Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 732

"Cough, cough..."

After a violent cough, there were spots of blood on the ground.

A eunuch knelt on the ground, lowered his head and wiped it quickly. Then he stepped aside and threw the blood stained white rag into a smokeless flame magic weapon to ashes in front of the emperor.

Yang Jian breathed, half closed his eyes and leaned against the soft collapse. His chest fluctuated violently, with bursts of burning pain from his lungs to his throat.

However, Yang Jian can accept the pain calmly, because it is nothing compared with the curse he has endured over the years.

"Your viscera have begun to bleed. Should this medicine stop?" Yang Xiusheng brought today\'s medicine soup, but he didn\'t put it on the table, but continued to carry it in his hand. He was very aware of the harm of this bowl of medicine in his hand. The emperor coughed up blood now because of this medicine. This thing keeps people energetic, but it is also swallowing up little life.

Yang Jian shook his head and reached out to signal Yang Xiusheng to pass the medicine to him. He knew his state best. If he didn\'t have this soup medicine, he would have to lie in bed and die in a few days, which would directly wipe out his efforts over the years.

What\'s the fear of death? It\'s better to say that Yang Jian has been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Although Yang Xiusheng could not bear it, reason prevailed. He knew that the emperor was choosing to use his own life to maintain the most important inheritance test of the royal family.

After drinking a bowl of medicine soup, Yang Jian\'s face recovered some spirit, but it was terribly pale. That pair of eyes that have begun to sag are always faintly chilling.

"This medicine is not too hard to drink after getting used to it. It tastes like raw eggs." the emperor put down the bowl and smiled at the corner of Yang Xiusheng\'s mouth. He\'s in a good mood.

But Yang Xiusheng didn\'t agree. He didn\'t think raw eggs would be delicious. Instead, he changed the topic and said, "King Jing came again just now and was blocked back."

There are not many people in the palace who can block King Jing. Sometimes the emperor\'s personal eunuchs can\'t stop him, but Yang Xiusheng can. Even if the emperor wants to give him three thin faces in the palace, King Jing naturally dare not be presumptuous, because even if Yang Xiusheng\'s success in succession in the future also depends on the scene in the town, who dares to offend?

"Again? Hehe, at this time, we all have filial piety." Yang Jian smiled and didn\'t care. During this time, not only king Jing, but the other princes came to see him, but they were blocked back by Yang Xiusheng. Such a neat and uniform running to greet him made Yang Jian feel funny.

Does the royal family have no family? Not necessarily, but family affection needs to appear after the big test. Otherwise, who will let family affection interfere with their judgment at the moment of life and death?

"It seems that you can\'t hide your physical condition. They should want to explore your reality." Yang Xiusheng is very clear about the plans of the princes. Because the emperor\'s physical condition directly affects the "big test". If the emperor dies suddenly, let alone the "big test", the whole Jing old Dynasty will be in chaos. This was not unprecedented in the history of the old Jing Dynasty. It was really a chaos at that time.

"I know it\'s impossible to hide it all the time. The queen, eunuchs, imperial doctors, imperial meals... You can always see the clue after a long time."

"Then you might as well meet them together." Yang Xiusheng put forward his own idea. In his opinion, the emperor\'s physical condition is too bad. Now it\'s time for those princes to have a number in mind.

But the emperor waved his hand and said, "if Yang Wenguang wasn\'t around, maybe what you said would be good. But now it\'s really inappropriate. Once my situation is mastered by Yang Wenguang, the variables will be too large, so I can\'t see them. Moreover, this atmosphere is very rare. It can make them speed up their struggle and produce results as soon as possible, so I can go into the ancestral hall early."

Seeing that the emperor mentioned the king of Jin, Yang Xiusheng frowned and hesitated: "the news from Xuanqing Wei has come twice. It is almost certain that Yang Wenguang colluded with the evil Friar and Yueying building. Even before Qian Wangye\'s death, he probably let someone do it. King Lu was just framed. Do you really let Yang Wenguang mess around in the imperial city?"

To tell the truth, Yang Xiusheng was very puzzled by the emperor\'s so-called increasing the difficulty of the "big test". In his view, this is an extremely wrong and risky practice, which may not only bring the "big test" into an unpredictable situation, but also completely lose control of the situation of the old Jing Dynasty.

Yang Xiusheng believes that the gains outweigh the losses. Even the worst case may be that all the seven princes were killed by Yang Wenguang. Then the Jingjiu Dynasty

"Ha ha..." the emperor saw that Yang Xiusheng was a little nervous, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he laughed and said after a long time: "Yang Wenguang is not a reckless man. I\'ve dealt with him. I know how much he weighs. Moreover, our royal family is basically unified. He can\'t destroy this ancestral foundation in order to revenge. I don\'t know his plan now, but I\'m sure he has other plans. Otherwise, he won\'t blame the fourth brother for qian\'er\'s death.

It\'s a pity that xuanqingwei\'s nose is really smart. Yang Wenguang\'s trick was detected only in time to show his tail. Now he\'s applauding no matter how he moves.

So, uncle, you don\'t have to be nervous. Things can\'t be messy.

Besides, my sons are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although they are the fourth to attack, they look like they are being used to help dry children with grievances. In fact, they should be aware of it. It\'s just that I\'m not sure who\'s involved in the big test. "

Although Yang Jian stood on the last stage of his life, his brain was not affected because of the soup and medicine. The intelligence from Xuanqing Guardian made him see the situation clearly. Compared with Yang Xiusheng, he was really not in a hurry.

What else can Yang Xiusheng say when the emperor says so? He is only in charge of Fenghong villa to suppress the royal family\'s luck. For the change of royal power, he is more a means of care than participation or intervention. Only the emperor can make decisions.

There was a sudden silence.

Yang Jian trusts Yang Xiusheng very much, but it doesn\'t mean that he will tell Yang Xiusheng everything directly. At least in the matter of Yang Wenguang, he didn\'t tell all his thoughts from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Wenguang became involved with evil friars and was destined to have no qualification to covet the throne. There had never been a precedent for high-ranking friars to ascend the throne in the Jingjiu Dynasty. Yang Wenguang can\'t be unclear. Moreover, the emperor did not believe that Yang Wenguang appeared with the idea of destroying the "big test" of the old Jing Dynasty, because it was unreasonable. Unless Yang Wenguang has a hidden trick that can steal the fruits of the "big test".

What is this hidden trick? Yang Jian guessed, but it was not time to ask.