Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 423: Brother Li is here

Chapter 423 Brother Li is here

If it wasn\'t for Shen Mianmian being too young, she and Brother Nan would be a perfect match just from the looks of it.

Moreover, he always felt that there was an inexplicable intimacy on Shen Mianmian\'s body, especially her smile just now, which always felt a little familiar, a bit like...

Ruan Yiyang was thinking seriously when Li Yue suddenly twisted his thigh.

He let out a painful \'tsk\', "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Li Yue asked back, and warned seriously: "Why are you staring at Mianmian? I tell you, put away your **** nature, this is in Nange\'s house."

The person in front of him may be Nange\'s future goddaughter.

"..." Ruan Yiyang was speechless, "What nonsense are you talking about, when did I become a playboy?"

He is a bit mean sometimes, but he never messes around.

However, just staring at Shen Mianmian for a long time, it is indeed easy to be misunderstood.

Li Yue ignored him, but said to Shen Mianmian, "Don\'t be afraid, Brother Li is here."

Shen Mianmian\'s mouth twitched, these two are really funny.

The misunderstanding was resolved, Ruan Yiyang suddenly noticed a smell in the room, he inhaled twice with his nose, and asked strangely, "What smells so fragrant?"

"Mianmian, are you cooking?" Li Yue also noticed the smell of meat in the room when he reminded him.

The two of them had come to find He Nan to go out to eat. As soon as they smelled this, they were immediately hungry.

"I\'m cooking noodles." Out of courtesy, Shen Mianmian asked politely, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I didn\'t eat."

"I didn\'t eat."

Li Yue and Ruan Yiyang said in unison.

Shen Mianmian: "…"

She was just going through the procedure and being polite, thinking that these two big bosses would definitely not eat here, but I didn\'t expect that the two of them would be quite the same.

is a matter of adding two more bowls of water. They want to eat, so Shen Mianmian can only bite the bullet and cook the noodles.

"Put more meat, don\'t give it to Nange Province. His family has no children to support, so saving so much money is useless." Li Yue shouted towards the kitchen.

Ruan Yiyang turned on the TV and watched the current popular romance drama. Li Yue was watching Journey to the West. The two fought back and forth over this matter, and finally turned off the TV and no one watched it.

Shen Mianmian works very quickly, and the same goes for cooking. Soon a pot of hot noodles will be out of the pot. After counting the time, He Nan is about to come back, so she filled three bowls of noodles for herself. a small bowl.

Seeing the noodles coming out of the pot, Li Yue happily ran into the kitchen, and when he saw the cooked noodles, he couldn\'t help but praised the noodles. I don\'t know if they tasted good or not, but the fragrance and appearance were already in place.

Seeing Shen Mianmian going to serve the bowl, he hurriedly stopped, "I\'ll serve it, don\'t burn your hands." He called out, "Master Ruan, come in and help with the noodles."

Ruan Yiyang strode in when he heard the words. He was obviously someone who didn\'t enter the kitchen. When he got inside, he didn\'t know how to put his hands and feet, and his movements were also very stiff. Li Yue taunted him for a while, turning his face red.

Shen Mianmian followed behind the two with four pairs of chopsticks.

He Nan hasn\'t returned yet, but Li Yue and Ruan Yiyang are screaming in the stomach tempted by Mianxiang.

"You don\'t have to wait for him, let\'s eat first." Li Yue picked up the chopsticks and started eating, taking a bite, his eyes lit up instantly, the little girl is young, but her craftsmanship is good.

The taste is better than restaurants.

Ruan Yiyang was also welcome, and he didn\'t forget to remind Shen Mianmian, "You can eat it too! Don\'t wait for him, this side is too hot. When he comes back, it\'s just the entrance."

(end of this chapter)