Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 691

Pang ban frowned after listening to the report of the commander under his command. He tapped his fingers on the table and said in a deep voice, "wrong idea? Can\'t you help it?"

"My Lord, thinking can\'t be solved by experience alone. If you don\'t have a clue and can\'t find the thread in the mess, everything can\'t be talked about."

This is how to solve a case. Unlike fighting and fighting, you can win by brute force. Once you don\'t have ideas to solve a case, the case behind you will be stuck and can\'t get in.

Seeing Pang Ban\'s meditation, the commander said again: "now we need a person with strange ideas and good at handling strange cases to be responsible for the early sorting. As long as we can come up with a reasonable breakthrough, the latter will be easy to do."

Clear thinking and good at handling strange cases?

There are many experts in solving cases in Xuanqing Wei, and I don\'t know how many suspense cases have been solved. Take this commander as an example. He used to be a case investigation expert famous for xuanqingwei. But when it comes to the four words "strange thinking", there are not many Xuanqing guards who can meet the requirements. Even Pang ban takes the change of authority of the supervision envoy as an example. They all thought it was a hard job, but as soon as Shen Hao came out, he immediately beat the supervisors all over the ground with a series of key means, and quickly reversed the supervision, so as to make his position and image in the army and firmly take root.

Later, relying on the errand of "chore manager", Xuan Qingwei\'s figure shines brightly in the army for the first time, and has been mentioned in the top three of the military newspaper several times.

Pang ban seems to joke in front of Jiang Cheng many times that he has accepted a good student. In fact, Pang ban is a little envious. Pang banxuan\'s sea realm has two levels of cultivation. There are five disciples, but cultivation and talent are becoming weaker and weaker, and no one can inherit his mantle in his official career. How easy would it be to have an apprentice like Shen Hao?

I don\'t know if the boy surnamed Shen has performed too well in recent years. Pang ban not only arrived at the first time, but also has strong confidence. It seems that as long as the boy surnamed Shen comes out, it can be easily solved.

Pang ban was still thinking in his mind, but the conductor on the side hesitated for a moment and then said: "Although my subordinates have no specific contact with affairs in recent years, they have carefully studied every issue of xuanqingwei\'s official newspaper, and some students have brought some news back to me. Therefore, my subordinates believe that if this case is handed over to Shen Hao, deputy 1000 households of black flag camp in fengri city for investigation, it is more likely to break the fog."

Pang ban was stunned and said to himself: how do you know I\'m thinking about the boy surnamed Shen?

There is no mind reading in the world, so Pang ban knows it is a coincidence, so he asks, "tell me your reason." he thinks that a person may have blind spots, and it is more complete to listen to the views of others.

The commander said: "Shen Hao\'s many deeds show that he is the most active person in Xuanqing Wei. He is also young. I heard that his cultivation is also good. I think it is most suitable to investigate this case."

The reason is simple and rough. This is in line with xuanqingwei\'s consistent behavior style. But now Shen Hao is a little hard to get away.

"You go down and sort out the case, and I\'ll think about it."

"My subordinates leave."

Pang ban and others left, got up from his chair, went to the window, looked at the woods outside, and kept thinking.

Decide which is more important between the front line and the imperial city.

In the past, Pang ban basically didn\'t grasp the trend of the army because of the lack of tentacles in the army. Now the supervision enables him to go deep into the main command cores of the army and know all his actions. Pang ban can confidently make some reasonable inferences about the situation of the army.

Is the war urgent in the South now?

Of course, it\'s important! According to the news from the front line, the most intense war of attrition since the confrontation has been started near baitouxia, and the 50000 troops in Jianchuan have increased the cavalry in Jianchuan to 30% after three rounds of personnel adjustment. Now they have begun to oppress the baitouxia defense line on a large scale, forming a side pincer attack on the front.

According to Pang Ban\'s understanding, Zuo Yuliang is already preparing for the great showdown of Baitou gorge. If the barbarians can push back the defense line in front of Baitou gorge, the flat area behind Baitou gorge will fully meet the geographical requirements of the great showdown.

In other words, according to the current situation, the barbarian war is more than half, and even a decisive battle is imminent.

The war situation in the South and the Royal "big test" are strangely unified in time. Pang ban was keenly aware of this from the beginning, and there are many people in the court who are aware of this like him. Therefore, similar to the war in the south, the progress of the "big test" will also enter the second half.

If we look at the outcome of the previous "big test", there will soon be the final result, and even the war in the South will enter the final stage first.

One is outside, the other is inside. Which is more important? Pang Ban\'s eyes came back from the window and finally landed on the territory Map of Jingjiu Dynasty hung in the house.

"The great empire is about to usher in a new master, and the alternation of the old and the new will set the tone for the pattern in the next few decades. Therefore... Xuanqingwei can\'t wait. Your majesty seems to want us to show some skills in front of the future emperor."

If you want to understand these Pang spots, you have to worry about them.


As soon as the voice fell, the porter outside opened the door and bowed in.

"Call the adjutant."

In the afternoon of that day, an urgent official letter from xuanqingwei\'s commander yamen was sent to Wen Mingju, the left attendant of the military headquarters. The words inside are all friendly, which means "the army is close to xuanqingwei\'s family". But at the end, the words were non-negotiable, and it was not too much to directly inform the military department.

"Due to the adjustment of internal affairs, Shen Haozhi, the chief officer and general manager of the southern border army supervision, is hereby adjusted and transferred back to his original position. I hope your department will know..."

Wen Mingju was stunned when he got the note. He was a little unhappy immediately. what do you mean? Don\'t you xuanqingwei know the importance of Shen Hao in the army now? What do you want to do by pulling people away from me at this juncture?

Just wanted to get up to find Pang ban theory, but soon Wen Ming paused, his face uncertain, and finally sat back in his chair. He guessed Pang Ban\'s plan. After all, there have been many disturbances in the imperial city. It has been some time since xuanqingwei was roasted on the fire again. It seems that Pang ban is ready to let Shen Hao come back and break the game?