Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 500

Great wizard!

It was a god level strongman who controlled the whole Myanmar for decades and was in charge of Southeast Asia. Such a person more noble than the emperor was defeated by Chen fan?

Not only Wu Dansheng, but also many high-level Burmese officials were shaking.

However, venerable Hu turned into a statue and said: "it's impossible, it's impossible... Laozu would never be defeated so easily..."

but this is the fact.

The seven evil spirits are very powerful. At the same time, they become the strong ones of the seven quasi divine realms. Moreover, they can control seven top-level sorcery weapons and set up an array, which is enough to surround and kill an ordinary divine realm. The great voodoo is in the divine realm, which can be regarded as the top strong one.

But Chen fan is stronger!

Guiyuan sword is the last magic weapon refined by the master of Tibetan sword thousands of years ago. Its high quality is still above the seven magic weapons. And after Chen Fan's one-year mana sacrifice, he was urged by Zhenyuan of Shenhai realm. Every sword split had the power of cutting down fighter planes in Japan.

How strong is the great wizard? How can Chen Fan's sword be defeated?


The six distractions were destroyed at the same time, but the main god of the great wizard, with the help of Heisha armor, reluctantly carried Chen Fan's sword. However, he also suffered a heavy blow, and turned into a black smoke. As he ran, he yelled: "Chen beixuan, I will take revenge for this hatred!"

"You can't escape."

Chen Fan stands in the void with his hands on his back. His whole body is shrouded in green, just like a blue God.


With the introduction of Chen Fan's sword Jue, the golden flying sword turned into a golden rainbow supporting heaven and earth, smashed the sound barrier fiercely, and shot at the great wizard at several times the speed of sound. No matter how the great wizard begged for mercy, knelt down, cursed and threatened, chen fan was not moved.


The last black ghost of the great wizard was directly split in two by Guiyuan sword. All the spirits were stirred to pieces in the surging air of the flying sword, and a black ghost fog burst into the air.

The great wizard has fallen!

Chen fan, the God level strongman who had been riding on the head of Myanmar for decades, was defeated in this way. Countless people witnessed it.


in the courtyard.

The old man in cloth sighed:

"kill the gods with one sword! Since ye Qingcang was on the top of the East China Sea and killed the ancestors of the Chinese family, how many years has there been no divine land falling in today's world? "

The little grandson was hazy beside him, so he didn't know why.

Chen Fan killed gagerdan in the ice field. Adam was the only witness. Many people still don't believe it. But the killing of the great God of witchcraft was on the top of Myanmar, witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people. Once the news comes out, it will shock the whole world.

As a result, chen fan will be among the top of the list of gods, and will compete with those powerful people.

Throughout Naypyidaw, many schools, large and small, which have been suppressed by the black witch religion for decades, celebrate each other. Many journalists press the trigger crazily to record a rare scene in this life.

But in the presidential palace.

No matter Wu Dansheng, or many generals, including Hu Zun, all turned into statues, silent.

Before the great wizard fled, master Hu's eyes brightened and his face brightened, but in an instant, he was killed by Chen fan. At this time, the real person of the black witch sect has turned into Xianglin's sister-in-law, and has been saying:

"how can this be... How can this be?"

"Hoo, the sky of Myanmar will change after all."

Wu Dansheng sighed, very lonely.

And many generals and Burmese leaders nodded.


at this time, after killing the great wizard, chen fan directly collected the remains of the Diwu cauldron and various magic weapons, and then turned into a blue streamer in everyone's shocked eyes, and drove to the top of Heishan.

"Hand over Yu Wenjing, or I will step down your black witch sect!"

Chen Fan's huge mind, like a mountain, went to the whole mountain. All the elders and disciples of the black witch sect in Heishan were terrified and at a loss.

"Hurry up, start the mountain protection battle immediately, and never let Chen beixuan rush in."

Although the great wizard is dead, there are still five real people in the black witch sect. The elder cried anxiously.


With five real people and hundreds of disciples in the Taoist period, they infused mana at the same time. The mountain protection battle of the black witch sect was finally inspired. A black mist, like a miasma, quickly rose from the arena, and then enveloped the whole black mountain.

From a distance, the mountain looks like it is covered by a dark curtain.

"Seven evil spirits, poison and miasma array!"

The magic array created by the old sorcerer in those years is only a complete version in the general arena. It directly quoted the volcanic evil gas accumulated for thousands of years under the black mountain as a fa array barrier.Black plumes of smoke rose from beneath the dead volcano.

The surging air of Heisha turns into a rainbow pouring into the sky, which is extremely dense and cohesive. At this time, anyone who dares to break into the array is an elephant, who will be poisoned by the evil spirit instantly. If you pour cold water on the black fog, it will turn into steam in an instant.

This is the horror of the Millennium black shag.

"Just like ants. Is the magic array that the great wizard controls seven sorcery weapons all cut by me? With your black evil shield, you can stop me? "

Chen Fan sneered and his eyes were green:

"since you are stubborn, don't blame me for breaking the mountain gate and stepping down your black witch sect."

After that, he patted the Yellow gourd and said:

"come on!"

The Guiyuan sword turned into a golden streamer and shot from his waist to Chen fan. The three inch and three-point sword body was humming, as if it was excited to kill a deity.

"Get up!"

Chen Fan drinks it again and pours out a mouthful of blue Zhenyuan into Guiyuan sword.

Guiyuan sword vibrates violently and turns into a ten Zhang sword rainbow. The sword rainbow stretches across the sky for more than 30 meters. From a distance, it looks like a sharp sword in the hand of God.


Chen Fan steps out with one step and draws the sword.

Ten Zhang's sword moves with it and cuts down with a bang!

Countless people were stunned to witness this scene, as if the gods split out their hands and represented the divine sword of heaven's punishment. The bright golden sword rainbow, like the Milky way falling on the ninth day, with the momentum of breaking the sky, fiercely split in the seven evil forces.


There was a dull loud noise.

The whole mountain was shaken by the Black Ghost fog. There was a crack tens of meters long over the array, which almost broke the top of the mountain. The many real people who presided over the Dharma array spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The elder said with a ferocious face:

"we must protect the Dharma array and never let Chen beixuan rush in, otherwise our thousand year old black witch sect will be destroyed."

And now.

Chen Fan's face was expressionless when he saw that one blow failed. He just kneaded the sword again.

The bright golden sword continued to soar. This time, it reached 13 Zhang, 40 meters long! What's the concept of forty meters? It's equivalent to a ten story building.

Chen fan holds the sword formula in his hand and triggers the flying sword:

"chop again!"


This time, the edge of the sword is even better than before. I'm afraid a tall building can be cut in two with a fierce blow. In the eyes of countless people. The air of the black evil spirit on the surface of the general altar of the black sorcery cult was violently shaken, and then a huge crack of 50-60 meters long was cut out of thin air. Through the crack, you can even see the things in the array.

"Puchi, Puchi."

This time, more than five real people, hundreds of people's disciples, all spewed blood at the same time. Several real people trembled and almost fell to the ground.

"Hold on! Hold on! Against heaven and earth with one man's power, Chen beixuan absolutely has no power of the third strike... "

before the elder finished speaking, a voice like sapphire came from the sky:

" the third cut! "


The power of this sword cannot be described in words.

Chen Fan's black clothes are bulging, his long hair is hunting, and his eyes are full of blue light.

The bright golden sword's awn soared to fifteen feet long, and it was almost a congenital monk who struck with terror. In the eyes of the public, even Heishan seems to be cut into two by this sword.


First of all, the seven evil forces were broken. The black fog shrouded in the mountain was directly split into a crack hundreds of meters deep. The whole array couldn't support any longer. It burst out and turned into a billow of smoke. And then, the mountain body of the dead volcano was also split into a ten meter long gap by the flying sword, straight to the mountainside.

As for the five real people who presided over the Dharma array, they were with many disciples.

He was directly attacked by the force, and all his blood gushed out. He was seriously injured and depressed to the ground. Some of the weak ones were killed on the spot. Even among the five real people, two of them couldn't bear Chen Fan's sword and were blown to pieces by the violent force.

"I'm... I'm the black witch sect... And I'm dead?"

The elder sat on the ground, his ears and nostrils full of blood, but he seemed to be dementia.

"One man is the enemy of the country, one sword is the enemy of the God, and one sword is the enemy of the sorcery. Today's story, if spread out, will certainly stir the whole world. No, it's terrorizing the whole world. I'm afraid no one dares to challenge Chen beixuan except for the big powers in the world and the people at the top of Shenbang. "

The old man in cloth sighed leisurely.

In the eyes of many people in Naypyidaw, many senior Burmese officials, and countless disciples of the black witch sect. Like a God, chen fan descended slowly from the crack on the top of the mountain and flew into the black mountain.

He carried his hands, dressed in black, and hunted with blue light.And the seven boys and girls who were locked up in the iron cage were already crazy.

"This is the hero of my dream."

The girl with black hair almost drools.

Only Yu Wenjing has a smile in his eyes. His pure and weak eyes seem to fall on Chen Fan as if they have been worn for thousands of years. He never wants to move away from Chen fan again. He only wants to do so all his life.


May 30, 2010.

Chen beixuan set foot in a country and killed the great wizard of the black witch Sect on the top of Myanmar.

The world is shaking.

And this time, it's not just the dark world. Countless photos and videos have been spread from reporters in all directions and channels.

PS: the fourth shift will be presented, and the fifth shift will continue tomorrow_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!