Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 733

Tan bin was curious about the "cabinet" in the car all the way. He knew it was a new thing to enjoy and a good thing to keep the room warm in winter and cool in summer.

It\'s just too expensive, and he has to use the pan spirit stone as energy consumption. The consumption cost is too high, so he can\'t afford it.

But it\'s really easy to sell this thing in the dead city. His team has unloaded nearly 50 units from the ship these days, right? The average price of one is 30000 Liang, which is one million and five hundred thousand liang of silver. The money is a little amazing for Tan bin.

People in the car and horse shop say that this kind of thing called "air conditioner" is the top brand of a new firm. Its owner is Yu Wenhe, a very famous businessman. But Tan bin superficially agreed with this statement, but he sniffed it in his heart.

How can a merchant make this money? It\'s too long, isn\'t it?

Hundreds of so-called construction guys followed these air conditioners. Before these people arrived, Tan bin was ordered to try his best to help a group of new spies who were going to settle down in the dead city. I\'m talking about some of these hundred people.

So tan bin firmly believes that the so-called air conditioner was made by Lord Shen. Others are always fascinated by money. How can you understand Lord Shen\'s deep meaning?

In addition to the air conditioners pursued by various forces in the dead city and the spies who follow these air conditioners into the city, there is a new task to follow, and the task is "urgent", which needs to be completed as soon as possible.

The text description is very short, that is, "dig out the roots of these people", and then five portraits.

Looking for someone again? Although Tan bin doesn\'t like such tasks very much, he has no right to refuse. The main reason why I don\'t like it is that looking for someone needs offline help. At present, the spies infiltrated by Blackwater in the dead city are still in the state of "entering your place for the first time". It\'s not easy to have a trusted informant.

Among the people tan bin is currently in contact with, the only suitable person to cultivate as an informant is the orderly deacon of the blood clothes door who "helped" him once before. His surname is Zhang and his full name is Zhang Chong.

Since the previous time, Tan bin would find Zhang Chong out to drink every once in a while as long as he died in vain in the city.

They are familiar with each other. Tan bin also learned a lot about the dead city along Zhang Chong\'s mouth in the chat. Even if it is just some common sense, it is enough to fill a large gap in Blackwater\'s cognition of the dead city.

For example, there are no flower buildings in the dead city. The reason is that the Hehuan sect, one of the three leaders, is very disgusted with the place of selling desire, saying that it is incompatible with their sect concept, so it is not allowed to set up flower houses, and even whoever dares to play whoring in the city will be suppressed by the Hehuan sect.

Therefore, on two occasions, Tan bin rushed out of the dead city with Zhang and found a flower building in a small town near the border to vent the fire.

Tan bin sees that people have their own set. He knows very well that although Zhang Chong often blows his cowhide after drinking, in fact, Zhang Chong is a loser who can\'t even fart in the city. The only thing that makes Tan bin look at this person differently is that Zhang Chong is a native of the dead city.

Zhang Chong\'s parents are casual practitioners. By chance, they went to the dead city to make a living. Finally, they met and married. However, both died in an accident, leaving young Zhang Chong at that time. Zhang Chong did not become an abandoned child because of his parents, but was adopted by the forces before his parents. After teaching the practice of Dharma, he did not drive him away because of Zhang Chong\'s poor talent. He gave him a leisure job until now.

So although Zhang Chong\'s skill is not good, his status is not high, and he doesn\'t even have a few backers, this guy looks familiar! No matter which corner of the dead city is in vain, the door is clear, and I know a lot of rumors and gossip that others don\'t know. When talking, I think of where to say, and my mouth is not very strict.

Tan bin finally decided to take Zhang Chong as a breakthrough and develop him into his first informant.

Two or three kilograms of wine, but things were not as good as Tan bin expected, but in addition to accidents.

As soon as Tan bin spoke, Zhang Chong laughed and said that he had long felt that Tan bin was unusual. How can an ordinary car and horse shop head have so much money and always invite him to eat and drink? And invite him out of town to play with women?

"Don\'t you just want to know about the situation of the dead city in vain? Who doesn\'t want to add sand to the dead city in the old Jing dynasty? Nine times out of ten, anyone who stops casually on the street has sold news about the benefits of a certain force. This is not a shady event. Hey, I was still thinking about how long you would hold back. I didn\'t expect to ask now."

Zhang Chong\'s words, in turn, made Tan bin, who was originally very calm in his heart, a little overwhelmed. After a while, he reacted and asked, "deacon Zhang, do you mean you knew that I had another purpose to approach you?"

"Of course. You\'re very secretive and eloquent. I really think you\'re a good person and can make friends. But I also know that you\'re a mere errand runner. It\'s not worth your attention. Besides, I\'m afraid your identity as a" head "is empty with your ability?

Tut Tut, don\'t think about doing it. Although it\'s common to die in the dead city, I\'m from the sankui courtyard. Even if I\'m just an errand runner, I\'m also from the sankui courtyard. I have to give an explanation when I die. Even if you can handle it, it\'s very troublesome, isn\'t it?

I can help you a lot. I can find out the information, find out the details and help introduce you. As long as you can say it, I can think of a way for you. Of course, you can afford it. "

Tan bin dispersed his killing intention. Although he is not Zhang Chong\'s opponent, the other party now doesn\'t want to live in his arranged yard. As long as he moves his fingers, he can kill the other party.

However, as Zhang Chong said, there will be some trouble after killing him, which is not in the interests of Blackwater. But really talk about cooperation with Zhang Chong? It always makes Tan bin feel a little awkward. Anyway, it was the first time that he was offered "cooperation" by others.

Tan bin calmed his mind, hung up his smiling face again and said, "deacon Zhang is honest. To tell the truth, he really scared me. But I can\'t do it. I don\'t know if you can give me some time?"

"Of course. I won\'t ask what you are, what you want to do, and I won\'t publicize the things between you and me. Even if we don\'t talk this time, we can be friends."

Tan bin nodded, said "wait a minute", then got up and left the table, and hurriedly fed back the situation here to fengri city.

Although the news is urgent, after all, it depends on the notes of thousands of miles to transfer, verify, and finally report at all levels, so it takes most of the day to go back and forth.

But Zhang Chong was not in a hurry. He just sat at the banquet drinking and bragging. Until the evening, Tan bin got the above reply: you can try to cooperate with him first. If you don\'t succeed, kill him.