Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 712

On the same night, Shen Hao and Jiang Cheng were not the only people who stayed up all night.

Xue GUI also discussed countermeasures with a frown on the residence of Ma xuanlin, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment. Their mood was more complicated and more uneasy.

Xuanqingwei said that he was just assisting in the investigation. Shen Hao\'s sense of propriety was very dead. He not only helped a lot, but also never took the lead. All the cases were still in the hands of the major case Department of the Ministry of justice, which also killed the idea of the Ministry of Justice to throw the pot.

Ma xuanlin also just came back from the Zuo prime minister\'s house. He has no accomplishments. He is a lot of age. Now he has no sleep all night. He has to run around and bother with anxiety and impatience. He sits on the chair and leans against the back of the chair with a tired face.

Although Xue GUI is not tired, his eyes under the mask are also very heavy.

"You know what Zuo Xiang means. This time it can be said to be a life and death situation. Your big case department is particularly important, but nothing can go wrong." Ma xuanlin\'s voice was very gloomy.

Compared with Bai Changqing, Ma xuanlin\'s situation is actually worse. Among the six, he was the most embarrassed and had no choice.

Because the six other books of history all have the background and inside information behind them, but Ma xuanlin doesn\'t. Even if it\'s true, Ma xuanlin\'s background and inside information are tied with Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng. Their ancestors were distant relatives, and it was this relationship that made Ma xuanlin, who had never been in the place and had no accomplishments, directly take the important post of Shangshu of the Ministry of punishment, which was pulled by Ye Lansheng.

Therefore, Ma xuanlin is the one who is most closely tied to Ye Lansheng. To put it mildly, ye Lansheng is unlucky. He can\'t run.

The civil service group has a lot of gossip these days. The most important thing is that Bai Changqing, the Minister of the Ministry of household, suddenly publicly accepted Ye Lansheng, and then stood in line with the king of the spirit, and the rumors began to spread.

Later, the emperor obviously alienated Ye Lansheng, Ma xuanlin and other senior leaders of the left phase system, which immediately caused a very unstable vibration within the civil service group, and there was a growing trend.

Ye Lansheng, who was in the center of this vortex, naturally knew that his selfishness had completely angered the emperor and caused the shock within the civil service group.

Ye Lansheng\'s chagrin and regret are worth mentioning. At this point, we must come up with countermeasures, otherwise the final result will most likely be that the emperor will free up his hand to lower the thunder after the "big test", and there will be no way to return to heaven at that time.

Ma xuanlin has been an official in a high position for many years. Although he has been following Ye Lansheng, he has never been a fool and has a thorough understanding of the current urgent situation. If he had a choice, he would rather cut off his seat with Ye Lansheng like Bai Changqing. Unfortunately, he and ye Lansheng were tied too dead to cut.

Ma xuanlin is just trying to follow Ye Lansheng forward.

I haven\'t seen a turnaround before. After King Qian was killed, the emperor\'s attitude cooled Ma xuanlin\'s vest. He felt the dark clouds coming. Will the thunder fall far?

But the turnaround came at this critical juncture. Ma xuanlin felt that God was helping him. So he hurried to consult Ye Lansheng. After repeated deliberation, they now have a strategy to convey to Xue GUI.

What is another village? Ma xuanlin really feels it now.

Originally, because the black cloud was coming, I could only shiver and wait for the thunder to fall, and finally died without a whole body. But now there are evil friars involved in the case of King Qian\'s murder. This is a variable. There can be a change.

When Xue GUI told Ma xuanlin about the case before, Ma xuanlin realized that someone behind the king Qian case was deliberately trying to kill the king of Lu with a knife from the Ministry of punishment. This is not hard to see. He knows very well, Xue GUI knows very well, and so does Ye Lansheng.

But apart from Xue GUI, who had no dominant power, Ma xuanlin and ye Lansheng regarded this accident as a life-saving straw. Just be someone else\'s knife. What are you afraid of! What does it matter to chop the king of Lu? Since someone wants to borrow a knife, just pretend to be stupid and kill. There are seven princes in total. One has died. Why don\'t you just kill five more? Don\'t you know who\'s killing with a knife when there\'s one left?

Officialdom pays attention to "tacit understanding". After hearing Xue GUI\'s case report, ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin immediately thought of such a "simple" case clue and made it clear that they were deliberately guiding. Does it mean to test the Ministry of punishment and ye Lansheng\'s attitude at the same time?

In other words, the secret man probably means: I know you\'re having a hard time now. Help me and give you a chance to turn over.

When he became a knife, he killed people and made meritorious contributions. After Bo was a master, the man behind him was ascended to the throne, and then the east wind overwhelmed the west wind, blowing away the black clouds on their heads.

To put it bluntly, it is a gamble that the people behind these conspiracies can win the "big test" and become the new emperor. At that time, the difficulties around Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin will be solved.

How can the identity of the person or force behind be confirmed as one of the princes? How can we be sure that the other party will recognize the "credit" of Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin?

Because there\'s no choice. It\'s a terrible end, isn\'t it good to fight now? Ma xuanlin and ye Lansheng both know that it\'s not a good idea to be a knife now, but what if they win the bet?

Xue GUI stood with his hands tied in his eyes and listened to the training. Ma xuanlin was relieved by his respectful appearance.

"My subordinates understand that the case can now be made into a complete file according to the existing clues. I\'m afraid that if the king of Lu gets the news in advance and hides the Li Wenhao or kills him directly, it will be difficult to do all the work." Xue GUI said his concern.

Ma xuanlin waved his hand and said carelessly: "You don\'t have to worry about that. You just need to confirm the clues in your hand. You can see the two witnesses firmly. It doesn\'t matter what happens to the king of Lu. Do you know that the wall falls down and people push? There\'s no need for us to do more at that time. Other princes in the court will jump out and step on the king of Lu, and finally form a joint force, and the king of Lu will come back again It\'s hard to turn over. "

"Your Excellency has great ideas, but my subordinates don\'t think about it."

"Don\'t belittle yourself. Things in the temple are not what you should think about. If you do it well, you will make a great contribution.

Another thing, Wang Qi, the right waiter, is old. He asked me to go back to his hometown in advance. I agreed. After this case, you can do a handover with him. Get familiar with him first, and then I\'ll report to Zuo Xiang to invite you a promotion opportunity. "

Xue GUI quickly bowed and said in a loud voice, "thank you for your cultivation. I will not let you down!"

"Very good. That\'s it. Go back and hurry up. Take someone\'s warrant. The Zuo prime minister\'s house will issue it after dawn. You\'re ready."