang's eyes.

Ye Qingcang's breath is growing all the time. His body is more like a bottomless cave. His true Qi, mana, spirit, body and perception of heaven and earth are all improving.

Just in the moment of speaking, ye Qingcang's strength at least doubled. When he consolidated, it was a real heaven and man. In this world, in addition to nuclear weapons and blood ancestors, I'm afraid he can no longer be threatened.

"You don't understand my ability and ambition. Don't say it's just inborn. If I want to, a snap of a finger can lead to a golden elixir, but it doesn't make sense. The more I go to the end, the more I know the importance of foundation, and the more I can build a solid foundation! "

Chen Fan said lightly.

There was no sadness or joy in his eyes, just like the eternal blue sky. The thunder seal in his hand turned into a group of five color light wheel, which surrounded him.

"Ye Qingcang, don't think you can be proud if you become a Dixian. Today I'll show you what is real power."Chen Fan roared, and the surging Zhenyuan soared like the Yangtze River. His momentum went straight to Xiaohan, and even did not match Ye Qingcang. The fierce body is running to the extreme, a punch, like heaven and earth.

Even if ye Qingcang, also not from light Yi a, tiny exclamation.

Chen fan is the first one to fight against the immortals in a thousand years!

Xianzhan open!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!