Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 713

Wang Jian hasn\'t seen his adult for more than half a year. When he learned that the adult is now in the Imperial City, he wanted to meet him. But Sheng Sheng was stopped by an order.

The case matters. Wang Jian can only honestly follow Shen Hao\'s arrangement and continue to take charge of the Blackwater headquarters in fengri city. At the same time, two ways are launched to check the news in the dead city at the same time.

It\'s easier to find Yueying building, but it\'s just to pay. Blackwater is now fat and oily. It\'s much richer than thousands of households in fengri city. It doesn\'t care about the asking price of Yueying building.

What\'s more difficult is the Hengshun car and horse line. For one thing, the land transportation business in the weak water basin is only coming soon. It takes time to penetrate, and it can\'t be monks who enter the dead city. It\'s not so easy for ordinary spies to find some secrets inside. But when the order came down, he had to find a way to complete it. Wang Jian had to transfer the most experienced and elite spies to the dead city, hoping to start as soon as possible.

Because the news of going to the moon shadow building was to be answered in two days, Wang Jian kept in fengri city and dared not walk around. Meanwhile, he was state of extreme nervousness. He had been wearing the eyeliner in the Imperial City, but he had been able to send back the latest changes in the imperial city. He could see that some of his scalp was numb.

Fortunately, Heishui\'s staff in the imperial city are all ordinary people without accomplishments, which is easier to hide. Moreover, Heishui belongs to a new secret force, which has not been noticed by anyone. It is relatively safe to master the basic information about the "big test".

On the day after Wang Jian got the order to go to the dead city to check information from two ways, an eye-catching news came back from the Imperial City: the major case Department of the Ministry of punishment took the warrant jointly signed by the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment and Zuo Xiang Yamen to the king\'s residence of Lu, and with strong means, directly dispatched nearly 100 yamen servants, and almost all the few experts in the Ministry of punishment went.

It is said that he took a man named Li Wenhao and called him a guest Qing in King Lu\'s house. However, the angry king of Lu Yang Shang did not hand over the person to the Ministry of punishment, but opened the prince of Lu\'s house to the Ministry of punishment for search, saying that there was no Li Wenhao in the house, at least not now.

On the same day, the major case Department of the Ministry of justice submitted the first-hand file of the "murder of King Qian". In front of all the officials at the great court meeting, it said that all the clues to the case pointed to the king of Lu. In combination with the information of xuanqingwei\'s investigation assistance and the confessions of two important witnesses arrested by the Ministry of justice, there were also evil friars in the case.

In other words, the result given by the Ministry of punishment is that King Qian\'s death has something to do with King Lu and evil friars.

This conclusion seems to be a matter of fact, but it\'s actually like pouring a ladle of water into boiling oil.

At this stage of the "big test", who in the temple doesn\'t have the mind to stand in line? Even many have chosen the prince standing in line either explicitly or secretly. Otherwise, the competition between the four gates of the imperial city and the local yamen would not be so fierce.

Now, King Lu has been designated by the Ministry of punishment as the murderer of King Qian\'s assassination, and has something to do with evil friars. Is that good?

If it\'s for the "big test", it\'s just killing brothers. Everyone is mentally prepared. In the old Jing Dynasty, every generation of emperors has been selected in this way for so many years. It\'s bloody but effective. However, if you are stained with evil friars, the nature is different.

It\'s not too sharp to fall into a well and hit a stone. Almost all the people who are qualified to speak in the temple have gone out of class to express their views. At least 70% think that a thorough investigation should be carried out to prevent the king of Lu from being used by evil friars.

How? Of course, it\'s a matter of closing the door and locking hands and feet. Everyone knows that the king of Lu may not survive such a check, but no one will talk about "death".

The final result was that the emperor ordered the king of Lu to think behind closed doors and ordered the Ministry of punishment to continue to thoroughly investigate the case of King Qian.

Thinking behind closed doors, the four words basically pushed the king of Lu to the edge of the cliff. Not to mention how many people under his command will flee in all directions, it is worrying that the tiger will fall flat and the sun will be bullied by the dog. King Qian\'s life was not guaranteed in the prison of the Ministry of punishment. What about King Lu, who is obviously blamed by the emperor now? Will you die suddenly, too?

The sources of the news were overheard by the factotum of the official\'s house in the temple, detected by the eunuch in the palace, and more like the family members of Bai Changqing\'s family.

Besides, many news are not secrets. It\'s not difficult to get them as long as you spend some time.

Wang Jian looked at the results analyzed by the people of the four departments and the follow-up deduction at Heishui headquarters, and called him powerful. The stick of the Ministry of punishment was through the hornet\'s nest, and the Ministry of punishment didn\'t have any shit, so King Lu became a substitute for the dead.

The most direct change is that the north gate garrison, which was originally controlled by the king of Lu, has begun to show signs of changes. Because the king of Lu was ordered to think behind closed doors, it was difficult to continue to control the important imperial city. The other princes stared at it and began to pry the corner of the king of Lu by means.

The conclusion drawn from the four parts shows that the current situation of King Lu is very poor and has basically fallen into the trend of collapse. Unless there is a great reversal event, the "big test" basically has nothing to do with him.

However, according to Heishui\'s view, if the king of Lu retreats clean at one time, he may still be able to save his life. If he still wants to struggle and doesn\'t let go, then... His life will not be long.

Wang Jian was curious about what king Lu would do next, and asked the people of Heishui to pay close attention.

After that, when the two-day deadline was coming, the news from Yueying studio arrived. A copper bar was directly passed to Wang Jian by the way he left it.

Wang Jian opened it and simply read it again. He didn\'t dare to delay. He changed his hand and passed the content on the copper strip to Shen Hao in the imperial city with thousands of miles of notes.

The information about Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong in the information of Yueying building is very simple. That is, at present, there is no news about Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong in the dead city in vain. It is even said that in the intelligence of the moon shadow building, no one in the dead city in vain has heard of or seen these two figures in recent decades.

Of course, the moon shadow building also said in this information that it does not rule out the possibility of Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong changing their names, but the time is too short. There is no information related to Zhang rutie and Lin Qinghong within the scope and channels they can reach.

Wang Jian reported the news to Shen Hao and got a response half an hour later. Shen Hao meant that he should continue to explore the city in vain and still do his best. However, the line of Yueying studio will stop first and make plans after the first-hand information from the car and horse shop is returned.

After a little thought, Wang Jian knew it well. Once again, I woke up the four departments and asked them to continue to focus on the Hengshun car and horse company in the weak water basin and get back the first-hand information as soon as possible.

Why wait for the first-hand information of Hengshun car and horse company? Wang Jian\'s understanding is that Lord Shen should not trust Yueying studio.