Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 621

Shen Hao has heard such a word for a long time: corpses are everywhere.

I always think it\'s an exaggerated rhetoric. People are not mosquitoes. Even if they die, they won\'t die everywhere. But when he approached the stronghold in front of him, he suddenly realized that the corpses were everywhere, not rhetoric, but realism.

The mutilated corpses were all over the ground, and the blood was left half dry into a slurry. It was soaked into the soil, like mud after the rain, but it gave off a unique smell after the blood was broken.

A group of soldiers with long guns carefully stabbed the complete corpses on the ground in groups of three, all looking for the key points, such as eyes, heart or vest. Followed by a companion with a flat carriage, he would throw the body together with the fragmentary limbs on the board and drag it away. There was a deep pit dug in the distance, throw it in, sprinkle some unknown powder, and then bury it after stacking.

Some of them pretended to be dead, or fainted at that time, and then woke up. The barbarians wanted to hurt people, but the gunmen in a group of three would not be polite or talk about one-on-one rules. Whenever the barbarians moved, they would make a move and stab!

Shen Hao, they came through these corpses on horseback. Just sit down and get off the horse and keep ringing your nose and shaking your head. You should know how bad the smell here is.

"There are too many bodies! You can\'t just bury them. It\'s safe to burn them!"

Burn? Shen Hao subconsciously looked at a pile of half burned corpses on the side. He visually observed several well cooked corpses, and his stomach was a little uncomfortable. However, I also understand Chen Zifang\'s concerns, and even he agrees.

You should know that even if the bodies are buried deeply, the problem can not be completely eliminated, because there are too many bodies. There are also great hidden dangers in deep burial. Moreover, those deep dug pits are not far from the military stronghold. Once there is a plague, don\'t talk about the whole defense line. It\'s good to withdraw.

It was urgent. Chen Zifang didn\'t dare to delay. In a hurry, he rode quickly into the military stronghold. He didn\'t even have time to manage the others of the riding team. It seems that he should have gone to find the general surnamed Cheng.

Fortunately, the captain of the riding team didn\'t run. He kept around Shen Hao according to the rules, and then went through the formalities with the people at the gate of the stronghold before entering the stronghold with Shen Hao under the leadership of a general manager.

The pungent smell did not get better or even worse because of entering the stronghold. In addition to the smell of blood, there are also the smell of various soup drugs, the smell of horse dung, and the smell of burning. It\'s sour. Even Shen Hao blew his nose unconsciously and always felt a little itchy.

The camp of Shen Hao and his party was temporarily arranged. It was very chaotic after the war. The leader always had nothing to say. He took Shen Hao and his party to a corner of the stronghold. They were all simple tents, and obviously not enough.

"Lord Shen, please let the brothers make do with it. I\'ll transfer the tent for you right away. But you can only build it yourself at that time. Now you really can\'t spare hands." the general manager still has black gray on his face and looks disgraceful, but this appearance is normal after the war. Besides, his words are decent. I guess he understands that today\'s monitoring envoy is half "Own people".

"Thank you." Shen Hao is not hypocritical. Now he can see the situation in the military stronghold clearly. It would be nice to have a place for him at this time.

The guards were not vague, so they immediately began to clean up this corner. Some even scolded, because even the place with tents was very dirty. Obviously, it was not inhabited before, but like a place for sundries.

"Lord Shen?"

"Hmm? I am." Shen Hao took a look at his Herald behind him, and then consciously handed over his waist token. Two. One for the supervisor and the other for the chore manager.

"General Cheng ordered that Lord Shen come to the big account for discussion."

Shen Hao told the guard flag a few words and then followed the herald. Of course, the bodyguards sent by the three commanding envoys followed him as always. They didn\'t care about the commander of the stronghold. They didn\'t belong to it at all, nor was it a task system. Moreover, their accomplishments could not be manipulated at will.

After singing outside the account, Shen Hao went inside. It\'s much smaller than the Chinese Army\'s big account in Wuhu.

A tall, burly man was sitting on the big tent with his upper body bare. There was blood on his right arm. A doctor was treating him.

There are acquaintances on the side. It is Chen Zifang who first entered the stronghold. At this time, he is also standing on the side.

"Shen Hao, the chief of the supervision mission and the general manager of the chores, see the process general!" Shen Hao bowed his hand first after entering the account.

"Hahaha, Lord Shen doesn\'t have to be polite. It\'s inconvenient for me. I\'ll give you a gift when the arm is ready."

"You\'re welcome, general."

Shen Hao smiled and didn\'t dare to underestimate this rugged looking man. General Cheng\'s full name was Cheng jinhou. He looked like a reckless man, but he was famous for his "stability" in the army. It was for this reason that Zuo Yuliang chose him to stay in the front line of Jianchuan. Moreover, Cheng jinhou was also a monk in the middle of Yuan Dan territory.

"I was overjoyed when I received the order from the Taoist priest\'s chief executive yamen that Lord Shen and master Chen Dan would come to help. It\'s messy all day. I\'m a rude man and don\'t understand. I\'ll be relieved when you come."

"The general is modest. Division Chen Dan is a great talent. I just help one or two from the side. I can\'t stand your high opinion." in addition to Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, Shen Hao felt this "slippery" and market sense on people in the army for the first time. Anyway, I\'ll bring you a high hat when I meet. There\'s probably nothing cheap in the back.

Chen Zifang is upright and seems to be helping Shen Hao support the scene. He keeps saying that Shen Hao\'s appointment as "chore manager" is well deserved and has real skills.

"Just now master Chen Dan said that the corpses outside should be burned rather than buried. This is the first time I heard that Lord Shen is the general manager of chores. I still want to hear Lord Shen\'s opinion on this matter."

Shen Hao secretly said: sure enough, I really want him to carry things.

However, since he took the job of "chore manager", Shen Hao would not really ignore it. He still had to say what he should say.

"General Cheng, it\'s not that the corpses can\'t be buried, but there are too many corpses outside, and the deep pits full of holes are of little use. The weather is so hot that it will stink in three or two days, and the plague on the corpses will be brought out by small animals and mice at night. If there is a chance, the stronghold will not be spared if it is so close. So the lower officer and division Chen Dan agree, I think it\'s better to burn it. "

"It\'s difficult to burn because of lack of wood and fire oil." Cheng jinhou frowned and didn\'t insist any more, but he still hesitated. It\'s no easier to burn so many bodies than to dig deep pits and bury them.

Instead, Chen Zifang first opened his mouth and gave the treatment: "you can build a large five element fire array. It only costs more pan spirit stones, which can be burned quickly."