Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 529

"The old ancestor was born?"

Countless Lin family members who saw this scene rushed to the ancestral hall behind the old house. As expected, they saw a scholar with long hair, erect crown, jade face and elegant robes. It's like a scholar coming into reality from ancient times. His breath is out of tune with the world today.

"It's really my ancestors of the Lin family!"

An elder hostess was shocked and hurriedly bowed down: "younger brother of the Lin family, Lin Xingzhi, meet uncle."

Lin Shuming was so old that he was nearly 150 years old. Now his sons and grandsons have basically passed away. Only the third and fourth generations are likely to be alive.

"Get up."

Lin Shuming spoke slowly.

This is the oldest divine realm in the world. There is no sharp breath all over. As if he were a scholar, he only had the scene of stars falling, immortals coming, sun and moon overturning in his eyes, which showed his extraordinary.

"Laozu, have you broken through the earth fairy?"

The way the Lin family is looking forward to.

Many Lin family members are also looking. Lin Shuming is their last dependence. If Lin Shuming stepped into the realm of immortals. If the Lin family can be honored for hundreds of years, it will be a great power in the world, and it will have to treat an immortal.

Lin Shuming nodded and then shook his head.

What does that mean?

They were all in a fog and didn't know why.

"Where is Chen beixuan?"

Lin Shuming spoke again. Every time he spoke, he seemed to be suppressing something. It was very difficult.

"Tell Laozu that Chen beixuan chased the Dragon Master of the Dragon hall into wuhui valley. Now it's been a year and a half and he hasn't appeared. But the beiqiong sect he left behind is still in the world. It is said that there are two people in the divine realm. Hua Yunfeng, the son of the leader of the Qing Gang, also took refuge in the beiqiong school. "

The master of the Lin family said respectfully.

"Go to beiqiongpai."

Lin Shuming's eyes flashed and finally said.


Zhonghai, on bajingshan.

Today's Huajia villa has been changed into "beiqiongge!"

Here, a pavilion is built to imitate the beiqiong Pavilion in the Qinglong formation, just like an immortal Pavilion on Bajing mountain. Although the Chen family is in Jincheng, the center of beiqiong school is now in Zhonghai. After all, the Chinese family has been in Zhonghai for decades and has a deep foundation. In addition, Zhonghai is an international metropolis after all, which is more in line with the development of beiqiong school.

Today, the northern Hainan school is at its peak.

There are not only two divine realms, but also ten real masters. The wealth is also terrible.

Beiqiong group is a new super consortium in Huaxia. Its subordinates include Jinxiu real estate, Qingfu pharmaceutical, Zhengjia holdings, Huashi group, Lushi company, Anshi holdings, etc. each of them is a giant with tens of billions of assets. All assets together, more than hundreds of billions, comparable to Samsung's top plutocrats.

"More than a dozen listed companies, the beiqiong group is too powerful. It can be called China's giant enterprise. "

When someone passed by Bajing mountain and saw beiqiongge on the top of the mountain, they all sighed. Today, beiqiong group ranks in the top 100 of the world's top 500, surpassing all private enterprises in China. Only a few central enterprises are still in beiqiong group.

Beiqiong group's top products.

"Life Yuan Ye.".

It is also popular all over the world. Nowadays, life Yuanye has been hotly debated all over the world, which is known as the panacea. Although it can only be sold on a small scale for the time being due to the problem of production, it is easy to sell a piece for hundreds or thousands of yuan. If not given to the country's big head, beiqiong group could become a super enterprise like apple with trillions of assets only relying on the product of lifeyuanye.


Beiqiongge is still brightly lit and full of friends.

Today, the people who can ascend beiqiongge are few and far between. Countless top rich people regard entering beiqiongge once as glory.

"Mr. Li, are you invited?"

"It's said that today, several beauties of beiqiong are coming. How can I miss them?"

Several well-known rich people met and talked with each other.

The chairman of beiqiong group is vacant, and the major events are decided by the managers of each sub group at a meeting. Today, the "beiqiong meeting" has been regarded as the economic wind vane of CNOOC. Every time beiqiong meets, many company managers are looking forward to it. In particular, there are several beautiful CEOs in beiqiong club, who are all leading the way.

"Who is the chairman of beiqiong group? The whole group has been established for more than a year, and the chairman of the board has never been exposed. It's all the company's president. "

There are rich people in Dongshan Province, strange way.

"Ha ha, you don't know. I heard that the chairman of beiqiong group is a young man named Chen beixuan. It is said that he is very powerful and has unpredictable ability. Thanks to some of his disciples and subordinates, beiqiong group is growing today. "

Another laughs.

"Chen beixuan, I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

Dongshan rich frowned.Chen Fan's reputation has spread throughout most of China. But after all, he didn't show up after a period of time, and now there are many gods in the world. He is not the only one on the list of gods. Apart from Jiangnan and Zhonghai, many people are anxious for him, most of them have begun to forget.

"Don't talk about it. There are some beautiful bosses from beiqionghui."

Suddenly someone called.

They quickly stretched out their heads and saw a gorgeous woman with different temperament, either cold and gorgeous, or arrogant, or gentle, coming to the stage.

Anya, general manager of Jinxiu real estate.

Lu Yanwu, general manager of Lu's company.

Zheng Anqi, general manager of Zheng holding.

And Fang Qiong, CEO of beiqiong group.

These four beauties are beautiful and beautiful, especially when they take life liquid and Juling pill every day. Their skin is crystal clear, and they are like holy crystal.

"To invite you here today is to make a year-end summary and discuss the work plan and investment direction for the next year." As soon as Fang Qiong sat on the throne, she suddenly showed a fierce momentum.

They could not help sitting upright and listening.

Although the establishment of beiqiong school mainly depended on the support of xuedaisha and Hua Yunfeng. However, the beiqiong group is the contribution of Fang Qiong alone. After all, no matter xuedaisha or Hua Yunfeng, they only know martial arts, but not business.

After Chen Fan's disappearance, Fang Qiong took the initiative to stand up and run from family to family, bringing Linzhou Lu family, Hong Kong Island Zheng family, Donghe Ning family and so on into a company system. Although the girl is only 21 years old now, she has shown a trace of strong female temperament.

Downstairs, when many rich people of beiqiong group were meeting.

On the top of beiqiong Pavilion, the top leaders of beiqiong school also gathered here.

Hua Yunfeng, Tongshan, Cheng Danqing, Xue Daisha, Zhou Jingyi, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing, and the real people of Hong Kong Island and the black witch sect. In the whole beiqiong Pavilion, there are more than ten masters and two deities.

"I don't know when the teacher will come out."

Ah Xiu said anxiously.

I haven't seen her for several years. She is more and more water-saving, especially her breath is as calm as a mountain. No one thought that this cute little girl was the ninth greatest master in the list of heaven.

After defeating Chen Jiuyang, she challenged all the way. Now she is in the top ten of the tianbang, with outstanding martial arts.

"Don't worry. The master is a banished immortal. He is just a local immortal. He can't be trapped. The master may be in some place for a retreat. "

Xuedaisha comforted.

This girl with a sword in white is more and more cool and gorgeous. Now she has the name of beiqiong fairy. At the forum of Chinese martial arts and Taoism, she was even joined by Zhou Jingyi, a Xiu and Yu Wenjing as the Four Saints of beiqiong school.

"Yes, a year and a half ago, the teacher's cultivation reached the peak in the world, only half a step away from the earth immortal. Not to mention the teacher's unfathomable many secret powers. "

Hua Yunfeng nodded.

In fact, Hua Yunfeng knew Chen Fan best. After all, he had seen some of Chen Fan's past experiences.

Just think of the pictures of moving mountains and reclaiming sea, crossing the universe in body and splitting space warships with empty hands. Hua Yunfeng is not worried. This is the reincarnation of an old monster. In his last life, he might have been an immortal.

When people are discussing it.

"Bang Dang."

A clear sound of the sword rose from the foot of the mountain and rang through the whole beiqiong Pavilion, followed by a clear voice:

"Lin Shuming, come to visit the leader of beiqiong gate."

This voice, although particularly in the building, is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, not high or low, just like speaking across the floor. This cultivation alone is terrifying.

"Is Lin Shuming the Sword Fairy of the Lin family?"

Under the leadership of Hua Yunfeng, beiqiong sent all the experts to jump down the pavilion,. There was a young man with a sword on his back, standing in front of the villa, looking at the three characters "beiqiongge" with great interest.

"It's him."

As soon as Hua Yunfeng saw the comer, his pupils suddenly changed, and he arched his hand and said, "Hua Yunfeng, the second disciple of the northern gate, has met Shuming. I don't know what is the meaning of Shuming's coming here? "

"Brother Hua used to dominate Zhonghai and was proud of China, but he didn't expect that later generations would make Chen beixuan a dog. If he knew, he would be furious. " Lin Shuming turned and said faintly.

Hua Yunfeng's eyebrows jumped and forced his anger:

"Mr. Shuming, I respect you as an elder, and I respect you as a martial elder. But that doesn't mean you can be presumptuous in front of my beiqiong sect! "

"Yes? Let me see. You have inherited some of Chen beixuan's skills. "

With a faint smile, Lin Shuming raised his slender palm and gave directions from afar.


In the void, the sword is like a rainbow.

A sword like a white rainbow, three feet long, shot out of Lin Shuming's fingers like a flying sword, and shot at Huayun peak in the air. Sharp sword, even if separated by tens of meters, people feel the pain of skin cut. The sword is bright, and cohesion is like substance."Bang."

Hua Yunfeng shows his cloud burning palm, takes two huge fire forces, and collides with Baihong sword. Unexpectedly, he stepped back several steps after being split by the sword Qi. He couldn't help humming.

Everyone changed color.

Lin Shuming even forced Hua Yunfeng back with a finger!

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!