Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 690

When Xue GUI went to the commander yamen, his face under the mask must be very bad. It was obvious that he was oppressed in his eyes.

Before, the big case Department of the Qin family had suffered a big loss in xuanqingwei\'s hands. Now, Xue GUI asked to come to the door. Xue GUI must not know how to swear.

But when he saw Pang ban, Xue GUI still had to behave well and knew that even if he was unhappy, he could not hate the famous cruel man in the dynasty.

"Officer Xue GUI, meet the commander!"

"No, sir Xue, please sit down."

Although Pang ban has a reputation and is known as the most difficult person to contact in the old Jing Dynasty, his friendly smile is still easy to frighten people. Even Xue GUI, who is used to seeing all kinds of scenes, would be confused by this smile if he didn\'t know Pang Ban\'s cruel deeds.

After sitting down, Xue guidao came out. He said that this time he came for the case of King Qian\'s murder and wanted to seek xuanqingwei\'s help. He said frankly that this was ordered by his majesty after reporting it to his majesty.

"Lord Xue, if you don\'t come here, I\'ll find Ma Shangshu. Your majesty has given us Xuanqing guard a warrant to fully assist Lord Xue in handling the case and be sure to bring the murderer of King Qian to justice!"

Xue GUI\'s heart jumped when he heard these four words. He is not a fool who knows nothing. King Qian\'s death is definitely related to a prince. If they really want to be brought to justice, do they want the prince\'s blood on their hands? Don\'t Pang ban know that in the past, when the Royal "big test" happened to the prince, he simply checked it, or finished it immediately?

Xue GUI\'s idea is to "stop at the point". First, he will not get involved in the struggle between the crown prince, and no one will offend; Second, we can also find some horseshoes to show that the big case department is actually capable of solving cases, so it won\'t be regarded as a bastard. It was for this reason that he went to Fenghong villa and hoped to get help. As a result, he was stabbed by a stick to xuanqingwei.

But as soon as he saw Pang ban, he said a word and jumped out a word of "bring to justice", which made Xue GUI a little breathless.

But before Xue GUI could speak, the huge spots on the side waved their hands and continued to laugh: "Don\'t worry, sir Xue. Now you must think about it carefully and understand. If your majesty really wants to make big and small things, he won\'t let Xuanqing guard come forward. If you really want to find a master of cultivation, authorized by the imperial court, and sent by your Ministry of punishment, can\'t each major sect help you?

They all say "big test", but if they only compete without scruples and restrictions, is it still called "big test"?

There are a lot of disappointments in the "big test" in the past dynasties. Now your majesty asked me xuanqingwei to be more careful and cautious. If you can\'t even get through this, the "big test" will not be complete.

If I say so, can Lord Xue understand what I mean? "

In fact, what Pang Ban said was equivalent to saying half and then stopping abruptly. But this did not hinder Xue GUI\'s association with the latter half. In other words, he understood that Pang ban meant to express that the emperor had made the "big test" more difficult. He also said that the case of King Qian\'s murder must be investigated with all his strength.

What else can Xue GUI say when it comes to this? Although he still doesn\'t fully agree, he also believes seven or eight points. After all, this kind of thing is not difficult to guess. It\'s easy to get the same result along with Pang Ban\'s idea.

This is difficult!

"I will ask people to investigate this case with you. You can directly mention anything else you need. We will do all the work of assistance this time."

It was time for Xue GUI to leave xuanqingwei\'s commanding envoy Yamen. He didn\'t rest after returning to the punishment department, but waited for xuanqingwei\'s experts to come in the public room.

But in the next few days, Xue GUI found that he had thought things too simple before.

Xuanqingwei\'s master did come, and there were three splashes before and after, and his cultivation was getting higher and higher. Finally, even the rarely seen commander came, but he still didn\'t find any information about the murderer of King Qian.

"There can\'t be a completely traceless means of killing. There can\'t be a cover up that can completely hide from us... Is there something wrong with the idea?"

Not only is Xue GUI\'s face depressed and uneasy, but the commander who was urgently transferred nearby also looks ugly.

Commanding is the most important combat power in Xuanqing guards. It doesn\'t need to appear at all. Usually, it\'s the commander who makes the Yamen shut down and repair. Some senior commanders are still in a very special position. Even if they come to help a case, they get nothing. It\'s not good-looking.

Xue GUI can\'t help it. The only thing he can do is to report it to Ma xuanlin. He hopes Ma xuanlin can talk to the emperor again. He always thinks that the people of xuanqingwei are not capable enough. If he can let friar Jinjian come over, the situation will be different.

But where did Ma xuanlin get a chance to see the emperor? All the memorials he handed in recently fell into the sea. Except that he could see the emperor\'s face at the Grand Court meeting, he was rejected all the time. Moreover, even if he played an invitation at the Grand Court meeting, he would be hit and sent out with a "second discussion".

And not only did Ma xuanlin have no chance to see the emperor alone, but even Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng also had no chance. Now the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are looking at Ye Lansheng with their eyes open. It seems that the emperor is deliberately alienating Ye Lansheng and Ma xuanlin. This is not a good sign.

If the emperor hates a person, will this person come to a good end? The answer has been repeatedly confirmed by countless bloody facts. So now the people in the army are watching plays, but there are more gossip among civil servants.

Moreover, the Ministry of punishment has not come to a conclusion about the murder of King Qian this time. Xuanqingwei even heard that there was no progress even in directing the incident. Is the emperor angry with the Ministry of punishment? With the anger of Zuo Xiang?

Others think so, not to mention Ma xuanlin and ye Lansheng themselves? So Ma xuanlin is busy trying to find a way to see the emperor. As for the case of the Ministry of punishment? What\'s that?

Therefore, it is impossible for Xue GUI to get the support of his own adults, and his face is not enough to talk directly with Fenghong villa, so he is very depressed that he can\'t push the case these days.

Finally, Xue GUI had to admit that the only thing he could expect now was xuanqingwei, who he had always despised. At least the commander of xuanqingwei was very careful about the case. He not only checked all the details repeatedly, but also reported several progress to pangban, and put forward a conclusion.

"There is a problem with the idea."

PS: one more chapter in the afternoon.