Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 532: Wang Dongcheng is back

Chapter 532 Wang Dongcheng is back

"I\'m fine." Li Shiping\'s voice was a little choked, and as soon as the words came out, tears couldn\'t stop flowing.

As if feeling his mother\'s sadness, the little guy reached out to touch her tears, "Mom, no, cry..."

The milky voice in the milk, but there is concern, and Li Shiping is even more sad.

"He promised me that he would not sell the house."

Shen Mianmian heard the main point of her words, "Sister Shiping, did brother-in-law mention selling the house before?"

"Yeah." Li Shiping nodded, all the people who came to see the room were bumped by Shen Mianmian, she didn\'t hide it from Shen Mianmian, and directly told the previous things.

"...He promised me that he would not sell it, but I didn\'t expect that he would let people see the house behind my back."

"The house was given to you by Uncle Li. If you sell it and buy it again, it will be the joint property of the husband and wife. Isn\'t the brother-in-law wanting to sell the house for this reason?"

Although he knew that Wang Dong\'s achievements were this idea, Shen Mianmian didn\'t dare to say it directly, so he could only remind Li Shiping and let her have some snacks.

Li Shiping: "…"

Of course she thought about it, but she didn\'t want to believe that Wang Dongcheng would plot against her like this.

Seeing her sad face, Shen Mianmian didn\'t dare to say too much.

The two were silent when the sound of the key opening the door came from the door. After a while, Wang Dongcheng came out from the outside.

The moment he saw Shen Mianmian, he was stunned for a moment, and his face turned gloomy instantly after finding out that Li Shiping was crying.

must be what Shen Mianmian and Li Shiping said.

Seeing through his thoughts, Shen Mianmian didn\'t break it.

"Dongcheng, did you find someone to look at the house?" Li Shiping asked directly, she really needed Wang Dongcheng to give her a reasonable explanation.

Wang Dongcheng\'s eyes flashed and his face softened, "Are you crying because of this?"

Li Shiping nodded, "A man brought a man and a woman to see the house, he said you want to sell the house."

Wang Dongcheng glanced at Shen Mianmian, then said to Li Shiping, "I\'ll explain this to you later."

Li Shiping won\'t learn from the Li family, but it doesn\'t mean Shen Mianmian won\'t.

And the last time he was in the restaurant, he drank a bit too much that day, and he regretted it later, and was uneasy for a long time, afraid that Shen Mianmian and the Li family would sue.

Later, there was no movement in the Li family, so he slowly relieved his mind. He was the real son-in-law of the Li family.

However, the matter of selling a house is different. If Shen Mianmian really talks about it, the Li family will definitely not let him go.

Maybe he will take the house back. He can only appease Li Shiping first. As long as Li Shiping reaches an agreement with him, it will be useless for Shen Mianmian to say anything, and the Li family will not believe an outsider.

"Sister Shiping, I\'ll go back first." Seeing Wang Dongcheng\'s meaning, Shen Mianmian stood up.

If she guessed correctly, Wang Dongcheng will be fooling Li Shiping in various ways, she is in the way.

"Mianmian, I\'ll play with you another day." Li Shiping had something in her heart, and with Wang Dongcheng coming back, Shen Mianmian was really inconvenient here, and she didn\'t keep her.

As soon as Shen Mianmian went out, Wang Dongcheng\'s face changed, and he blamed Li Shiping impatiently, "Didn\'t I tell you? Don\'t bring outsiders home, why did you bring them back?"

Shen Mianmian looks young, but she is very shrewd. He intuitions that Li Shiping has been with her for a long time, which is not a good thing.

(end of this chapter)