Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 254

"If your meridians and blood vessels are sealed, your spiritual power will be stable. The price is that you can't cultivate and promote in the future. Shut up or something, it's all in vain! "

"Therefore, this kind of thing is the most rubbish pill in the field of pills! Saying it's poison is insulting poison! "

Having said that, the pills in Su Yixiao's hand suddenly became powder and disappeared with the wind.

Bai Li Ao Xiang is a mess in the wind.

Liu Shaoji patted her chest. Fortunately, she didn't tell others that she was promoted, and she didn't ask for pills.

Baili Xiyue looks at Baili Aoxiang's pitiful appearance and can't bear to ask Su Yixiao: "Xiaoxiao, is there no other way to recover?"

Baili Aoxiang echoed: "yes, Xiaoxiao girl, is there any way for us to continue to practice?"

Su Yixiao nodded: "yes, there is, but the chance of success is not big, and if you are not careful, you will fail. After failure, you will lose all your accomplishments."

Su Yixiao then frowned and asked Bai Li Aoxiang, "no, I'm surprised. If you had known that, why did you have to do it in the first place? There are not many Dan masters in this continent, but there are also many. You don't know whether it's good or bad? "

Bai Li Ao Xiang shook his head: "where do you know this! At that time, we, like you, wanted to go higher and farther. At that time, julingdan was very popular. After eating it No promotion. Later, because of identity and responsibility, I put down my cultivation heart. "

Bai Qingyu was very sad because Mao felt that these giants were so pitiful.

Su Yixiao is also silent.

I understand, and I can't blame him for not understanding, right!

He who does not know is not guilty.


"I really want to find the fool who made the julingdan and ask her if it's in her mind Wu Wu... "

Is not only dung, no other things, the brain is below the flour above the water bar! Left and right is the paste!!

But these words were all put into his hand by the dark king evil.

"Brother Huang, Xiao Xiao, as a Dan master, can't stand his peers making rubbish. He also says that it's good for people, but the effect is really bad. So, what I said just now, brother Huang has to bear with me... "

The explanation of Ming junxie is not willing.

Bai Li Ao Xiang's eyes are warm and vague, indicating understanding.

Su Yixiao squints at him.

She just says what she wants, can't she?!

This man!

Come on, I won't say it, let me go!!

Su Yixiao with the eyes signal, Ming Jun evil this just let her go.

Bai Li Ao Xiang asked: "what method does Xiao Xiao want to use to untie the sealed blood vessels and meridians?"

Su Yixiao goes to Liu Shaoji and takes out a pill and hands it to Liu Shaoji.

"Here, eat it!"

Looking at Liu Shaoji's hesitation, Su Yixiao gave him a reassuring pill: "don't worry, it's not julingdan. This is the condensate pill that I tried out a few days ago to prepare for your promotion. There are no side effects

On hearing this, Liu Shaoji did not hesitate at all.

What the captain says is what he says. What the captain says is right. The captain is their God. The captain even gave them the space ring without hesitation, and they would accept everything of the captain without hesitation.

As soon as she took a gulp of Ningqi pill, Liu Shaoji immediately felt that her aura was not so impetuous. She slowly settled in the lowest part of Dantian, layer by layer.