Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 672

Although it was late at night, the tents of the Chinese army in Wuhu were still brightly lit. Many people stay up all night.

Shen Hao stood outside the tent, blowing a cool wind, looking up at the stars all over the sky, feeling a little uneasy. According to the deployment of the previous military strategy meeting, the starting point of the Jianchuan series offensive was early yesterday morning, and if everything goes well, we will get the exact news tonight or tomorrow morning.

The waiting time is the most difficult. Even if Shen Hao has no family and country feelings for the old Jing Dynasty, it does not prevent him from hoping that the old Jing Dynasty will win. Because he now depends on the Jingjiu Dynasty to eat, and does not turn to the national Dynasty to hold the stinky feet of the barbarians?

Jianchuan is now a prominent part of the whole front. If it can tear open the gap, it will definitely have a decisive position in the whole war process.

With Shen Hao\'s experience of half irrigation, he can also see that once Jianchuan breaks through, he can directly wrap up Baitou gorge. Or continue to push forward, and Bingfeng threatens the hinterland of barbarian territory.

If it fails. Jianchuan\'s current situation will return to the previous situation and continue to stage the consumption war of flesh and blood mill, which is definitely not good news for the Jingjiu Dynasty.

Although the whole country is unanimous now, the voice of the outside world is loud, and hot-blooded young people flock to the south to join the army and kill barbarians.

But war consumes young people. Once too many people die in a short time, this kind of thing is definitely a big black pot. No one mentions it now, but what about the post-war?

During the liquidation, a hat of "ignoring the lives of soldiers" must be buckled. At that time, if you are lucky and protected, you can balance your merits and demerits, and there are still some benefits left. I\'m most afraid of a "work is not worth it". I\'ll give you a sugar first, turn around and give you a hard slap. Maybe I\'ll fan your head off.

Shen Hao believes that Zuo Yuliang started this new offensive after Jianchuan just opened some situations out of this consideration. Although there is no absolute certainty of success, how many lives can be saved once it is successful?

In the early morning of February 25, at Chou Ching Shi, a monitor sent internal news to Li Jiang through a thousand mile note, and Li Jiang immediately reported it to Shen Hao.

Once there were two, followed by one after another, new news came back from the front lines of the "Shimen", "front", "middle" and "lower" military strongholds.

Li Jiang and Zhang Ye, who came to inquire, quickly sorted out several pieces of news and unfolded them in front of Shen Hao.

"The whole army of Qianmen stronghold attacked at night, and then Zeng Zhou\'s headquarters set up an ambush on the way to intercept and kill more than 10000 enemy troops reinforced from the middle of Jianchuan.

Then, Li Zhongzheng, who joined Shen wanlinhui in the central military stronghold, launched a fierce attack on the barbarians in the middle of Jianchuan at dawn.

Zeng Zhou\'s headquarters attacked again, intercepted and killed the barbarian reinforcements in the lower part of Jianchuan, took a short rest and turned back, and joined the ranks of the enemies besieging the central part with the posture of front and rear attack.

Finally, the whole army of Shimen military stronghold pressed together with Cheng jinhou of Shimen military stronghold to put pressure on the upper part of Jianchuan, and also launched a fierce attack to contain the lower part.

After that, we will break through the enemy\'s camp in the middle and then the enemy\'s camp in the upper part.

It is estimated that 40000 enemies will be annihilated in the middle, and thousands will flee. More than 20000 enemies will be annihilated in the upper part, and the rest will be withdrawn to the hinterland of the barbarian rear. Another nearly 30000 enemies will be intercepted and killed halfway. Now the enemies in the lower part also begin to withdraw from the stronghold and move closer to Baitou gorge.

As mentioned above, from 23 nights to now, the wars in Jianchuan have ended one after another.

My Lord! The front line is victorious! "

Although there is no specific number of war damage, it is definitely much less than the barbarians. With such a victory, bad news in the war report will naturally be "reported later".

"OK! Report the good news to Lord Jiang immediately. I think he should be anxious."


Li Jiang and Zhang Ye are also excited. They will discuss how the war will unfold in the future.

"Now we\'re in a wild victory! Naturally, we\'ll pursue the victory and kill him for a hundred miles first. Then we\'ll send our troops south to break the Baitou gorge all the way, and then we\'ll be able to direct our troops to sangpicchu!"

"I think we can fight steadily. It\'s a long way from Jianchuan to Baitou gorge. Although it\'s a wild victory, the number of war losses will not be small. If we rush south, we\'ll be self defeating and suffer a big loss."

"Suffer a loss? Now that the attack is successful, the barbarians are in danger. Where can we resist?"

Zhang Ye is quite confident. He believes that the pursuit of victory can quickly expand the results of the war, and can directly cooperate with the direction of Baitou gorge to open up the trunk road to sangpicchu one after another.

Li Jiang seemed more mature. He felt that although he won wildly, he should calmly consume the fruits of the war, instead of waving his army south, fearing that he would be intercepted by the barbarians in baitouxia.

"Baitou gorge is no better than Jianchuan. The terrain there is open and flat, with few rocks and low-lying areas. It is very suitable for cavalry action. What do you think will happen if those infantry in Jianchuan rush to the open area of Baitou gorge on two legs and encounter large-scale wolf cavalry?"


Zhang Ye couldn\'t answer. Because although infantry also have ways to deal with cavalry, it is recognized that infantry suffer a lot if they encounter a large number of cavalry in the wilderness. Escape, can not escape; Catch up, can\'t catch up, Shengsheng is grinding to death.

Shen Hao didn\'t take care of Zhang Ye\'s ugly face. He also agreed with Li Jiang\'s judgment. Li Jiang is obviously better at military affairs than Zhang Ye.

"So there will be a quiet period after coming to Jianchuan?"

"My Lord, my subordinates think so. Because if Jianchuan goes further, it will lengthen the front and weaken the advantages of Shimen military stronghold and Wanli bamboo sea secret road again. This will face the danger of going deep alone. Therefore, Jianchuan should overcome the existing achievements in a short time, rather than continue to advance or go south to help the war."

Zhang Ye shut up. He also wanted to show his face in front of Lord Shen, but in terms of military affairs, he was like Li Jiang. He said the wrong thing just now. Now he can only stare but dare not interrupt again.

Shen Hao also looked at the topographic map hanging on the board. Indeed, after Jianchuan scraped off the two nails in the upper and middle, he even completely stood firm. And in terms of location, it has actually formed a situation of double attack on Baitou gorge.

"This is already an advantageous situation?"

"Yes, sir. Now Zuo Shuai has completely opened the situation."

Waved his hand and asked Li Jiang and Zhang Ye to be busy respectively. The monitoring personnel of all the armed forces are sure that relevant detailed information will be sent back later. These need to be carefully integrated. They can\'t be empty these days.

Shen Hao didn\'t go to sleep, but stood in front of the topographic map. He was curious, now for the barbarians, the war situation is unfavorable, and will the internal stalemate about the establishment of the king\'s court be intensified?

On the contrary, according to Blackwater\'s long-standing news, the interior of the Jingjiu Dynasty was also not peaceful, and even several princes had thrown away their arms and wanted to swing their fists at each other. This wild victory in Jianchuan may give the government and the public a reassurance, so as not to be alarmed by the increasingly fierce Royal "big test".