Rebirth 80: Xueba's Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 422: He Nan's Visitor 2

Chapter 422 He Nan\'s Visitor 2

Ruan Yiyang and Liu Yue were also welcome. They went to the living room and sat directly on the sofa with Erlang\'s legs crossed. Both of them had a common idea in their hearts at this moment.

Take advantage of He Nan\'s absence, hurry up and make a few words.

"Little girl, why do you live at Nange\'s house?" Ruan Yiyang asked.

"Look at what you asked, what should I do if I\'m scared of Mianmian?" Li Yue blamed Ruan Yiyang for the wrong way of questioning, and then asked again in a childish tone, "Mianmian, why are you here? I remember that today it seems like Is it the day of the high school entrance examination?"

Why didn\'t this girl go to the high school entrance examination?

"My parents didn\'t let me take the exam, and they kept me at home. After I ran out, I broke up with them and planned to move to the city..." She was only sixteen years old, and she knew that the two would not think too much. It was purely curiosity, so Shen Mianmian didn\'t hide it, and told the truth generously.

"You will live here in the future?" Ruan Yiyang couldn\'t hold back and interrupted Shen Mianmian\'s words.

Brother Nan, is this going to raise Shen Mianmian as a daughter?

Help someone to help your own home?

Of course, he didn\'t object to Shen Mianmian living here, it\'s just that Brother Nan\'s actions were beyond his expectations.

"Are you still not a person? Do you have any sympathy?" Li Yue glared at Ruan Yiyang pitifully, "Mianmian is now homeless, Nange\'s family is so big, why live with an extra little girl?"

This little girl, Shen Mianmian, is not loved by her father and not loved by her mother. Life is indeed very difficult. Of course, they didn\'t pick up anyone who was pitiful, just because she had a bright spot on her body.

Sometimes, he felt that Shen Mianmian and Brother Nan were somewhat similar, but he couldn\'t tell exactly where they were.

Anyway, Brother Nan is quite lonely, and he is sensible and sensible. It seems not bad to be raised at home as a daughter.

Although this daughter is a little older, when he proposed to let Brother Nan recognize Mianmian as his godsister last time, Brother Nan glared at him, obviously not willing.

He is young and mature, maybe he wants to be a father.

Ruan Yiyang also noticed that what he said just now was easily misunderstood as disgusting Shen Mianmian, and explained: "Little girl, don\'t get me wrong, I don\'t mean to let you live here, I\'m just curious..."

But what he was curious about, he didn\'t know how to say it. He understood Brother Nan\'s temperament very well, but it was hard to describe when he said it.

The most important thing is, if you want to say that Brother Nan has never approached girls or something, will Shen Mianmian misunderstand that Brother Nan has other plans?

Fearing that the more he explained, the more unclear the explanation would be, so he simply shut up.

"I didn\'t misunderstand." Shen Mianmian smiled sweetly, "I haven\'t finished what I said just now, because it\'s too late for me to finish the exam today, Brother He was afraid that it would be unsafe for me to stay in the hotel, so he let me temporarily Stay at his house, Brother He said, he will help me find a suitable house tomorrow."

Although she didn\'t have much contact with the two of them, she could see that they were both good people, they got along well, and they were both He Nan\'s friends.

Maybe the reason for her love for Wu Jiwu. She thinks that someone who can befriend He Nan has a good character.

Hearing what Shen Mianmian said, Li Yue was embarrassed. It\'s a shame he thought so much just now. After a long time, Brother Nan just let Mianmian stay for a night!

She\'s a pretty girl, and it\'s really not safe to live outside.

Unlike Li Yue, Ruan Yiyang felt that he was thinking too much, but at the same time he was flashed by Shen Mianmian\'s smile. This little girl is not very old, but she looks very sweet. Was amazed.

(end of this chapter)