Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 684

Wuhu recently opened a new military stronghold, which is different from the previous use. It is specially used to gather the wounded sent back from all over the country.

Commonly known as the wounded camp.

This idea was not put forward by Shen Hao, but by Chen Zifang. After carefully summing up various suggestions and benefits on unified admission and care of the wounded fed back by various armies, Chen Zifang thought that this method was effective, so he should pay more attention to it.

So Chen Zifang first found Shen Hao and discussed whether it was feasible and necessary to set up a special wounded camp in the rear of Wuhu.

Shen Hao agreed with Chen Zifang\'s idea and agreed to be named on the joint instrument. After that, Chen Zifang really persuaded Zuo Yuliang to delimit a piece of land and get a camp that can treat thousands of injuries.

The result excited Chen Zifang and made Shen Hao take it for granted.

Unified management, admission and care will certainly improve the efficiency of treatment, which was expected by Shen Hao. But he was also surprised at Chen Zifang\'s ability to draw inferences from one instance. Now 90% of the affairs of the whole wounded battalion are done by Chen Zifang, including the rules and objects such as "toilet flushing array", "heating array for boiling water" and "separate care of heavy and heavy wounded" overturned by Shen Hao.

Another reason for establishing such a wounded battalion is that the number of wounded soldiers recently sent back from the front line has doubled. Many of them were seriously injured, which was almost absent in the past.

This not only shows that the front-line war is fierce, but also shows that the first aid team, field treatment and other relevant new measures have greatly increased the survival probability of the wounded, so that they will not die miserably in the front line, but have the opportunity to be rescued and sent to the rear.

In the eyes of the generals in the army, this change is absolutely comparable to the two great victories of Jianchuan before, or even worse.

War will kill people, and talents are the most fundamental winners and losers. Ten enemies die, but I only die. How can we lose this kind of war?

It\'s just a comparison of war damage. If the concept of "being treated after being injured, you can\'t die without bad luck" is taken into account, the morale of soldiers is also very different. The actual combat is "brave", and the support for combat effectiveness is not a bit.

In the face of such a thing that will certainly leave a name in the history of war, Shen Hao himself does not have much feeling, because these "novel ideas" are not really his original, he is just a porter. In addition, the prestige in the army did not mean much to him, and recently his mind was not on the war in the south, but at home.

As far as Shen Hao knows, the attack of baitouxia in the South still belongs to early contact. Although the intensity is gradually increasing, there will be no big change in a short time, and it still needs time to grind. The barbarians will probably determine the ownership of the king\'s court before the battle of baitouxia enters a critical period. Whether it is frost moon or red earth, they can\'t delay as long as they don\'t want to simply destroy the family. At that time, maybe the war situation will change again.

In addition, the news in the imperial court made Shen Hao\'s scalp numb, which can be called the extreme chaos.

The king of Jin who only appeared a few numbers in history books is still alive?!

He not only lived, but also became a monk in xuanhai territory, and ran back to the imperial city? Or is it such a sensitive period of the national dynasty? What are you preparing for?

In addition, Yang Yansi, who should have disappeared, is now like a shit stirring stick, stirring up the already chaotic, smelly and dangerous domestic situation. Even xuanqingwei, who used to watch the play well, can no longer watch the fire from the shore.

After receiving Wang Jian\'s message, Shen Hao has been thinking about the final possible direction of the domestic situation. Half a month later, he found that no matter the emperor, the king of Jin, Yang Yansi, or even the tension in the whole country, nine Chengdu should fall on the same thing: the Royal examination.

Otherwise, why did the king of Jin suddenly return after fleeing for many years? It\'s strange not to aim at the Royal exam. There must be a purpose in it.

But then again. Although Shen Hao firmly believes that the purpose of the king of Jin is to fall on the Royal "big test", he does not think that the king of Jin wants to play the trick of robbing the throne for himself.

Because in the history of the old Jing Dynasty, no emperor\'s accomplishments exceeded that of the refining realm. What\'s more, the appearance of the king of Jin on the portrait is evil enough. With Shen Hao\'s insight, it\'s not a serious way to practice. What does such a person rely on to usurp the throne? Can the imperial ministers abandon their vested interests and go crazy with an old madman?

There is also Yang Yansi, the general of Zhu state of the state Dynasty. At the beginning, he secretly participated in raising bandits and self-respect. Although there is no direct evidence, he was suppressed by the emperor. It is estimated that there should be a war at that time. The Emperor didn\'t want the army to be disorderly, so he left Yang Yansi alive. Now it seems that he has left a disaster.

Perhaps at the beginning, Yang Yansi secretly made trouble not only to raise the bandit\'s self-respect, but also for other reasons. Even provoking the war between the Jingjiu Dynasty and the barbarians was just preparing for the intervention of the king of Jin?

Therefore, Shen Hao\'s order to Wang Jian is: keep an eye on Wuzhuang from a long distance, never approach it at will, and more roundabout exploration from the details. For example, whether there are any changes in the situation of Wuzhuang\'s households going out, purchasing, work and rest recently, rather than directly digging up Yang Yansi in the Chuang. It\'s too dangerous, easy to scare the snake, and it\'s not cost-effective. Keep an eye on the spirit king and check the moon studio in turn.

The king of Jin and Yang Yansi are both in the xuanhai realm. Shen Hao, a great man of this kind of cultivation, will not let his men touch the black water like a newborn. It\'s too dangerous. But the spirit king and the moon shadow building are different. Now the king of spirit is busy and moves frequently. It\'s not difficult to find out. Even he can get a lot of information about the king of spirit from Bai Changqing alone.

And the moon studio. Shen Hao, the intelligence organization, once contacted him. Based on Lianxiang\'s relationship, he didn\'t go deep before. Now it\'s time to touch each other\'s details.

And the unexpected breakthrough from Lianxiang makes the moon shadow building not so mysterious in Shen Hao\'s eyes, but has context to find. What\'s more, there are many spies in the country and the dynasty, and the people in Heishui won\'t be so conspicuous.

Finally, Wang Jian brought two other messages. First, Liu Hengyi, the owner of Hengshun chariot and horse company, has made the way of Tianyi firm, which is the top in the weak water area. In the future, he can rely on the Tianyi firm to do material transfer business from the weak water to the shore of the waters around Xiahe river.

To put it simply, in the future, Tianyi firm will toss on the water. When it turns to land, it can use the hands and carriages of Hengshun car and horse shop.

This is the good news that Shen Hao has been waiting for for for a long time. After that, Hengshun car and horse company can justifiably start to use this convenience to slowly penetrate into the dead city.

The other is a private letter sent by Zhu Shoutuo, the leader of dental practice in fengri City, to ask if Shen Hao has any barbarian slaves in his hand. In addition, he wants to find out whether the barbarian slaves after the war have been abolished or kept in captivity since then?