Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 615: The wicked report first

Chapter 615 The wicked complain first

"Fart." Li Yue\'s eyes burned with anger, "Wang Dongcheng, what kind of temperament is my sister, we don\'t know? Without your instigation, how could she sell jewelry?"

"Xiaoyue, Mom and Dad, you don\'t know that Shiping\'s personality has changed since she had a good relationship with Shen Mianmian." Wang Dongcheng opened his eyes and talked nonsense, putting the blame on Shen Mianmian.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What does this have to do with Mianmian?"

Li Yue said angrily.

Xu Min and Li Julin are also very strange.

"Actually, you are all deceived by Shen Mianmian\'s appearance. She is not a good girl at all. She is the first in the city, and she is not a fair test." Wang Dongcheng is not sure whether Li Yue has participated in Shen Mianmian\'s test, so He didn\'t dare to say it too clearly, "She has not clean hands and feet, and stole thousands of dollars from her family. All teachers and students in Lizhen know this."

"Where did you hear that?" Li Julin asked with a stern face.

"We are all from the same town, this is no secret at all, just ask around and you\'ll know."

"Xiaoyue, do you know about this?" Li Julin looked at Li Yue to verify the truth of Wang Dongcheng\'s words.

"Dad, don\'t listen to his nonsense, who can put several thousand yuan at home in the countryside?" In the countryside, families with several thousand yuan belong to big families.

"Xiaoyue, I really didn\'t talk nonsense." Wang Dongcheng insisted that he was telling the truth, "Cousin Shen Mianmian is my student, if you don\'t believe me, I will bring her tomorrow."

"We\'ll ask her about Mianmian. We haven\'t known her for a day or two. I believe her." Xu Min was afraid that her husband would really let Wang Dongcheng bring people, so she changed the subject: "You talk about it first. , what happened to you and Shi Ping? Why don\'t you know where she is? Did you quarrel?"

She is more worried about her daughter and granddaughter now.

Wang Dongcheng hurriedly said: "Mom, don\'t worry, we didn\'t quarrel, she went out with Mianmian, I thought she came back, she\'s not at home now, she should be looking for Shen Mianmian, I\'ll go to Shen Mianmian\'s place to take her Take it back."

"My sister can\'t live in someone else\'s house for no reason. I\'ll go find her now, Wang Dongcheng, if I find out that you bullied my sister, just wait!"

Li Yue turned around and walked out, Xu Min quickly followed.

"I\'ll go with you." Wang Dongcheng was afraid that if he wasn\'t there, Li Shiping and Shen Mianmian would talk nonsense, and quickly got into the car with shame.

Li Yue was about to drive when he saw Li Julin also walking in front of the car. The three of them looked at Li Julin suspiciously, thinking he was going to stop him, but unexpectedly, he said with a stern face.

"I\'m going to ask Mianmian about stealing money. I don\'t accept students with bad character."

I know that he is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, so why ask Mianmian? In fact, just because she was worried about her daughter, Xu Min didn\'t expose him, she opened the door and let him get in the car.

On the way, Wang Dongcheng was very uneasy, thinking about what to say when he saw Li Shiping in order to stop her from complaining. After thinking about it for a long time, he slowly became calm again.

Li Shiping didn\'t go back to her parents\' home, which means that she didn\'t want her parents to know. He just had to refuse to admit it. He and Li Shiping were both married and had children. Li Julin was a professor and loved face, so his wife would definitely not dare to talk about it.

At this time, Shen Mianmian, who didn\'t know anything, was happily holding her account book. She never thought that Brother He would help her move her account out.

(end of this chapter)