Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 552

On the top of the cloud and fog mountain, the vitality is surging, and the vigorous wind is howling.

At this time, the clouds and fog were blown away by the eight men's fighting power, showing the figures of Chen Fan and Li Changsheng. A person shrouded in the blue light, black hair black pupil, as if the blue God King. A white beard Taoist robe, purple, just like a real fairy.

But at this time, Li Changsheng's face was black.

"You together with the six top spirits to besiege me, now five dead and one escaped. With your Shouyuan, you can activate the power of immortals for three or five hours at most. After a few hours, you will explode and die without me. Li Changsheng, what's your card now? "

Chen Fan turned his back and said calmly.

Every time he said a word, Li Changsheng's pupil shrank by one point. At the end, it was almost like the tip of a needle.

"Lao Dao has overestimated Chen Xianshi. Unexpectedly, you are still stronger than I thought. The master of Tibetan sword thousands of years ago is just like this. "

Li Changsheng is surrounded by nine flying swords. From time to time, he pulls out the sword and wants to break in.

Li Changsheng said as he stroked his sleeves. The grand vitality gushed out and flew out the flying sword.

"I once told you that I'm not from the immortals. I thought you would restrain your greed, but I didn't expect you to die. "

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

"Immortal fate, who can resist?" Li Changsheng laughed and his smile became weaker and weaker. At last, it turned into bitterness: "my teacher named me 'Changsheng', hoping that I would see Wudang for a long time. I didn't expect that in the end, I would not die."

"If you don't survive, if you don't transcend the universe, you can't live a long life. It's just a little longer."

Chen Fan said, his pupils turned into indifference.

His face was ancient and clumsy. Playing the sword, he roared: "today, Chen beixuan has killed Li Changsheng of Wudang and is on the top of Yunwu Mountain!"

The howling sound, like thunder, rolled to all directions and spread for tens of miles, shaking the clouds and fog for a long time. It is the citizens who are far away in the city of Chuzhou who can vaguely hear it. Countless people at the foot of the mountain look up in horror.


The light of the sword is roaring and the purple air is swirling.

The battle between man and immortal broke out in an instant.


at this time, Yangui is in the club by the lake. A crowd is pouring out.

Yunwu Mountain is next to Yangui lake. There is so much noise on the top of the mountain. How can these people not know. Many diners, employees and passers-by flocked to the lake to look at Yunwu Mountain. Li Yichen and others are also included.

"Strange, what happened at the top of Yunwu Mountain? It's thundering. "

Yang Chao is full of doubts.

"Yang Chao, do you remember who lived in the villa on the top of Yunwu Mountain?"

Li Yichen said coldly.

"You mean... Chen fan?"

Yang Chao and others took a cool breath. Is the division to welcome the summer, look a Su, dignified look to the top of the mountain. Zhang Yumeng was even more scared and shrunk his head: "no, it's him again."

"Who are you talking about Chen fan? How do you feel about him? "

Han Ming was beside him, puzzled.

Li Yichen, Yang Chao, Si Yingxia and others all have a distinguished family background. In the younger generation of Chuzhou, they are basically the top figures. Even they have to be afraid. What's the origin of Chen Fande? The provincial boy?

Lin Lulu was also nearby, blinking her big eyes, and her little face was full of doubts.

"He has another name, master Chen."

Division welcome summer cold way.

"Is that master Chen of Jiangbei?"

Han Ming covers her mouth fiercely. Master Chen's name is a taboo and a myth in Chuzhou. Although Chen fan has not returned to Jiangbei for several years, Jiangbei still has his legend.

"Is Mr. Chen Xuechang the master Chen who kills people like blood and is known as the bloody butcher?"

Lin Lulu's eyes stare like a cartoon girl.

Neither Han Ming nor Lin Lulu can believe it. That pretty, polite young man. It's master Chen, a notorious murderer and moody in Jiangbei.

"It's just his most common identity. He has more."

Li Yi Chen is beside, complexion is gloomy way.

All of a sudden, Zhang Yumeng cried, "look, there seems to be a drowning man there. How does it look like Jiang churan?"

They all fixed their eyes and saw a girl fluttering in the lake, not Jiang churan.



All the actions of human beings and immortals bring about the great power of heaven and earth.

Although there were only a few hours, Li Changsheng's strength even overwhelmed chen fan. With a wave of his sleeve robe, his strength was more than 100 Zhang, and nine flying swords couldn't get close to him for a moment.

"Li Changsheng, how long can you last?"

Chen Fan's face was flat, and his fist burst the purple air."How long can Lao Dao live? Chen Xianshi is worried. But before I die, I have to watch Chen Xianshi go first. " Li Changsheng stretched out his white tender hand like a young man's and grabbed it on the ground.

A villa on the hillside was grabbed by him, turned into a dark shadow and threw at chen fan.

"This... This is a monster."

A rich man from Chuzhou who escaped from the hillside villa was stunned to see this scene. Run to the bottom of the mountain.

"Lin Shuming can't do it, can you?"

Chen Fan chuckled and pointed to Cheng Dao, a bright Dao Mang, which split the dozens of tons of villa into two. Countless pieces of gravel, furniture, steel and cement fell on the ground.

"Although the body of the earth immortal is strong, it is not immortal. When the old Taoist catches Chen Xianshi and suppresses him with ten thousand jin mountain, if you can't, you can split him with thunder and fire or throw him into the magma. There's always a way to kill you. "

Li Changsheng's face is calm, his sleeves and robes are flying, and he has the air of heaven and man.

The clouds in the middle of the sky seemed to be stirred by him, making the top of his head roar, and even the dark clouds began to rain.

Earthly immortals are also known as heaven and man, and can interact with heaven and earth. Dixian battle, dragon and tiger together, storm surging, has been beyond the ordinary imagination.


Chen Fan snorted coldly.

Although the emperor's body is small, there are still many weapons on earth that can hurt chen fan. Laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, special armour piercing projectiles and finally nuclear weapons. Not to mention many dangers.

"Li Changsheng, you talk too much. Now go to die."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed and his figure turned into a streamer. Around Li Changsheng, the boxing power is like a raging wave. The nine flying swords turned into sword rings. The sword's Qi shot tens of feet, and the crushed stones on the top of the mountain were scattered.

"Boom boom."

The fight between them is like two monsters.

They can break rocks, make tsunamis churn, and their energy can reach hundreds of meters. Even the top of Yunwu Mountain has been cut off several meters, and all the trees around have been smashed.

Later, chen fan and Li Changsheng fought and walked together.

All the way from the top of Yunwu Mountain to the foot of the mountain. Many villas on the road, as well as the residential quarters at the foot of the mountain, seem to have been destroyed by the storm.

Fortunately, the residents escaped long ago, and there were no casualties. But everyone was stunned at the scene. In the storm, I can see two people fighting. But how can people have such power?

"Isn't it possible that there are gods fighting?"

A person gapes.

All the people around them turned into statues. I can't believe it.


In the end, chen fan and Li Changsheng entered the Yangui lake. The vast Yangui lake, which is tens of miles away, can't bear the battle between the two immortals. Countless lakes churn, raging waves, water columns, like long dragons, are involved in the sky.

Li Changsheng set off a huge wave more than ten meters high. The waves are filled with real strength, like an iron plate, pressing chen fan.


With a wave of his hand, chen fan turned his nine flying swords into a sword 17-8 Zhang long, splitting the huge waves fiercely. Then, the sword ran across the sky, and the rest of the force was not exhausted. He split to Li Changsheng.


Li Changsheng's fist was clumsy. His strength was as deep as the sea. He directly hit the sword, and the sword fell apart.

The power of immortals is almost equal to that of Chen fan.

Although Li Changsheng's way of killing and cutting is half as good as Lin Shuming's. But his breath is like a vast ocean, and his real Qi is very strong, which is far longer than Lin Shuming's support.

"Don't delay, or Damon will run away."

A trace of anxiety flashed in Chen Fan's heart, and the coldness in his eyes was even better.

The escaped blood devil Damon is always Chen Fan's biggest worry. It's too much of a threat that a hostile apotheosis can pose.

"Li Changsheng, you are lucky to see this knife. When you die, you will have no regrets."

Chen Fan stands in the void, his eyes shining with gold.

"What's this?"

Li Changsheng's eyes narrowed, and a great crisis came to his mind.

Chen Fan's eyebrow seems to have a golden thread. This gold thread unexpectedly strange crack, shoots out the bright golden light column. In mid air, the light column condenses into a golden knife.

This knife is only about inch long. It's full of divine lines. As soon as it appeared, even hundreds of kilometers apart, the onlookers around felt their souls split.

"This Dao was made by my mind, true yuan and spirit when I entered the sea of gods. It was named" Shenyuan Dao "and was used to kill spirits. I usually hide in the sea of knowledge, but I have never opened a front. Today, I will be beheading immortals to celebrate. "

Chen Fan calmly said, gently waved his sleeve.


With a whoosh, Shenyuan knife cuts through the sky, bringing up a golden awn that runs through the heaven and earth. This golden awn, as if the whole world, are divided into two parts, and formless, as if detached from the world.Let Li Changsheng set off a huge wave, infinite vitality, even strong body protection Qi, even refined body, in front of this knife, it seems that there is no such thing as a pass.


"Jiang churan, it's really you."

When Yang Chao and others rescue Jiang churan in a panic.

Jiang churan cried: "Chen fan is still at the top of the mountain. He is besieged by several people. Is he in danger?"


They were surprised and turned to look.

There are two long windstorms, from the top of the cloud and fog mountain, all the way to the Yangui lake. Finally, a bright and unimaginable golden awn shines in the sky.

As soon as the golden awn came out, it seemed that even the immortal could be killed!

"What's this?"

The crowd was stunned. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!