Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 671

Even though the war is not over yet, Wu Kai has become a general with 6000 soldiers in his hands. Although most of them are new recruits, I have seen blood in the military stronghold in front of the door for several times, and I am used to it. But the combat effectiveness is still much worse than the four front armies or his old hands.

Wu Kai is not in a hurry. The battlefield is the best place to train people. These thugs who used to be in the military garrison will soon become elite. If they can survive as much as possible.

He was promoted not only because Wu Kai led his soldiers to fight bravely, but also because of his small tactics.

It is precisely because of his small tactics that Cheng jinhou\'s headquarters maintained a high number of kills against the barbarian\'s powerful heavy armed group "tusks" from the upper stronghold of Jianchuan to the current stronghold in front of the gate.

In fact, Wu Kai\'s method is also simple. Even before, he had a sudden inspiration on his way to Jianchuan.

A small shovel is attached to the waist of each soldier. It can be used as an axe or dig on the ground.

The huge size, terrible power and heavy armor of the tusks, once charged, could not be resisted by any active battle array in the Jingjiu Dynasty. Even with the protection of the monks, it is difficult to resist the impact of the tusks. Often the tusks open the way and rush out of the battle, followed by Wolf cavalry, chopping melons and vegetables, quickly disintegrating the battle that should have been dominant.

This is also the reason why the tusks have always been regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh by the Jingjiu Dynasty.

But Wu Kai\'s idea is different. A small shovel directly reduces the charging power of the tusk elephant clan by at least 40%!

When the tusks began to charge, they dug some small holes with thick and thin thighs on the ground, each only half a foot deep, and then retreated to the back of these small holes, gun array or shield array, so as to deal with the residual impact in the back.

Because the tusks charging with all their strength have to be coerced by these forces while obtaining sufficient speed and impact, making them lose their flexibility. It is difficult to make flexible turns on the charging line, and even to avoid obstacles in the open road. Smashing or crashing is their general response.

But the small pit... Elephant legs stepped in. Driven by the forward momentum, they will only have one result: they break their legs and fall heavily to the ground, which becomes a huge obstacle on the way of their companions, and then a series of mutual trips. Finally, only 60% of the tusks rushed into the battle, and their speed and impact were forced to drop a lot, so they had no power to crush everything.

Although a small shovel is not enough to abolish the tusks, a powerful group of barbarians, it has at least played an effective restrictive role. Therefore, Wu Kai was promoted by the Taoist priest\'s chief Yamen. He was directly appointed as a staff general from a partial general, and he was a real leader of 6000 soldiers.

Now this position is definitely a real power in the front line. Even Wu Kai has received goodwill from general Cheng jinhou. If there is a chance in the future, Cheng jinhou said he hopes Wu Kai can follow him back to the Jingbei army.

Where to go is naturally later, but Wu Kai is determined to follow Cheng jinhou, where to play, and absolutely go all out to take the lead.

However, Wu Kai survived and was promoted all the way. In addition to his own brain and ability, he also had luck. He was seriously injured when he was in the upper stronghold of Jianchuan. If Shen Hao, a big dog acquaintance, had not saved his life, he would have entered the big grave in Jianchuan. Not to mention later, Shen Hao gave him several healing pills on credit, otherwise he couldn\'t get better now, and he couldn\'t be in charge.

Because the 6000 people under his command are not the main force, today\'s front side did not send Wu Kai\'s Department forward, but was arranged on the flank to prevent the enemy from looking for opportunities from the flank.

Wu Kai doesn\'t have the idea of "dedication". Being steady is the most important character. Therefore, he now has the most long spearmen and big shield soldiers, together with some knife shield hands and a team of experts in Jingying house. It\'s not possible to rush or fight, but it\'s no problem to hold the front and slowly move forward with the overall offensive of the army.

There is a master of Jingying mansion, Ding Shan, who has been guarding Wu Kai. This man and Wu Kai are already very familiar. He walked all the way out of the clumsy fire. During Jianchuan, Wu Kai was saved by Shen Hao, and the monk of Jingying house was also not dead. Even Ding Shan saved Wu Kai\'s life several times later.

After fighting back the enemy\'s charge again, Wu Kai quickly asked someone to use this rare gap to call the emergency team and carry the wounded down for treatment. There is a newly established "battlefield treatment center" in the rear not far away. There are more than a dozen doctors together to deal with the seriously wounded, and then return to the military stronghold.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Kai patrolled on his own front and comforted the soldiers who took the time to rest.

The busiest people are the first aid team, who have quickly become an indispensable part of the military. With them and the "field treatment center", the number of seriously wounded people dragged to death has dropped sharply to a very low number. This is a change that everyone, including ordinary soldiers, sees in their eyes.

If you are injured, even if you are seriously injured, you don\'t have to die. Naturally, your fear of war will be reduced a lot, and the soldiers will fight bravely.

These changes are definitely not simply "killing a few people less".

However, the war situation made Wu Kai frown, and his heart was full of doubts: it was unreasonable to fight like this. Even if it needs to be consumed, there is no need to fill in so many people at one time. If the barbarians reinforce again, then... Qianmen military stronghold and Shimen military stronghold may be in big trouble.

Wu Kai doesn\'t understand why Cheng jinhou is so stubborn today. He just puts on a show of winning or losing with the barbarians opposite. This is totally different from the previous strategy.

"Over there, it\'s like the flag of general pan of Shimen stronghold." Ding Shan nearby raised his finger to remind Wu Kai who was distracted.

"Huh?!" Wu Kai turned to look at the speech. It was really the flag of general pan of Shimen stronghold.

Why did pan Shigui lead the army? Is the defense of Shimen no longer needed? Wu Kai was shocked. But it soon occurred to me that the two generals, Cheng jinhou and pan Shigui, must have poured out at the same time. It must not be motivated. It should be the military strategy of the Taoist executive Yamen.

"Is this going to break through the barbarian defense line?"

Wu Kai\'s heart surged when he thought of this place. He understands that up to now, the reinforcements of barbarians have not appeared. Perhaps it is not a barbarian problem, but calculated. Now the whole Jianchuan battlefield must not be calm.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

After a meal break, the war drums suddenly roared, and all the soldiers clenched their weapons again