Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 536

Although Chen Fan didn't look up to this opportunistic human immortal realm, his face was dignified after all.

Only he, the great monk who once went straight into the congenital world and cultivated himself to survive, knew the horror of the congenital world. Lin Shuming only has three hours of life, but within these three hours, he can play the destructive power of the fairyland without fear.

Although this earth fairy.

There is no magic weapon of the earth immortal, no immortal's good body, no immortal's mighty Qi, no earth immortal...

but he is the earth immortal after all, occupying a word of "immortal".

Refining Qi and innate state are the differences between mortals and immortals. Before birth, he was not an immortal. Only when we step into the congenital realm can we really enter the gate of cultivating immortals, begin to refine the golden elixir and Yuanying, travel in the universe, and seek the chance to transcend the universe.

It can be said that there is no magic power, magic power or magic weapon. One hundred practitioners at the peak of Qi refining are not necessarily the opponents of a congenital monk. Above many stars, a congenital monk is the difference between gods and immortals.


Chen Fan stretches out.

The roar of the Yangtze River came from his body, and his viscera began to emit cyan light. His skin was crystal clear, like sapphire, and his whole body was like the sound of moonlight and glass.

And the surging true yuan, even more out of the body, put all the rain curtain within the radius of ten Zhang, all out. The vast mind, through the body, began to compete with Lin Shuming for the control of the vitality of heaven and earth.


Lin Shuming was standing in the air by virtue of emptiness. There was no hurricane sword to hold him up, so he could resist the wind. He put his hands around him like an old man. The vitality of heaven and earth around him was gradually aroused and began to take him as the center, like a storm.


The thunder and lightning, the surge through the air.

How vast is the power of heaven and earth. Far from being controlled by ordinary people, Lin Shuming's temples began to condense a little sweat, but as if he didn't realize it, his heart and mind were all invested in controlling heaven and earth.


Lin Shuming controls the heaven and the earth with one sleeve.


As if he had found an outlet, he suddenly burst into a flood and rushed to Chen fan. The vastness of this vitality is far beyond everyone's imagination.

The void trembles, the rainstorm is stirred into countless storms, and the sea is abruptly split. There is a crack hundreds of meters long. The two water walls are separated from each other, and they are more than ten feet high. They are magnificent, just like miracles.

One sleeve divides the sea!

Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath and watched in a daze.

This battle has exceeded all people's imagination. The terror of the power of the earth immortal is just astonishing. It was the Chinese soldiers standing on the warships in the distance, all staring at each other. Thousands of tons of ships swayed back and forth, as if they had met a typhoon of force 12.


Chen Fan punches.

In a flash, the boundless and grand Zhenyuan gushed out of his body, and the endless green light shone through the sky, reaching the peak of Shenhai's cultivation in the middle period. At this moment, he reached the peak. Even the power of the green emperor's immortal body is used, and the whole person turns into a blue meteor, bumping into the vast tide of heaven and earth.


Chen Fan hit the tide of vitality with one punch. Although a punch split the front of the waves, but then was pushed by other forces, all the way back. Even in the sea back tens of meters, just barely stop body shape.

At this time, the sea has pulled out a 300 meter long crack.

Three hundred meters to the sea!

Even Takeo Watanabe and others could not help clenching their fists.

"Dixian, this is the real power of Dixian. Our generation has been pursuing for thousands of years, searching up and down, in order to control such power, to be free from the world from now on? " Yao Dao's eyes show the way of Qi Guang.

"It's a pity that brother Lin's body and Shouyuan's body collapsed after they had mastered this power for a few hours at most. Ah, I didn't expect brother Lin to make such a choice. He would rather die than burn Chen beixuan. " Li Changsheng shook his head.

"Lin Langya is the future pillar of the Lin family. Chen beixuan's killing Lin Langya is the root of the Lin family. Lin Shuming is only three years old. After three years, who will protect the Lin family? It's better to fight for Lin Langya. "

Old green dragon sneers.

But the North Qiong sends the public, already the heart mentions the voice.

Lin Shuming's power at this time was no different from that of an immortal. Chen fan has fallen into the disadvantage. Does it mean that Chen fan will be defeated soon?


Chen Fan's last punch broke the storm in front of him and sneered: "it's no use, Lin Shuming. You don't know how to be born, you don't know how to be born. Rough manipulation of the vitality of the world is just a waste of your time and life. No matter how strong the power is, what's the use if it can't be united? "

Most of the congenital friars fight by body, magic, supernatural power and magic weapon.Although everyone can control the vitality of heaven and earth, the speed is too slow, and the power is too scattered to concentrate on one point. The real congenital friars fight only in a flash. You haven't gathered enough strength. I've cut off your head with one sword.

No matter how strong Lin Shuming's power is, as long as he can't break Chen Fan's immortal body, he can't help Chen fan.

Lin Shuming obviously found this point, and immediately began to be a little anxious.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Thunderbolt after thunderbolt, triggered by him from the air, thundered at chen fan.

But how strong the emperor was, chen fan was not afraid to carry the thunder with his body. Instead, he broke the sound barrier and attacked Lin Shuming from time to time. But Lin Shuming sensed in advance from the change of vitality, and laid down a series of vitality barriers to block Chen Fan's attack.


Chen Fan broke the sound barrier and rushed to Lin Shuming within 100 meters.

But the vitality here is like an iron plate. Chen Fan rushed in and suddenly began to decelerate sharply. At the end, he only had normal flight speed. When Lin Shuming takes advantage of the opportunity, chen fan can only retreat abruptly and look for opportunities again.

From the outside.

Lin Shuming is like a strong man with a huge hammer. He wields it with great destructive power, but it's a pity that he can't hit anyone.

And Chen fan is a tough little man, jumping up and down. With a dagger in his hand, he was killed.

Now it's up to you who can last longer.


Although the people around him are watching wonderfully, chen fan feels that he can't go on like this any more. He doesn't have so much time to grind with Lin Shuming.

"It's time to get rid of this guy."

Chen Fan stood up in the void, patted a small gourd on his waist and cried:

"Lin Shuming, the world says that you are a sword immortal. Do you dare to take my sword?"

Lin Shuming was stunned.

There were nine flying swords, only the size of a palm. In the air, the body of the sword was humming and shaking.

"Chen Chen, Furong, Shura, Hongxiu, Baiyu, Xuanwu, yaohuang, qingsuo, Zixiao."

As soon as the nine swords come out, it seems that there are many swords in the sea and the sky. Frost cold river, heaven and earth kill.

"A thousand years ago, the nine flying swords of the sword master in ancient China?"

When Lin Shuming's eyes narrowed, he was shocked.

And many of the warriors around, is the voice of the road exclamation.

Master cangjian is the last earthly immortal in China, and there are many legends about him in the world. Many people even know the story behind each flying sword.

"With these nine swords, how about your Lin family's swordsmanship?"

Chen Fan touched his sleeve.

The nine little swords are arranged in a row in the void, with the sword pointed at Lin Shuming.


Lin Shuming chuckled. As soon as his sword formula unfolded, he saw countless three foot long ice swords flying out of the sea. These ice swords are made of pure sea water, with 3000 handles. Each handle is two people long, and the blade is extremely sharp. The transparent blade shines cold, and is extremely concise. It seems that it can cut gold and iron.

Three thousand flying swords rushed into the air and laid a huge sword array.

The sword soared into the sky, and even the rain curtain in the air was split.

"This sword array is coagulated with sea water, dominating heaven and earth, and controlling sword with Qi, so it is called Daqian sword array."

Even with the power of Lin Shuming's earthly immortals, he could not help but stir up his chest. His hair was half gray, and the white hair still spread at the speed visible to the naked eye.


Three thousand ice swords shot at Chen Fan in an instant.

Millions of people turn pale at the same time.

Each of these 3000 ice swords can cut steel and split a car in two. Three thousand handles are fired at the same time, just like three thousand bed crossbows are fired together.

"Bang bang."

Nine small swords turn into a circle in an instant, encircling Chen Fan in the middle. Countless ice swords hit on the small swords and were cut off by the small swords.

Although the quality of these nine flying swords is not as good as Guiyuan swords, they also have the level of quasi spirit weapons. These ordinary ice swords can't be shaken.

"Get up."

Chen Fan rose up against the sword and was enveloped in the blade storm. Like a tornado, he broke countless ice swords and rushed to Lin Shuming. For Chen fan, this big thousand sword array is as vulnerable as a local chicken and tile dog.

Everyone was shocked.

I'm afraid it's nothing more than that.

Chen fan is a great monk during the period of passing through the calamity. Can people on earth imagine the skill of the sword? His sword danced around the sky, across the sky, and with a sharp blade, he attacked Lin Shuming. It's the mighty vitality, which can't stop the power of Chen Fan's sword ring at this time.

At this time, Lin Shuming had a smile on his face.

White light came from his body. As if he could no longer restrain himself, his whole body began to swell. Even in the eyebrows and whiskers, there is sword Qi. The whole hair turned into snow.However, Lin Shuming was still laughing happily:

"after 60 years' Cultivation of the sword, I can finally get out of the scabbard today, Chen beixuan, and take my sword!"

With that, a sword rainbow, which runs through the heaven and the earth, rises up. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!