Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 660

Compared with Shimen military stronghold 80 miles away, the military stronghold named "in front of the gate" by Cheng jinhou is actually much smaller in scale, and there are no defensive auxiliary fortifications. Even for the convenience of cavalry access, several sidewalks have been arranged around the rubble.

When Cheng jinhou came here from the upper stronghold, he knew his task: to do defensive things in the form of attack.

In other words, Cheng jinhou needs to continue to defend the new stronghold while putting on an offensive posture. In the words of Jianchuan theater commander Shen Wanlin: you are a nail and a stone mill! I want you to be nailed to the enemy\'s flesh and kill their flesh and blood!

In fact, Cheng jinhou understands that when it comes to flesh and blood consumption, not only the barbarians die, but also the great son Lang of the Jingjiu Dynasty.

The fighting intensity here in Jianchuan is too high. Although the terrain can only be fought on the scale of tens of thousands of people, it can not form a large-scale decisive battle at the level of 100000 people. But the battle is almost uninterrupted.

Every time he had to sign on the list of war deaths and pensions, Cheng jinhou had to endure to keep his hands from shaking. He didn\'t even dare to think about how many people had changed under his command.

It\'s said that the general\'s credit to the white bone pile is harsh, but Cheng jinhou admits that he has made meritorious service in the army all his life. Every inch is bought by his son\'s life. It\'s appropriate to say that there are many white bones behind him.

But Cheng jinhou, like most generals, has an iron heart, but he is not really hard hearted. He will be sad and bleed. It\'s just that they can\'t express it directly in the face of victory or defeat.

Cheng jinhou experienced the last war against barbarians and became famous in that war. Then he gradually became the leader of the army.

So Cheng jinhou was prepared when he fought against the barbarians. The ferocity and cruelty of the barbarians are not only aimed at the enemy, they are as ferocious as their own people. This is the ethnic character brought about by the generally bad living environment.

However, the barbarians dare not care about the dead, and even dare to fight hard in the future. Jingjiu Dynasty doesn\'t like to play with them. Every soldier who dies is something the Lord doesn\'t want to see. The wounded are more involved than death. How to reduce the wounded and how to treat and transfer the wounded as soon as possible has always been a perennial headache for generals. Even in many cases, the processing ability in this area will directly affect the promotion of generals.

But there have been few ways to reduce war damage. Because the war depends on the collision between a large number of non friar soldiers and the military array, the battlefield of high-level friars is as cruel as that of high-level friars, so the main battlefield can only be ground by flesh and blood. The result is stacks of death lists.

The intensity of this war was particularly frightening, which exceeded Cheng jinhou\'s experience in the last war.

However, this time is also different. For example, there is a position of "chore manager" that has never been heard of before. When Cheng jinhou heard it for the first time, he scoffed. He knew it was a tacit understanding between the army and xuanqingwei. He was not optimistic about its practical use.

But the reality is so unpredictable.

First, an order to drink boiled water to prevent diarrhea was sent to the troops from the mouth of the chore manager. From top to bottom, the armed forces have almost experienced a change in attitude from "doubt" to "doubt" and finally "really effective". Then he began to take the chore manager seriously.

Later, Cheng jinhou witnessed the bravery of the chore manager on the wall of the stronghold, and saw the chore manager take the lead in the follow-up queue. Only then did he find that Xuanqing Wei was also a bloody man.

Later, the name of the chore manager was always heard in the army. Recently, the most concerned by Cheng jinhou is the emerging "emergency team". There are no other troops, only hundreds of them in the first Shimen army stronghold. It is said that the general manager of chores personally trained in Shimen army stronghold before.

Therefore, Cheng jinhou personally came to the door, relied on the big account of the commander of Shimen military stronghold, and promised ten good drinks after the war. Only then did he take 50 emergency teams from Shimen military stronghold as teachers and bring them back to his army for surprise training. At the same time, we got the latest strategy of the emergency team from Wuhu, which even included the unified establishment and deployment of the emergency team and doctors.

Compared with others, Cheng jinhou had more confidence in the emergency team, or in the general manager of chores, so he asked the 50 emergency teams to teach and speed up the guidance of his soldiers, while contacting the Wuhu middle army to undertake the task of actual inspection of the emergency team.

After several wars, Cheng jinhou was very glad of his choice. The emergency team was very useful in actual combat.

If the injured person cries out directly, the first aid team will come with a stretcher and carry the seriously injured person to a place suitable for treatment. If the situation is urgent, some measures such as hemostasis will be given immediately and then carried away. There is no need to waste other soldiers in the battle array on the wounded, so as to maintain the integrity of the battle array to the greatest extent.

In addition, the seriously injured personnel carried away will not be put aside to survive and die as before, but will go to the wartime treatment center built in the rear, and the doctor will be responsible for rescue or treatment. Then unified care.

Later, a group of so-called "first aid kits" with rough workmanship were sent to the front-line soldiers to test the use effect. And this thing is also of great use. It can quickly deal with some minor wounds by itself. There is no need to find an emergency team or a doctor, and there is no need to be afraid of being damaged.

In terms of details, Cheng jinhou doesn\'t understand and doesn\'t have time to understand specifically, but when he sees the casualty report after each war, he can easily find the changes before and after.

The number of combat attrition is compared before and after the first aid team enters the combat establishment: the direct combat attrition is reduced by 15% to 20%!

This is an estimate given by the Wuhu Chinese army in the strategy before. I didn\'t expect that this effect has been achieved just at the beginning of implementation. Then what if the first aid kit is fully equipped to every soldier? What about a higher proportion of emergency teams in the army?

Even not long ago, the barbarians attacked Shimen and the two military strongholds in front of the gate at the same time at night. It was a deadly attack. Without the help of the emergency team, Cheng jinhou felt that it would be very difficult for people to continue. The 10-20% reduction of battle damage in this high consumption battle is as important as life-saving straw.

After that, Cheng jinhou sent three copper bars to the Daoxing chief yamen of the Wuhu Chinese army. The only requirement was to equip each soldier with a first-aid kit with one or two less. In addition, on the feedback of the actual combat report uniformly prepared by the first aid team and doctors, Cheng jinhou directly suggested that the first aid team be spread throughout the army as soon as possible. The actual combat effect shows that it is of great use.

Wuhu received more than one report and request similar to Cheng jinhou. Pan Shigui, the leader of Shimen, had the same request, so he had to write the words "first aid kit" all over the paper.

PS: This is the fourth change today. Thank you for your support. Bow your hands!

Finally, have the cheek to ask for a full order! thank you!