Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 530

"Hiss. All the people who saw this scene took a cool breath.

Huayun peak, located in Zhonghai, has been famous in China for decades, and now it is a spiritual realm. He has a deep foundation. Once he enters the divine realm, he is able to compete with the strong who have stepped into the divine realm for more than ten years. In particular, the "cloud burning power" handed down by the Chinese ancestors is powerful enough to burn steel. But he tried his best to stop Lin Shuming's finger?

"Come again!"

Hua Yunfeng burst out and stepped out with a fierce step. His sleeves and robes bulged, and his white hair stood upright, just like a sword. A torrential heat wave passed from all around him, forcing people around him to retreat.

"Elder martial brother is going to do his best."

Yu Wenjing's pretty face changed slightly.

Other senior officials of beiqiong school also look grim. In addition to Chen fan, Hua Yunfeng is the first master of beiqiong school.

"If you practice for another 60 years, you will be able to block my sword."

Lin Shuming's eyes drooped, like an old monk, but he pointed out in the air.


The sword in the sky is vast, and the white sword awns are as concise as the essence. They cross the sky and make half of bajingshan white. Countless guests of beiqiong group and beiqiong group all peeped out of the window and watched the scene.


Hua Yunfeng steps on the dragon and encircles his hands like tai chi.

The surging momentum of burning clouds shrouded in a circle of ten feet. From a distance, it looks like a red cloud. In the tens of meters around Huayun peak, he was almost filled with his incomparable vigorous Qi. Even if countless bullets came in, they could not be penetrated. If people go in, they will be baked into coke instantly, and then ground into powder by the vigorous gas like a grinding plate.

"Bang bang."

However, Lin Shuming's sword spirit was just like a cannon ball. Every hit on Hua Yunfeng's burning cloud energy caused Hua Yunfeng's body to tremble violently. Finally, seventeen fish like white awns are condensed into a line, like a white rainbow across the sky.

A white rainbow appears.

The cloud burning power of Huayun peak was broken in an instant, and the red cloud within ten feet was directly cut into two pieces from the middle. The sword even passed through Hua Yunfeng's shoulder.


Hua Yunfeng let out a cry of pain, and his figure retreated continuously, only to stop ten steps backward. When they looked at him, they found that there was a small hole in his left shoulder, which was about three inches thick and almost penetrated.

Second, Hua Yunfeng lost!

In front of the whole beiqiong Pavilion, one side is still.

Fang Qiong, Anya and others were all turned pale, and many of the guests were even more cool:

"who is this man! How can you beat HuaLao? "

"HuaLao is the first master of beiqiong school. He was once a great master in tianbang."

"His surname is Lin. is he the legendary Lin family?"

Some people who know the secret of martial arts can't help shouting.

"Teacher, are you ok?"

Cheng Danqing rushes up and holds Hua Yunfeng. Xuedaisha and others also look grim. I'm afraid they will meet beiqiong school. Even Hua Yunfeng defeated Lin Shuming. Compared with 60 years ago, Lin Shuming's strength was extremely terrifying.

"Lin Shuming, you are the first swordsman in China. Why don't you go to my master and come to the gate of beiqiong sect to show off your murders?"

Snow on behalf of the sand out of the sword, cold voice.

"You are xuedaisha, called beiqiong fairy, who killed my descendants and broke the army?"

Lin Shuming's eyes fell on xuedaisha, who is better than snow in white. Gujing's eyes suddenly fluctuated. Then, with a flick of his fingers, he directly attacked xuedaisha.

Although only 30% of the strength to attack Huayun peak is Lin Shuming's random attack, it comes from the Sword Fairy of the Lin family.

"Bang Dang."

Xuedaisha fiercely pulls out the green scabbard sword, and Zhenyuan tries his best to use it. The Qinghua sword formula reaches the top and cuts to the invisible force with one sword. Then, her figure trembled, and the invisible force of her finger hit the sword directly, and the ancient sword flew out, and then Yu Jin hit xuedaisha.


Xuedaisha's blood spurted out, his body retreated suddenly, and he hit the stone pillar instantly, causing cracks in the stone pillar.

"Can you stop me from dying?"

Lin Shuming was slightly surprised.

With this sword alone, xuedaisha is enough to rank in the top ten of tianbang and go straight to the dark list. But Lin Shuming was not pedantic, and he was about to do it again.

"Stop it

Zhou Jingyi, Yu Wenjing, a Xiu and others all took action together, but how could they stop Lin Shuming.

At this time, a huge shadow came down from the sky and came down in front of Lin Shuming. One volley in the air.

The shadow is three meters tall, with bronze skin, muscles like molten steel, and arms as thick as a waist. Like a giant coming into the world. The power of this blow, hit the collapse of heaven and earth, the sound of road tire explosion in the air, it is Tongshan.

"You are the mysterious strong man of beiqiong school. Yes, you can take my sword."When Lin Shuming saw this, his eyes brightened slightly. A roll of sleeves.


Xuedaisha's green scabbard sword fell into his hands. With a sword in hand, Lin Shuming's temperament changed. From a weak scholar, he instantly incarnated into a peerless Sword Fairy. The Qi of the sword rises in the night and shoots straight into the sky, just like a magic sword coming out of its sheath.


Lin Shuming made a breakthrough with one sword.

In the void, it was like a silver lightning.

Countless people were dazzled at the same time. There was nothing else in the pupil of the eye but the bright silver sword. It's like flying from the sky. A sword cuts the world in two.


Tongshan's body, which had been split, tumbled on the spot and crashed into beiqiongge all the way. It broke seven or eight rooms in a row, only to stop. On his chest, there was a sword mark several inches deep. The sword mark extends from the shoulder to the chest, which is more than two meters long.

There was a dead silence.

No one thought that Lin Shuming could hurt Tongshan with one sword. You know, Tongshan is the existence of horizontal practice into God. The physical body surpasses 90% of the divine realm, and even the snow wolf king gagerdan is inferior.

"Lin Shuming is so terrible. Two gods were defeated by him with one finger and one sword. What state of cultivation has he reached now? It's definitely not only the peak of the divine realm, but also the earth immortal? "

Countless people were frightened at the same time.

"Lin Shuming, don't deceive people too much. Don't blame my division for coming back and killing your family! "

Hua Yunfeng roared, his face was covered with red clouds, and he was obviously ready to work hard.

Many great masters of the beiqiong school also mobilized their strength. More than ten momentum straight into the sky. Tongshan also rushed out of beiqiongge, and a sword mark was obviously not enough to kill it.

In the face of two divine realms and ten real masters, Lin Shuming was not afraid. On the contrary, one person's momentum suppressed the whole beiqiong school. Let the bystanders more shocked.

"That's all for today. Three days later, I asked Chen beixuan to fight by the East China Sea. If he doesn't come for a day, I'll kill you and send one from beiqiong. "

Lin Shuming said calmly with a wave of his sleeve.


Green scabbard sword was directly thrown out by him. It was like a long rainbow. It was nailed to the three gilded characters of "beiqiongge" fiercely, dividing the whole plaque into two parts.

And others have long disappeared like a white rainbow.

All the people of beiqiong school were very pale and shocked.

On the evening of November 3, 2011.

Lin Shuming ascended bajingshan in Zhonghai with his sword. He defeated Huayun peak first, and then Henglian Shenjing. With one sword, he bowed his head and left a message. Three days later, he invited Chen beixuan to fight on the top of the East China Sea.

News spread, the world shaking!


"did Lin Shuming go through the customs?"

"One sword defeat, horizontal training spirit state. There are few people in the world. It's the most difficult existence to provoke in the divine realm. "

"How strong is Lin Shuming? Sixty years ago, he was at the peak of the divine realm. Now, has he stepped into the realm of immortals? Otherwise, Hua Yunfeng won't be able to catch a finger. "

There was a lot of discussion.

No matter in China, Japan, Europe, North America, it is very popular.

At that time, Lin Shuming was in the top five of the list of gods. Such a super strong man was born and showed incomparable strength, which naturally shocked people.

"Lin Shuming should be the most powerful one in this world. His performance is not inferior to that of Chen beixuan in wuhuigu. Can we say that the second most powerful divine realm has appeared? "

Someone said on the CIA forum.

No one answered. Everyone felt that Lin Shuming was unfathomable and could not see the bottom.

"Beiqiong school is in danger!"

I don't know how many people gloat.

In the past two years, the beiqiong school has expanded so much that it is called the largest school in China. The assets of beiqiong group are close to trillion. The whole Jiangnan area has to rely on the breath of beiqiong school.

Countless people who are dissatisfied with Chen Fan vent their anger on beiqiong school.

"If Chen beixuan doesn't come back. His little lovers are going to be killed by Lin Shuming one by one, like a vegetable melon. "

"Ha ha, Chen has been in wuhui Valley for more than a year, and he's afraid to come out. I think he's practicing" tortoise qigong "for another thousand years."

"Lin Shuming easily defeated Hua Yunfeng and Henglian Shenjing before his powerful sword came out. If Chen beixuan knows the news, he will continue to hide even if he comes out. "

Japan's martial arts circle, Hong Kong Island's martial arts circle, and Beidi's powerful families.

Many people who have been trampled on by Chen fan are ridiculing without fear.

Even among the beiqiong school, there was a gloomy mood.

Lin Shuming's strength has really shaken everyone. Hua Yunfeng and Tongshan shot one after another, but they didn't even force his sword out. You should know that Lin Shuming's cultivation all his life was on the sword behind him. Otherwise, how to call it:What about the "Lin family Sword Fairy"?

"I don't know when the teacher will come out."

Yu Wenjing bowed his head to mourn.

Ah Xiu and others also drooped their heads, accompanied by snow on behalf of sand.

Chen family members, including Chen Huai'an, Chen Ning and Wang Xueying, all came from Jiangnan to give advice. Just thinking about it, there's no other way but to ask Kunlun Ye Qingcang to do it.

But ye Qingcang is the center of the city, and hardly leaves Yanjing.

There was nothing we could do for a moment, and there was a trace of despair in our hearts.

"Is Lin Shuming the only one to destroy the Great Northern Qiong school?"

There was a trace of reluctance in Xuedai's trachoma.


late at night on November 3, 2011.

Chen beixuan went out of wuhui Valley and killed the three gods at the top of Xingzhou.

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked!

(to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!