Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 685

The previous news about Hengshun car and horse travel is good, which is good news. It should have arrived earlier, but later, because Hengshun chariot and horse company was transferred to the south to replace the supplies, the focus of the whole business naturally shifted, and did not care about the weak water side. Now, although it was late, it finally came.

This news means that Blackwater\'s tentacles can reach the weak water and Xiahe river basin along the carriages and horses, and then use the way of Tianyi firm to enter the dead city. Then slowly get familiar with it, and the intelligence of the dead city will no longer be so poor as it is now.

Shen Hao has a hunch that after the intelligence system on the other side of the dead city is built, the news of evil friars, false evil practitioners, underground palaces and other practitioners will continue to rush in. This is of great benefit to the improvement of Blackwater system and the filling of document library.

On the other hand, the Yin jade maps that have been put on Shen Hao and brought a crisis to Shen Hao point to the dead city. Both public and private Shen Hao have reason to understand this legendary city of monks.

As for Zhu Shou\'s private letter sent by Wang Jian, it is more interesting.

First of all, it\'s very interesting that Zhu Shou can let Wang Jian deliver this message. I think Zhu Shou must have made a lot of efforts on Wang Jian, otherwise it\'s impossible to help Wang Jian with his temperament. Don\'t think this is just "sending a message". This is the intelligence channel of Blackwater. Can you get this treatment for other business?

What\'s more, what Zhu Shou asked Shen Hao is also very interesting.

Zhu Shou is the dental master of fengri city. What does he do? The slave trade, of course. It seems that he asked Shen Hao about slaves. In fact, he was inquiring about the purpose and bottom line of the war against barbarians in the army.

Asking whether there are slaves in hand now is actually to know whether there is any idea of making money in the army. When you ask whether the back one is cut off or kept in captivity, you are asking the final bottom line.

I have to say that although Zhu Shou is engaged in the slave trade, his vision is still very poisonous. It is estimated that even most generals in the army have not considered these two issues carefully.

For more than 40 years, the barbarians have not only not been a threat in the eyes of Yahang, but also in the eyes of many people. On the contrary, the barbarians are still their source of livelihood.

What are many barbarians? One is medicine, the other is slaves. These two things were absolutely profiteering in the Jingjiu Dynasty. Now the war has started for only half a year, which has been a heavy blow to those engaged in slavery and medicine.

The owners of the major slave caravans can still hold on. After all, they have a big family and a big business. Half a year will pass, so they won\'t be unable to open the pot. But the people in the downstream are uncomfortable. After a long time, they really can\'t afford to eat.

The only tooth line that can trade slaves naturally bears the brunt.

There are three kinds of dental slaves. One is willing to sell as a slave, the other is to convict as a slave, and the last is to capture foreigners as slaves.

The first two are not uncommon, and most of them are from the Jingjiu Dynasty. They are just marked as slaves and become goods. The price of selling as a slave is the cheapest. The main reason for reducing a crime to a slave depends on his status. The family members of a criminal officer are expensive, and it\'s ridiculously expensive.

However, the old Jing Dynasty has been peaceful for decades, and few slaves have been sold, and the families of criminal officials do not exist every day. In fact, the main stable source of slaves is barbarians, with high prices and stable supply.

When Shen Hao was still working in Licheng, he knew that the interests involved in the slave business were absolutely great. Later, after learning about the imperial merchants, I learned that the "knife" in the imperial merchants was the big head of the slave chamber of Commerce, so the loss of the "knife" was the biggest this time. Shen Hao even speculated that it was probably for the reason of reducing other daily costs that "Dao" transferred the transportation business on the shore of weak water and Xiahe River to Hengshun car and horse company to charge some intermediary fees.

The imperial merchants still had the action of tightening, and other slave merchants can imagine.

It was not long before Zhu Shoucai became the leader of the dental industry in fengri city. At the beginning of the good day, he encountered the midwinter of this industry. He was unlucky, and there was no way to struggle. He only wanted to ask the situation through Shen Hao, an acquaintance who was in the front line of the war and had some power in the army.

Although Zhu Shou has many hearts and minds, it is not enough to make Shen Haoxin angry. If you really want to be dissatisfied, you are also dissatisfied that Wang Jian can\'t stand Zhu Shou\'s request. It can be regarded as selling a favor.

These are small problems. What really deserves Shen Hao\'s attention is another big problem brought out by Zhu Shou\'s private letter: the whole country is optimistic that Zuo Yuliang can win, so what will happen after winning? What should I do with the barbarians? And the barbarians?

Shen Hao believes that this problem is likely to secretly affect the final trend of the war. Perhaps the end of the war will be much more complicated than most people think.

First of all, Shen Hao directly ruled out the possibility of occupying the land after victory. Too big, too big, too big!

A small-scale occupation is of little significance, while a large-scale occupation or full-scale occupation is unlikely. Because there are many problems, the most direct one is that it is difficult to effectively control the occupied areas.

Because the transmission method array can be built in the old Jing Dynasty, but the foundation of the transmission method array, that is, the cornerstone, can not be used in the barbarians, which basically breaks the foundation of large-scale regional rule. If you rashly send people over, it is likely that decades later, because the emperor is far away and an ambitious man will come up with a separatist force, typically lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot.

This is also the reason why Shen Hao infers that after the victory of previous wars, the Jingjiu dynasty did not build cities in the barbarian territory.

Distance is often the biggest obstacle. If there was no such abrupt and magical thing as FA array in China, the Jingjiu Dynasty could not be so large and stable.

If we win, will we take the method of "killing as many as possible" to destroy the growth foundation of the barbarians, and then wave our troops back?

Shen Hao can\'t think of it. But he believes that this barbarian war will not be "killed" as before. Because the biggest difference this time is that the Jingjiu Dynasty opened the channel from the thousands of miles of bamboo sea directly into the middle and rear areas of the barbarians, greatly shortened the supply line and directly extended the maximum combat distance of the Jingjiu Dynasty.

If the emperor was more ruthless this time, and there was no intentional release of water by Yang Yansi, the barbarians might be completely killed, and then the area would be empty?

Shen Hao shook his head. Land is the most precious. The empty space will soon be occupied by other forces. The old Jing Dynasty didn\'t have the ability to control such a large place without breaking away from the transmission method array. Didn\'t it return to the origin? It\'s better to leave a weak barbarian to avoid killing this land and attracting another group of hungry wolves?