Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 499

When Chen Fan put out his fist.

Hundreds of meters high, the howling wind also seems to be quiet.

The seven great witches, who were shrouded in the Black Ghost, were divided into different parts with thick smoke and fuzzy appearance. They all narrowed their eyes one after another, and then cried out: "Chen beixuan, it is said that you are invincible in your body and can break the sound barrier with your body, so that you can blow up gagerdan and kill him as the snow wolf king. But I'm not gagerdan's kind of fool. The horror of seven evil spirits is far beyond your imagination. "

"Is it?"

Chen Fan lightly returned a sentence, then the body shape slightly in a flash, took back the fist.

In the eyes of outsiders, he seems to be standing in the same place, motionless. But a shrill sound, like a sharp knife across the steel, resounded in the whole sky.

They are all of nebidus, visible to the naked eye.

A long white air passage appears between Chen Fan and the great wizard. This white airway spans hundreds of meters, just like the tail gas of a fighter.


One of the seven Spirits broke up out of thin air, just like being smashed by a high-speed locomotive. Countless black spirits scattered. Between the fingers. Chen fan has already broken up a distraction with one punch and returned to the original place.

Even with the respect of the great God of witchcraft, chen fan did not see how to do it. Only the mental force can feel it. Chen Fan's speed has far exceeded the boundary of the naked eye, reaching an immeasurable realm.

"So fast? It's more than double the speed of sound, isn't it

The great wizard took a cool breath.

Chen Fan's terror is even more powerful than the rumor.

However, the seven evil spirits method, after all, is the secret method of the black witch sect. The great wizard quickly calmed down and exclaimed, "Chen beixuan, I've been practicing hard for decades to refine these seven" evil spirits "in order to find Ye Qingcang for revenge. Can I kill him in this way?"

As he said.

The separated body quickly condensed and formed, just like the left beard God.

"My seven evil spirits are divided into seven kinds: Yin evil, earth evil, poison evil, evil evil, fire evil, thunder evil and black evil. Each kind of evil spirit has absorbed innumerable essence of extraordinary physique, which is only one step away from the achievement of seven evil spirits. You can't kill me all your life unless you can kill me at the same time. "

The seven great sorcerers cried out.

Sure enough, chen fan found out.

Every great wizard's distraction is different in color. There are deep as the abyss, thunder and lightning raging, green fog all over the body, evil spirit lingran and so on.

This secret method of the black witch sect is really earth shaking. It combines seven kinds of evil spirits into one. These seven separate bodies are just like the ghosts and gods at the top of the seven and a half step divine realm. Even gargerdan, the snow wolf king, will be surrounded and killed again.

"Ha ha, just a mole ant, dare to be called Yuanshen? The real power of transforming God is immortal, incarnating into billions. If you do not die, you will never fall. It is more than ten thousand times better than your seven separate bodies? "

Chen Fan sneered, full of disdain.

The northern xuanxianzun of the previous life has crossed the universe. It's the great power of transforming gods. I don't know how many have been killed. How can I be afraid of just one great wizard?


Chen Fan drinks lightly and breaks the sound barrier instantly.

Xiaocheng's immortal body of the Qing emperor is so terrible. The air, as strong as steel, is like crisp paper in front of him. It is broken in an instant. In the eyes of underground people. Chen Fan seems to turn into a blue rainbow running through heaven and earth.

And the rainbow in the air, a fierce point, into six streamers.

"Bang bang."

In a flash, chen fan made six fists in a row, and at the same time, he broke six of them. By the time of the seventh fist, his strength was slightly weak and slowed down. Let the black spirit, the most powerful spirit of the great sorcerer, run away fiercely.

"Damn, why is he so strong?"

At this time, the great wizard's heart was like a sea of waves.

It's terrible to break the sound barrier. But Chen fan can make seven fists in a flash, which is equivalent to breaking the sound barrier seven times in an instant. These seven times of superposition are far more terrifying than breaking only once. That huge pulling force is enough to instantly tear a steel robot to pieces.

Chen fan is still unimpeded, just slightly breathing, which represents what a terrible body?

"Hoo, it's one point short after all."

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

With his current ability, breaking the sound barrier seven times at the same time is a bit difficult after all. If it was Oleg, it would have been blown up on the spot. But the great wizard has seven parts, especially the immortal God. It is very difficult to kill him.

But for others, chen fan is different.

"How about the magic weapon? Come soon?"

At this time, although the great wizard quickly condensed the six parts, he was frightened and trembled. How dare he keep them? I saw him scream, from the black mountain in the distance, shot seven black awns fiercely.

The seven black awns, walking in the air, were quickly received by the seven parts of the great wizard.Black awn was originally seven magic tools of different shapes.

"Quasi spirit instrument?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart.

Those who can walk in the air and control them flexibly have gone beyond the level of magic tools and stepped into the realm of spirit tools. If you want to refine the spirit weapon, at least you have to be a congenital monk. Although these seven magic weapons are not as good as real spirit weapons, they are not far away.

"Chen beixuan, this is the seven treasures of the town sect handed down by our black witch sect and our ancestors. They were all made by the great witches who entered the land of immortals. If you think about it, we will get rid of our hatred, otherwise. Why don't you blame me for not being able to stop it? "

When the seven sorcerers got their hands, the breath of the great sorcerer immediately soared, and his courage also strengthened.

Red witch stove, snake witch battle, blood witch blade, black witch armor...

each piece of magic weapons shining with aura and surging breath, support a huge field in the air. The multicolored photos in the middle of the sky caused the exclamations of Naypyidaw.

This kind of fighting method is just like that in myth and legend. It's just an immortal means.

The Diwu tripod that Chen Fan coveted was also among them. He was held by Disha.

"If an immortal controls these seven magic weapons again, I will retreat three points. As for you, you are just a great wizard, but you dare to make me step back like a mole ant? "

Chen Fan grinned and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Son of a bitch!"

Seven witches, angry at the same time.

They fiercely urged the spirit, fiercely sacrificed seven magic weapons, turned them into seven rainbow, and flew around. Stand like a big dipper.

"This is..." Chen Fan eyes a squint, feel a little familiar: "seven evil poison miasma array?"

"Ha ha, this is the seven evil spirits array that the old wizard finally broke out in his old age! The array arranged in the valley of medicine God is just the rudiment of the old witch God's refining

The great wizard laughs wildly.

He urged the magic weapon fiercely, and the seven lights connected together in an instant. Seven magic weapons release maximum power at the same time. There are flames in the air, poisonous obstacles in the air, black spirits dancing and Yin Qi in the air.

All of a sudden, chen fan was surrounded by dozens of square feet, and all of them turned to death.

The red Sorcerer's stove spurted out flames that burned the sky.

The blood witch blade turns into a bloody sky. It cuts in the air like a flying sword.

The snake witch battle is the breath of innumerable green smoke poison evil spirits. If they dye the sky green, they are elephants, and they will die when they smell it.

The earth magic tripod...

seven quasi spirit weapons are activated at the same time. The power is so great that it can shake the earth. Especially in the form of Dharma array, it borrowed the power of heaven and earth, and its power increased several times.

Only the great sorcerer can exert such power, otherwise it is impossible to gather the seven strong ones in the quasi divine realm.

"Bang bang."

Countless black smoke and miasma flames swept in from all directions, drowning Chen Fan in an instant. From below, you can see that the seven energy torrents have dyed the sky colorful.

Chen Fan's blue star has been submerged by the fire poison.

"Is Chen beixuan defeated?"

The old man in cloth clothes in the courtyard has a shrinking pupil.

In the city of nebuchadnejad, countless people who were looking forward to the defeat of the black witch sect also sighed.

In the presidential palace, many generals and senior Burmese officials have celebrated each other. Wu Dansheng shook his hand and said with a smile, "my father is worthy of being my father. Chen beixuan, who could not be stopped by tens of thousands of troops, was surrounded and killed by my father. Indeed, he is the giant pillar of Myanmar!"

"Of course, the seven evil spirits method, and even the technique of our dark witch sect, is that ye Qingcang, who was the supreme in the list of gods, is not necessarily the opponent of the ancestors...

Master Hu said with a smile.

It's just that he hasn't finished yet.

In the seven evil spirits array, a fierce Golden Rainbow running through the heaven and the earth shot out from a blue figure's hand, instantly splitting all the flames, poisonous fog, blood blade and black evil spirits. It's like cutting butter with a knife. No matter how the array blocks it, it can't stop the edge of the sword.

"What's this?"

Hu Zun's pupil shrank and he exclaimed: "flying sword?"

In the city of Nairobi, hundreds of thousands of people also look up at the same time, witnessing a rare scene in the world.

The bright golden sword rainbow, after splitting the array, and then in the eyes of the great wizard, stood on the red witch stove. Just listen to "click!" There was a loud noise.

It's a quasi spirit weapon refined by the earth immortal.

The red sorcerer stove was cut into two parts by the golden flying sword, and the red evil spirit who controlled it was distracted. Then, the golden sword rainbow kept on cutting to the snake witch battle.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

There were seven loud blasts in the void.

At the same time, the seven spirits and the magic weapons burst apart and turned into the evil spirit.

Between the two fingers, chen fan cut out the seven spirits and seven quasi spirit weapons of the great wizard. In addition to the flying sword passing slightly when cutting to the Diwu cauldron, the other six quasi spirit weapons refined by the earth immortals are just like bean curd dregs in front of Guiyuan sword, which is vulnerable.A sword in the air!

Kill the great wizard of the black witch sect!

All the people who saw this scene were stunned and gaped, as if witnessing a myth.

"The great wizard, is he dead?"

Wu Dansheng was numb and said. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!