Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 745

It has always been thought that the emperor is easy to be and powerful. He can do whatever he wants, but in fact, the emperor can\'t do it for everyone. At the same time, it\'s definitely not an easy position.

It\'s hard to be a wise and a foolish gentleman. Mingjun is tired and doesn\'t live long. If you are confused, you should be cruel, otherwise you will be easily pried over and your life will not be long.

It\'s even harder to be the emperor of the old Jing Dynasty. If you want to be a tyrant, you don\'t have that condition. The cursed "cobweb" on your body will urge you to take care of the Empire conscientiously. This kind of whip effect is extremely fierce. According to Yang Jian, who has personally experienced it, no matter who is stared at by it, he will become extremely diligent.

According to "Chi", a good emperor can maintain the prosperity of the old Jing Dynasty, while a confused king will have the opposite impact. Therefore, in order to trade interests, it needs to standardize some of the emperor\'s temperament. To put it bluntly, it will prevent the Yang family from being confused.

The use of "cobwebs" is not only to spur, but also to share the good fortune of the old Jing Dynasty.

It\'s not clear whether others asked Yang Jian when he was emperor, but he asked "Chi" about sharing Qi luck. The answer of "Chi" is that "cobweb" can assimilate the emperor into it to some extent, so people in disguise can enjoy the national Qi that the emperor can enjoy, which is very important for "Chi". But more specific details "red" will not answer, and there should be reservations.

Not everyone can accept the word "assimilation" alone. There is a feeling of being swallowed, very harsh. But it\'s true and hard to refuse.

Yang Jianyou remembers that when he first ascended the throne, he was distracted by the "cobweb" on his body in just a few years and wanted to cut flesh and bones. But in the end, I put up with it. The great righteousness of the royal family made him carry the "big test" and the pain. So it seems that Yang Jian also understands why the Yang family\'s succession to the throne takes such a bloody way. It really needs the most ruthless people to win the job of emperor of the old Jing Dynasty.

Be cruel to others and yourself, otherwise you can\'t be an emperor.

But the benefits are obvious. The existence of "red" completely presses all the religious doors in the whole country firmly in their own mountain gates, and dare not run around or covet this land.

Or rely on those golden sword friars in Fenghong villa? Although Fenghong villa is also very strong, it is not empty of the first-class sect door, but it is not enough for the super sect door.

The outside sect doesn\'t know the existence of "red". The strongest thing they know about sword friars is the unique skill of golden sword friars: Blood armor. A technique that can make a monk\'s strength soar several times or even dozens of times. Of course, the consequences are serious, and the possibility of death after operation is 90%.

There are enough people in Fenghong villa. Anyone who dares to come and fight with Jingjiu Dynasty should make it possible to be replaced by the limit.

Moreover, in the history of the Jingjiu Dynasty, there were more than one times when the "blood armor" was used to fight against the sect. Mingshan sect in the super sect had tasted the power of blood armor, and even the first-class sect had been killed by the golden sword friars with heavy troops and blood armor in the Jingjiu Dynasty.

That\'s why the old Jing Dynasty is now as stable as a rock, and the "Jing Ying house" can be established to transfer the elites of various sects.

Of course, there should not be the so-called "blood nail technique" in the world. How many times and dozens of times? Even if the consequences are serious, it is still too mysterious. The practitioners have been arguing about what is wrong with the "blood armor technique" of the golden sword friar.

In fact, the mystery of blood nail technique lies in the mysterious existence that Yang Jiancai met before, "red".

Blood armour is just a means of fulfilling the "red" transaction. It only uses the life of the golden sword friar to exert part of its strength, and uses "blood armour" to deal with snooping.

"Bring me a copper bar and a pen." Yang Jian came slowly after soaking in the warm soup for a while. Greet the eunuch\'s pen and ink on the side to serve.

He sat up straight. The eunuch helped dry the water on Yang Jian\'s upper body, and then brought a floating table with complete items, not only pen and ink, but also brand-new copper bars and the emperor\'s seal.

This kind of floating table is very common in the imperial palace. The emperors of the Yang family "like" soaking in warm soup and don\'t want to come out. Naturally, corresponding office appliances will be derived.

After a little meditation, Yang Jian picked up his pen and wrote quickly. After a meal, he put down his pen and said to the eunuch around him, "immediately send it to Zuo Yuliang according to the highest secret level, so that he can strictly abide by it... No mistake."

Yang Xiusheng has been guarding the side. He will not participate in the emperor\'s government affairs, but when he heard the word "no mistake", he glanced more. Generally speaking, for the generals outside, the emperor rarely used the words "no mistake" which did not give the generals room for maneuver. Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, if there is no room for independent choice, it is bad news for the general.

But Yang Xiusheng can also guess the emperor\'s purpose. I\'m afraid Zuo Yuliang\'s action is too slow. I\'ve set an approximate showdown time for him. After all, the emperor\'s life won\'t last long. You can\'t let Zuo Yuliang slowly play the trick of punching you and me with the barbarians.

"Uncle, do you think the barbarians should stay or be destroyed?"

"I don\'t know. But there should be no problem in winning this battle. I heard the news from the front-line golden sword guard that there are not many friars in the barbarians who can take action."

Yang Jian smiled confidently: "of course there\'s no problem to win. Zuo Yuliang\'s carrying is the accumulation of 40 years in the dynasty. How can the barbarians resist?" Yang Jian brought the peace to the dynasty for 40 years. He has reason to be proud. But after a pause, Yang Jian continued, "but it may not be appropriate or possible to destroy the barbarians."

Yang Xiusheng still didn\'t answer. It\'s not what he should be involved in. In addition, he also understood that the main reason why the emperor said he could not destroy the barbarians was that he could not manage the land after taking it. It was too large, and he could not set up a transmission method array like that in the territory of the national Dynasty. It was very easy to lead to the result of separatism and becoming the king, which would become a hidden danger of turbulence in later generations.

If it doesn\'t die out, won\'t the war between Terrans and barbarians continue endlessly? This is not appropriate.

Yang Jian didn\'t expect Yang Xiusheng to answer, but went on: "destroy the main combat groups, leave the docile farming groups, and raise them as pigs and sheep. Maybe this is a long-term way..."

The eunuch hurried away with a copper bar. He needed to pass the note to Zuo Yuliang far away in Baitou gorge as soon as possible.

As Yang Xiusheng guessed, the main core meaning of the copper strip given by the emperor to Zuo Yuliang is only one: urge the decisive battle, and strictly order Zuo Yuliang to win the whole Baitou gorge before the end of August and push the war to the later stage