Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 286: Must have 0 points and 0 success

The next day, Ye Qingqing woke up early. Today, we can see the results of the operation on the first batch of rabbits. I hope that all six rabbits will succeed. If one fails, she will not operate on Lu Mo.

If the rabbit fails, the big deal is to eat it in red. If Lu Mo fails, he will not be able to return to the army!

She has to be careful and careful not to make any mistakes.

She first went to Lu\'s house and asked Tie Dan to take Xiaotong to the chess club, while she took Lu Mo to Wushan Road.

After getting out of the taxi, I met the old lady who was walking. She walked slowly on crutches, without the help of Xiao Li, and she looked very good.

"Mr. Sheng, you are so beautiful today!" Ye Qingqing greeted her loudly. She was still wearing a red dress today. Although she wanted to wear other colors, she couldn\'t change her deep-rooted preference. She always chose red.

She thinks that red is the most beautiful thing to wear.

"The young girl is getting more and more beautiful. Come and play with me when you\'re busy." The old lady said with a smile, looking at this girl\'s bright smile, she was in a good mood.

"Okay, come back soon!"

Ye Qingqing said goodbye to the old lady, and went to see the rabbits with Lu Mo. Tie Dan pulled a lot of grass every day, and fed a dozen rabbits very well. Hearing their movements, the rabbits were running around in the cage and were in good spirits. .

"I\'ll go catch the rabbit."

Ye Qingqing felt uneasy, even more uneasy than when she saw the paternity test yesterday. She caught one and didn\'t dare to untie the splint for a long time.

"Let me do it!"

Lu Mo took the rabbit and released the splint after three strokes, five divisions and two. The rabbit shook his ears, stopped on the ground for a while, and hopped and ran, with very flexible legs and no flaws.

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo exchanged looks of joy, their hearts pounding, and they untied all the remaining five rabbits, each of which was fine and had no sequelae.

"That\'s great, as long as the remaining two batches are all right, I can perform the surgery for you!" Ye Qingqing was extremely happy and even more confident.

Although Lu Qingquan\'s scourge was almost over, she still wanted Lu Mo to return to the army as soon as possible. Lu Mo\'s soul and roots are deeply rooted in the army, and he can\'t leave there!

"Actually, it doesn\'t matter if one or two are unsuccessful..." Lu Mo felt that Ye Qingqing was too careful, how could the operation be 100% successful, even the top doctors could not guarantee it.

"No, I have to guarantee a 100% success rate, you can\'t make any mistakes in your legs!"

Ye Qingqing\'s expression is firm, she can do it!

Lu Mo felt a warm current in his heart, with doting and other strange feelings in his eyes.

"My grandma\'s appetite is even bigger this time. She wants 10,000 yuan for a dowry." Ye Qingqing said with a smile.

Lu Mo\'s expression cracked, "My second aunt will definitely not agree!"

"My grandmother said that it\'s up to you, second aunt, to stab Lu Qingquan\'s scandal out if she doesn\'t agree!" Ye Qingqing stuck out her tongue and smiled at Lu Mo, "I just wanted to be mad at Ye Lan, but I didn\'t expect the old lady There will be such a move..."

Lu Mo glanced at her angrily. In fact, Lu Qingquan couldn\'t hide it at all. Sooner or later, people would find out. The result would be the same whether this girl said it or not.

It seems that the Lu family don\'t want to be quiet during this time!

The two went to the Sang\'s house together. The old lady asked Xiao Li to bring out the iced white fungus soup. She was not too polite, and directly mentioned Sang Huaiyuan\'s body.

"Girl, you can see that your Uncle Sang is not in good health, there must be a way?" The old lady looked at Ye Qingqing hopefully.