Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 531: private sale 1

Chapter 531 Selling a House Privately 1

Shen Mianmian pinched her little cheeks, her **** were so tender and fun, she laughed and teased the child, making the baby giggled.

"Hello, we\'re here to see the house."

A man with a middle-aged couple stood at the door and had a conversation with Li Shiping.

"What house to look at?" Li Shiping looked puzzled, she never called anyone to look at the house.

"Aren\'t you going to sell this house?" The man was very dissatisfied with Li Shiping\'s obstruction, "Please let me go, I want to take the client to see the house."

"Have you misunderstood?" Li Shiping said: "I am the owner of the house, but I never said I would sell the house."

This house is a dowry given to her by her parents, how could she sell it?

These people are too strange, they even come to see the house inexplicably, don’t you understand that it is illegal to break into a house without permission?

Seeing that Li Shiping didn\'t seem to be telling a lie, he opened the document in his hand to confirm it, his face twitched, and he pointed to the information on the document to show her, "It\'s clearly written in the document, that is, your house is for sale."

"Who contacted you to sell the house?" Shen Mianmian came over with the child in his arms, "Uncle, can you tell me the name of the person who contacted you to sell the house?"

"Gu Jianbin." The man called out his name, "Do you know each other? He said he was the owner here."

Sure enough, she guessed it, Shen Mianmian looked at Li Shiping and asked in a puzzled way, "Sister Shiping, are you and your brother-in-law going to sell the house?"

When Li Shiping heard Gu Jianbin\'s name, her face turned pale, "He mentioned it before, but I didn\'t agree. I didn\'t expect that he would call someone directly to see the room."

Sold the house, where will she live with her children? How do you tell the family?

The man outside didn\'t care about this. He learned from the two of them that it was the male owner who wanted to sell the house, so he forced him to bring someone into the house to see the house. Li Shiping was weak and didn\'t know how to stop her for a while, so she didn\'t dare to. Talk hard.

Shen Mianmian said quietly, "Uncle, she is the owner of the house. My brother-in-law has no right to sell the house. As you can see, my sister doesn\'t plan to sell it, so I\'m very sorry, we can\'t let you in to see the house."

Just as the man was about to speak, the female buyer behind him quarreled and stopped looking at the house, "There is a dispute over the property rights of this house. Even if you like it, you wouldn\'t dare to buy it. Let\'s go! Let\'s go! Don\'t look at it."

She is also a woman. When she sees her husband selling the house behind his daughter-in-law\'s back, she gets angry when she hears it. If she knew this was the case, she wouldn\'t come to see the house.

She is superstitious and pays attention to feng shui when buying a house. The male owner of the house sells the house behind his wife\'s back. She is afraid that if she buys the house, she will end up with Li Shiping.

The woman\'s husband was obviously also afraid of a dispute over the property rights of the house, so he turned around and followed the woman.

When the man saw this, he was very speechless, and walked away cursing.

This house is not bad. The couple who came to buy the house also have money at home. They thought it would be a big business this time, but I never expected that it would turn out to be an empty joy.

is really bad luck.

Li Shiping closed the door and sat back on the sofa in a daze. She really couldn\'t understand what her husband wanted to do.

"Sister Shiping, are you all right?"

Shen Mianmian looked at Li Shiping\'s red eyes and didn\'t know how to comfort her.

Before divorcing Wang Dongcheng, Li Shiping will definitely have a very difficult time, otherwise she will not give up on Wang Dongcheng.

(end of this chapter)