Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 285: property has eyes

Sang Huaiyuan looked at his mother and wife with guilt. He was not ashamed of the government and the people, but he was ashamed of his family, but he really couldn\'t stop.

"Mom, Qiu Yun, it is my lifelong dream to make Pingjiang an international city. I have waited for most of my life, and finally I have this opportunity to realize my ambition. I don\'t want to give up!"

Sang Huaiyuan\'s expression is firm, even if he pays the price of his life, he must realize his ideal.

As a human being, what if you can\'t make a little achievement, even if you live a hundred years?

He would rather be a candle that lights up the world and burns himself, than a mediocre old birthday star.

The old lady sighed heavily and used her eyes to stop Sun Qiuyun, who was still trying to persuade her. She knew her son Mo Ruomu, and Sang Huaiyuan looked at her gentle and elegant, but she couldn\'t be more stubborn.

Sang Huaiyuan will not rest until Pingjiang City becomes an international metropolis!

She had to think of another way.

"I don\'t stop you from working, but I hope you can think about me, Qiuyun, and Liangjie as much as possible, we need you more than Pingjiang City!" The old lady said earnestly.

Sang Huaiyuan nodded apologetically and assured: "I know, I will take good care of it."

The atmosphere was a little heavy, and the old lady changed the subject and asked, "How is your cousin\'s property inquiries?"

"I came back for this. Today, the secretary talked to me, and I have some eyebrows. My cousin\'s property was taken away 16 years ago, and she said she was the only true relative of my cousin." Sang Huaiyuan said.

"Your cousin\'s only true relative is Mingcheng. Could it be that Mingcheng isn\'t dead?" The old lady\'s eyes lit up and she looked happy.

Sang Huaiyuan also smiled and said, "I think so too. Back then, the farm only said that Cheng was missing, but no one was seen in life, and no corpse was seen in death. Maybe Ming Cheng was not dead, but still alive!"

"It would be great, but since Mingcheng didn\'t die, why didn\'t he come to us?" Sun Qiuyun felt strange.

"I asked someone to adjust the property documents from 16 years ago. It will take a few days to get them. At that time, I will see if Mingcheng took it away." Sang Huaiyuan said.

Hearing the good news, everyone\'s mood improved a lot, but Sang Huaiyuan had just finished eating when the driver came to pick him up, saying that an impromptu meeting was going to be held, and Sang Huaiyuan had to leave in a hurry.

Sun Qiuyun was worried and angry at the same time, "Mom, I\'m really worried about Huaiyuan like this, but he doesn\'t listen to me!"

"He\'s the donkey\'s temper, let\'s think of other ways." The old lady advised.

"What else can I do? The doctor said that Huaiyuan\'s best medicine is rest, but what he lacks the most is rest."

The old lady thought for a while and said, "Do you know why I asked Huaiyuan to go for a medical examination? It was Qingqing girl who saw that Huaiyuan was sick."

Sun Qiuyun was taken aback. Ye Qingqing, the little girl, saw it?

"That girl just looked at Huaiyuan, and persuaded me tactfully to ask Huaiyuan to do a full-body examination, which shows that this girl\'s medical skills are very good, and maybe she has a way to make Huaiyuan\'s health better." The old lady pinned her hopes on On Ye Qingqing.

Since this girl can see that her son is sick, she must have a way to take care of her son\'s body.

Sun Qiuyun said in surprise: "It\'s definitely possible. Mom, you took the medicine prepared by this girl, and the effect was not very good. Oh...why didn\'t I expect it earlier!"

The mood of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was much more relaxed, and they planned to talk about this when they saw Ye Qingqing tomorrow.

Sun Qiuyun sighed deeply, "Young girl Qingqing is good-looking, smart and capable. If only I had such a good daughter, it would be great to be a daughter-in-law!"

The old lady jokingly said: "People already have famous flowers, and our family\'s good heroes can\'t get around!"

Sun Qiuyun shook her head again and again, unfortunately she didn\'t get to know Ye Qingqing earlier, so Lu Mo took the lead!