Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 734

At Haizheng time, Shen Hao met Wang Jian in his study at home and said there was an urgent report.

"My Lord, the news of the dead city is in vain."

In the afternoon, the dead city spy asked Wang Jian to ask for instructions, saying that someone saw through the identity of the spy and was not a serious man in the car and horse shop, but the specific details should not be clear, let alone Blackwater, an organization that had only been out for a few years and had never appeared. But after seeing through, the other party showed no intention of hostility. On the contrary, he put on a posture of wanting to cooperate.

Shen Hao didn\'t mind cooperation, so he went back to the other party and said he could try, because the dead city is outside the law, and Blackwater urgently needs to know and play a role. It\'s natural to rely on some external forces.

However, if the other party plays with Blackwater or has other thoughts, he can\'t let him live. Don\'t think that the identity of a sankui courtyard can\'t be moved. No matter how powerful the force behind it is, the man is just an insignificant bastard. Killing him will be more troublesome. It\'s nothing compared with the prestige of Blackwater.

So Shen Hao nodded his head here, then responded to the other side, then reached cooperation, and finally turned the news back. It took a lot of time. However, the result is much faster than the investigation in the dark alone.

Wang Jian handed Shen Hao a copper bar written in the secret language and said, "all the roots of the five people have been found. They are all under the door of nine life immortal."

Listening to Wang Jian\'s brief description, Shen Hao unfolded the copper bar, untied the contents with the decryption method, and then looked at it quickly. Then he raised his eyebrows slightly: "isn\'t this nine life immortal the king of Jin Yang Wenguang? Tut Tut, this is interesting."

The nine life immortal is Yang Wenguang\'s honorary title of wasting the dead city. It was passed on by the former commander yamen long ago. But Shen Hao didn\'t expect to find five disciples of King Yang Wenguang of Jin beside King Ling.

In addition, some details about the nine life immortal have also been sent back with this information. According to the informant who newly joined the line of Blackwater, the nine life immortal is partial to evil, and it is possible to practice evil skills with boys and girls. The evidence is that they regularly buy several to more than a dozen children from the slave traders in the dead city, and the children they buy have never come out of their camp alive.

Is this half an empirical? Nine life immortal has a relationship with evil friars, even if they are not evil friars.

And in this way, the previous speculation of Blackwater four has been continued.

The spirit king was regarded as a target, and the pupil of Jin Wang Yang Wenguang was also placed as an eyeliner. After that, these eyeliners would be transferred back to the king of the Jin Dynasty by Yang Wenguang. As for why not use the thousand mile note to send a direct message, this is naturally the insurance period.

Although Qianli notes are very difficult to intercept, there will be obvious mana fluctuations when summoning. If you detect them carefully, you can find them. Generally, spies in important positions will not easily use the thousand mile note to return. For example, Heishui\'s sister flowers placed in the house of Bai Changqing, the Minister of household, rarely use thousands of mile notes, but use simple copper bars or code words.

So the thread of the whole line comes out. Probably the rate spirit king was kept in the dark and didn\'t know the truth.

There is another conjecture that Shen Hao agrees with Blackwater, that is, it is impossible for the spirit king himself to know and find the friars under the nine life immortal sect of the dead city as helpers, and it is also impossible for one of his counselors to help. Otherwise, if so many experts in the dead city don\'t find them, how can he find some people who are close to the friars of the evil family to be helpers? So the five people should be contacted by the moon shadow building to help the spirit king.

Shen Hao recalled the scene when he saw the five people outside the "no loss" tavern and said, "maybe King Ling is not completely ignorant."

"Hmm? What did your excellency think of?" Wang Jian was curious, because Shen Hao met the five people face to face. It\'s not strange to find any details.

"Location! That day, after I met the king of spirit, I went out and saw the five people at the alley relatively far away from the king of spirit. According to the information, the five people were friars in the back of Yuan Dan territory. They should stand near the core defense circle of the king of spirit, not on the edge. Does this mean that the king of spirit is guarding against them?"

Although Shen Hao said a question, the expression on his face was determined. Several princes have no friars in xuanhai territory, which is against the bottom line of the Royal "big test". Because if the monk in xuanhai territory was cruel, he might really make the result of the "big test" a situation of chicken flying and egg beating. In the end, several princes died and had no place to cry.

"This...... but if the spirit king noticed the clue of the five people, why did he stay with them?"

"Ha ha, I\'m confident. Why else? The power of Lingwang has soared after he has won the garrison of the south gate and the Yamen of the imperial city. Bai Changqing is standing in his team and holding the power of tightening money and food in his hand. He can win over the middle and lower officials in the world, which is no worse than those aristocratic families and door lords gathered around the Grand Prince.

In addition, I heard that many of the forces left by the second prince, King Qian, after his death were accepted by the spirit king. I\'m afraid there will be no small number of monks in the back of Yuan Dan territory. He is not afraid of the small moves that the five disciples of the king of Jin do secretly.

Do you think the spirit king is using the five people to test which side of the bottom of the moon shadow building is crooked? "

Wang Jian nodded repeatedly. He always admired Lord Shen\'s judgment. Such a subtle detail directly pushed the whole context forward again. According to this conjecture, the spirit king, who had always felt that he had been calculated very pitifully, was not completely in the dark. According to his behavior, he should also be wary of the five people under his command and the moon shadow building.

However, Shen Hao was silent for a while, stood up from his chair, walked to the window, looked at the moonlight outside, thought for a long time and said, "if the king of spirit is aware, should the marginalized five people also be aware? Or the king of spirit\'s reaction is really not a good thing."

"You mean... King Lingwang will be in danger?" Wang Jian was shocked when Shen Hao woke up. Indeed! Ling Wang\'s act of alienating the five disciples of the king of Jin is a little hasty, which will certainly cause the king of Jin\'s reaction. And according to normal thinking, it must be: if you find my clue, you\'ll kill you so that you don\'t burst out and disturb my later plans.

So, spirit king, danger!

Shen Hao nodded: "yes. If I were the king of Jin, I would never let the spirit king go. This kind of threat that may be aware of him continues to exist. It\'s a big deal to play tricks again and find a chance to kill the spirit king. It\'s not difficult for an evil friar like him in the dark sea.

Report it. It\'s hard for us to intervene in this matter. It\'s estimated that Lord Jiang and giant people are also hard to intervene. How to decide in the end must depend on your Majesty\'s intention. "

The emperor\'s attitude is the most difficult to figure out in this series of undercurrent.