Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 661

The situation in the south is turbulent, and the war has entered a new stage. It is relatively smooth, but just as the barbarians are not stable, the interior of the Jingjiu Dynasty is also blowing strange unhealthy winds with a "tacit turbulence".

Those who stood on the emperor\'s side were silent and indifferent to the current wind direction of the national Dynasty. One by one, they seemed to shrink their heads, deaf and dumb.

Even most of the speech officials who like to show "everyone is drunk and I wake up alone" on weekdays just stare at the South and seem to be particularly concerned about military strategy. Only a small number of people who don\'t know right or wrong jumped out and participated in the unspeakable unhealthy trend.

Of course, in addition to these strange unhealthy tendencies, there are other important events that make people look sideways and think deeply. For example, without warning, xuanqingwei took another large-scale internal purge action, and directly cut the neck of the top level of xuanqingwei.

On November 28, the Xuanqing Wei Jingxi town envoy yamen was ordered by the commander Pang ban to arrest Liao Chengfeng, Jingnan town envoy, and a total of 152 people in his family. At the same time, the rectification action against the establishment of all Xuanqing guards in the area under the jurisdiction of the Fu envoy of Jingnan town was launched.

In just three days, a total of 75 people were jailed in three Xuanqing Wei thousand households in the area under the Fu envoy of Jingnan Town, seven people resisted being killed, and more than 600 family members were involved.

This is another big stroke of the large-scale rectification action after xuanqingwei established the black flag camp. However, among the four Town envoys, Jingnan town envoys are targeted, and the influence on the town envoys on the East and north sides is extremely weak this time.

Many people are wondering why xuanqingwei chose to conduct such an internal purge at this time, and it is obvious that he went to appease Liao Chengfeng in Jingnan town. And the main force responsible for the cross regional implementation of the purge is Jiang Cheng, the pacifier of Jingxi town who had a conflict with Liao Chengfeng some time ago and was despised by Liao Chengfeng in public.

Is this revenge? Has the interior of xuanqingwei been so rotten? Many people think so. This idea starts from these people\'s inner fear of xuanqingwei. When they see the objects of fear killing each other, they will naturally applaud. Therefore, this statement has a market.

Of course, most people only dare to say it in private. After the Qin family\'s affair, who dares to talk about xuanqingwei easily now? Very few.

However, those big people who were at the top in the old Jing dynasty would not "gloat" at xuanqingwei\'s so-called "internal rectification". Even they don\'t agree with xuanqingwei\'s saying that "there is no internal rectification", and they think it is much more appropriate to use "cleaning".

Who doesn\'t know that Yang Yong, the Third Prince of Wu, is standing behind Liao Chengfeng? Besides the king of Wu, Liao Chengfeng has two in laws of the xiuzu family behind him. The following relationship is intertwined. It\'s not too much to say that it\'s an authentic boss stool in Xuanqing Wei. Just like the previous internal purge of xuanqingwei, Liao Chengfeng must have a problem, but who moved him? It was just that he was transferred from Jingxi to the Fushi Yamen in Jingnan town. At that time, it was more interpreted that Pang ban was providing a promotion platform for Jiang Cheng.

Past facts show that even hardliners like Pang ban are afraid of the forces behind Liao Chengfeng. Perhaps the previous adjustment was Pang Ban\'s warning to Liao Chengfeng\'s people.

Now I choose to clean up Liao Chengfeng at the time of the Royal "big test", which has to make people think deeply. As princes, Tebei dare not miss anything that may have hidden secrets.

Yang Shu was not in the imperial city. He first went to Jingdong in mid November, turning around seven or eight big cities, large and small, and then to Jingbei.

Now Yang Shu lives in Fengjie, the largest central city in Jingbei.

As the largest grain planting area in the old Dynasty, Jingbei has always been the absolute core and key place. The war made the South cloudy, but Jingbei was in full swing, and five of the army\'s rations in the South came from here.

So this time, after Yang Shu took the task of implementing the national strategy of tightening money and grain, he focused on Jingbei.

Before going to Jingdong, Yang Shu wanted to be familiar with the process and various joints of this job. At the same time, we should also make his staff and guest secretaries familiar with this practice.

Yang Shu didn\'t turn to Jingbei until he understood all aspects of the money and food tightening, and got a nod from his staff, the guest ministers, when the time was ripe.

In contrast, with the experience accumulated in Jingdong, Yang Shu is naturally more comfortable in Jingbei. In addition, Bai Changqing of the Ministry of household is barely on his side, which makes it more convenient for Yang Shu to do business. Whether it is a bank or a granary, the Ministry of household has detailed incoming and outgoing documents in hand, and each transaction can be traced to an individual with the document records.

In this way, the local people can only dream if they want to tie their necks on the news. Only by honestly cooperating with him to implement the austerity strategy is the way to protect themselves.

So up to the third day of December, Yang Shu\'s work has been progressing smoothly. Seeing that the Ministry of household fell to Yang Shu, the local officials naturally gave up all their fantasies and wholeheartedly hoped that Yang Shu would be merciful and set aside more surplus for their jurisdiction as much as possible, so that they would not have a sense of depression under their rule.

If people\'s livelihood drops because of the austerity strategy, it will be a big stain on the local system. Even because of the special period of wartime, who wants to have a record of "people\'s livelihood and complaints" on their resume?

So Yang Shu was always held by people after he arrived in Jingbei. He was careful not to flatter appropriately. Even in order to make it easier for Yang Shu to handle affairs, the chief official of the local yamen directly let his residence out and packed it up for Yang Shu.

Yang Shu did not affectate these blatant courtesies and flatteries. He accepted all flatteries according to the order. Of course, even if you want to bribe him, he will write it down in a small book. Yang Shu is not prepared to stay for such brainless people who bribe the prince.

In addition, Yang Shu used the power in his hand to win over local officials, which was carried out so blatantly. Those on his side can get some preferential treatment on the strategy of tightening money and food, which counts no matter how the war situation changes in the future. If you have stood in line with others, or refused Yang Shu, or want to play the trick of the wall riding sect, you will be further demanding.

This simple and crude approach has attracted many people\'s dissatisfaction. Because officialdom has always paid attention to "bargaining", but also to "face" and "advance and retreat". Who has been so reckless and vulgar as Yang Shu before?

But Yang Shu\'s idea is simple: the big exams are coming, and my king\'s life is at stake. How can I have time to play riddles with you?