Proud Hell King is So Clingy

Chapter 253

Baili Xiyue and Liu Shaoji nodded.

It's a hundred Li Yutong. It's a simple thing.

They are afraid that these parents will not agree. As for those who covet Liu Shaoji, they will give a warning and fight if they can't, and then nothing will happen.

I think it's simple, but I know it well. Baili Yutong people are not so easy to be dismissed.

"That's right."

When Bai Li Ao Xiang collected the jade, he suddenly thought of something and said to them, "I cherish the moon. Now the great spirit Master is at a high level. How much is Shaoji?"

"Report back to the emperor, I have just been promoted to lingzong, and my Lingli is not stable."

Su Yixiao suddenly surprised.

Everyone in the Xiaoyao team was surprised.



But this guy is too low-key! I didn't even say it when I was promoted.

Su Yixiao a test, indeed Oh!

Liu Shaoji's strength is in lingzong, but the spiritual power in Dantian is not very stable, it may backfire.

Bai Qingyu and Su luanyin sat down fiercely with a face in mourning: "I feel that we can't catch up."

"The promotion is so fast, Shao Ji deserves to be the first person in Yiling mainland." Gu Yang's rare praise.

When Liu Shaoji heard this, he turned back to Gu Yangzhi with a brilliant smile and told him that he could do it, too.

Gu Yang nodded.

"But the spirit power is unstable..."

He didn't say it.

Because Gu Yangzhi can see it, so does Su Yixiao, and Liu Shaoji knows that her spiritual power is not very stable.

Baili Aoxiang also saw it.

A look of the past experience, said: "promotion of lingzong is like this, lingzong needs a lot of spiritual power, this period of time, you need to gather elixir to maintain the spiritual power in the body, after a period of time will be stable."

"The magic pill?"

Su Yixiao asked in surprise.

Bai Li Ao Xiang nodded: "our lingzong, just promoted to the early stage, all use the julingdan to stabilize, oh! As long as you are promoted to lingzong, Gu's family will issue julingdan to you, and the price is free. Because there are not many lingzong in this continent. "

Su Yixiao looked at Bai Li Ao Xiang's emotion, squinted and said: "no wonder the strong people here are all lingzong second class people who can't go up! Emperor, do you know why? "


Is there a reason for this?

They all think that it's because of their own constitution or physical quality. They think that it's very difficult to promote at this stage.

How can you tell from what he said?

Su Yixiao took out a ready-made julingdan from the glazed jade bracelet and held it up for everyone.

"As we all know, the ability of julingdan is to improve people's spiritual power in a short time. It is usually used in combat..."

Everyone nodded.

Of course, they know the effect.

"If you take it for a long time, it can really stabilize your aura. But do you know how to maintain the spiritual power of a elixir that can improve the spiritual power? "


Su Yixiao continued: "because julingdan, is closed your blood, meridians, short time does not let your spirit power in the body circulation, operation, use once, after a period of time, pill efficacy disappeared, meridians, blood flow, spirit power will naturally run."

"However, if you take it for a long time, the efficacy of julingdan will not disappear. In half a month, it will completely seal your blood vessels, meridians, and Lingli can't come out of the Dantian, and the fresh Lingli outside can't come out. It's completely blocked. Excuse me, you don't even have a vent. How can you continue to practice?"