Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 616: Change account

Chapter 616 Relocation of Hukou

Shen Mianmian didn\'t know what method He Nan used to separate her household registration from Shen Jianhua\'s. She is now an independent head of the household, which means that she will really distance herself from Shen Jianhua in the future, and Shen Jianhua can no longer be restrained. she is.

She happily hugged her account book, and Li Shiping was infected by her laughter.

A few people were having fun when there was a knock on the door outside, and the laughter stopped. Who is knocking on the door at night?

"I\'m going to open the door." Xiaocui ran to the door and looked at the cat\'s eye, her face changed suddenly, she was struggling to open the door, "It looks like a brother-in-law outside."

"Sister Shiping, go back to the house first! Close the door. We didn\'t tell you to open it, so don\'t open it." Shen Mianmian was worried that after Wang Dongcheng came in, she would not shamelessly make trouble with Li Shiping.

"Well." Li Shiping didn\'t want to face Wang Dongcheng either. With He Nan around, she didn\'t worry about what Wang Dongcheng would do to Shen Mianmian, so she turned around and walked into the room, closed the door and sat beside the bed.

The child slept soundly on the bed. She touched the child\'s hair, and suddenly there was a sour feeling in her heart. She gave birth to her, but she couldn\'t give her a happy and beautiful growing environment.

Seeing that Li Shiping closed the door, He Nan motioned for Xiaocui to open the door, Xiaocui just opened the door a crack, Wang Dongcheng squeezed in and asked anxiously.

"Shen Mianmian, where did you take Shi Ping?" When he finished speaking, he saw He Nan standing next to Shen Mianmian, his expression changed, and his heart suddenly panicked.

He miscalculated, he never expected that He Nan was still here on this big night.

Shen Mianmian was about to slap him, when she saw Li Julin\'s family of three, who also walked in, she was stunned, "Uncle Li, Aunt Xu, you guys..."

Not sure if they knew the truth, Shen Mianmian didn\'t know what to say for a while, and looked at He Nan subconsciously.

Li Julin and Xu Min were also surprised to see He Nan, but Li Yue was more calm, "Brother Nan."

He Nan glanced at him as a response, and then said to Li Julin, "Uncle Li, sit down and talk."

Li Julin nodded and walked towards the sofa, but Xu Min asked Shen Mianmian worriedly, "Mianmian, is Shiping here?"

"Aunt Xu, don\'t worry, the baby is asleep, and Sister Shiping is with the baby in the room."

After hearing the movement, Li Shiping opened the door and walked out of the room, "Dad, Mom, Xiaoyue." She didn\'t even look at Wang Dongcheng.

Seeing Li Shiping, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, but also noticed that something was wrong with Li Shiping and Wang Dongcheng.

Everyone was there, and everyone sat on the sofa, intending to make things clear. Xiao Cui was so frightened by the oppressive atmosphere that she didn\'t dare to come out, so she just ran back and forth to help bring tea and water.

Wang Dongcheng had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, he didn\'t dare to speak out first, and his heart was very tormented.

Li Julin\'s excuse was to ask Shen Mianmian about stealing money, so he didn\'t mention anything about his daughter, but looked at Shen Mianmian and asked in a deep voice, "Mianmian, I heard that you stole money from the family. Do you have anything to say?"

Regarding grades, Li Julin has no doubts at all. He knows better than anyone how Shen Mianmian can study.

"Uncle Li, the person who said this is in this room, right?" Shen Mianmian glanced at Wang Dongcheng, and then explained, "Uncle Li, when I left the house, I did take some money with me..."

Just halfway through, he was interrupted by Wang Dongcheng excitedly, "Dad, listen, I\'m not lying, right? She really stole the family\'s money and left."

(end of this chapter)