Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 620

It took thirty miles to get rid of the wolves behind.

Counting again, the number of people has been less than 80, and nearly 30% of the people have been left forever in the previous battle.

So, if you want to go to the central military stronghold, you can\'t go for the time being, because it\'s not clear if you\'ll meet the barbarians again when you turn around. If you\'re wrapped up again, you\'ll be in big trouble.

After all, Shen Hao thinks he is still lucky. Although he encountered the infiltration cavalry of barbarians, fortunately, a small number of friars who did not have advanced cultivation rushed to him, so that he could kill him as if he had entered the uninhabited land, so that he would not be surrounded by the second wolf.

"Go to the upper stronghold now?"

"..." Chen Zifang was silent.

There are less than 100 people in hand. They are still light cavalry, not to mention reinforcements. They will be hungry after wandering outside for a long time, so they can either change their way to the upper military stronghold nearby, or directly turn around and go back to Yushi military station.

The chief officer of this trip is not Shen Hao, who has just experienced the battlefield, but Chen Zifang. After pondering for a long time, Chen Zifang said, "continue to move forward and repair after ten miles. Captain Xu, please arrange the guard of the riding team."

"I understand."

Xu Xiaowei began to rearrange his staff, especially the sentinel agents. Instead of reducing the number of people, he spread more of the two teams. The rest continued to move towards the northwest at a slightly faster speed.

Chen Zifang motioned Shen Hao to change his clothes. After the blood dried all over his body, it would become very uncomfortable on his skin. At the same time, he also took the opportunity to listen to Shen Hao\'s opinions.

"Lord Shen, do you think we should go back to Yushi for shelter or continue to the upper military stronghold?"

Shen Hao took out a new coat from the storage bag and put it on. The inner armor in the coat will not be soaked with blood, so there is no need to take it off. Moreover, the black animal tattoo on his chest can not be seen.

"Master Chen Dan, what do you think?" Shen Hao asked.

"My idea is to avoid the scope of the central military stronghold first, then repair it, and wait for the relevant information to come before making plans."

Shen Hao nodded and agreed, "this is the safest way."

I won\'t propose to withdraw to the fish and stone soldier station. Too risky. A bad one is easy to be labeled with a big hat of "fear of war". Chen Zifang\'s opinion is still sound.

More than ten miles ahead, the riding team stopped. The wounded began to bandage each other, and the rest dispersed to be on guard. The wild is not peaceful at night. In addition to the possible barbarians, we should also guard against groups of wild animals. Especially now almost everyone has blood, which is a violent seduction to those wild animals who are agitated by the smell of blood.

Shen Hao followed Chen Zifang around the temporary camp.

The camp is actually a small circle of people sitting around. Because they were worried that they might encounter barbarians again, they didn\'t light a fire. Many people were smearing and dressing each other by moonlight. But mostly minor injuries. The seriously injured had no ability to come out alive in the previous horse battle.

Shen Hao followed Chen Zifang and saw how the other party handled some of the wounded, which made him feel novel. For example, there are suture methods for treating large wounds, but it is not a needle or thread, but a large insect forceps similar to a clip. It can firmly close the wound through the skin. It is said that when it is removed, it only needs to be roasted with fire a little to loosen and fall off. This is different from xuanqingwei\'s way. Xuanqing Weili mostly uses the technique when dealing with wounds.

It\'s just that there is no alcohol or iodine here, but there is a similar viscous potion called "red ointment". Disinfection is accompanied by a strong burning feeling, which makes some soldiers bite the corners of their clothes in their mouth.

When it was almost Xu Zheng, Chen Zifang received a new order from the Taoist executive Yamen.

After reading it, Chen Zifang handed it to Shen Hao and said, "Zuo Shuai let\'s go to the upper military stronghold."

In fact, the actual content of the order does not just give the arrangement of the new destination. There is also a simple description of the war situation. Just before, the central stronghold was not the only one attacked by the barbarians. In fact, the upper part was also fiercely attacked, and even the situation was "more worrying" than the central stronghold.

The Taoist priest\'s chief yamen asked Chen Zifang and Shen Hao to give up their plans to go to the central military stronghold and change their way to the more dangerous upper military stronghold. Why?

I don\'t understand. But the military order cannot be changed.

"Stay in the wild tonight and guard in batches." after Shen Hao read the order, Chen Zifang turned around and officially gave an order to captain Xu. It\'s not safe to travel at night, and most of the soldiers are tired. After dying and still alive, you are extremely tired. At this time, you\'d better loosen your tight nerves a little.

Shen Hao didn\'t sleep. He sat down on his knees and seemed to close his eyes, but he thought about his previous performance in the horse war.

For the first time, Shen Hao felt that his performance was barely strong. The reason why we kill the invincible is that there are no barbarian monks with high cultivation among the enemy. It is estimated that the other party did not expect that there would be three yuan Dan territories and a Jushen jiuzhong in the riding team of only a hundred people, otherwise it is very likely that they will not take the initiative to pack them.

It is said that in Shen Hao\'s senses, it was a crushing battle just now. In fact, it can barely make sense. But there are also many problems. For example, in the horse war, he was not good at riding, had no suitable weapons for horse war, and was not familiar with some special methods of horse war, such as "dragging knives". The most important thing is that Shen Hao did not control his Qi consumption well in the previous horse war.

I cut it with black as soon as I came up. It\'s cool, but it consumes too much. If he didn\'t change to Dao gang in a hurry, he might capsize in the gutter.

It is different from all the battles Shen Hao has experienced before. In the battle array, the moves and movements don\'t need to be exquisite. They only need to be killed with one shot and be as concise as possible. The same is true in the art. All those with "confusion" or "hidden moves" are not suitable for killing enemies in the battle array. Simple and direct ones such as palm thunder, snake in the palm and knife gang are practical, and soul calming techniques and soul power are useless.

Of course, Shen Hao estimated that if his accomplishments were similar to or slightly higher than his friars, he would have to go all out and could not choose to use means.

Fighting between monks is another matter.

At night, Shen Hao could hear the screams of some wild animals from time to time. They came in groups, but they were shot and killed by prepared soldiers. The corpses had no chance to be buried, so they could only be put in place. The smell of blood attracted more beasts. Soon they played a buffet dinner by themselves.

At dawn, the cavalry set off again. Some of the beasts shot last night were collected by the riders. After dawn, they made a fire and roasted them as rations. Many people are very hungry. Most people didn\'t eat last night. Only a few guys with dry cakes in their pockets filled their stomachs with pride.

However, a dozen or so wild animals are not enough for dozens of people. We still have to reach the upper stronghold as soon as possible to have a solid meal.

In the afternoon, Shen Hao rode on his horse and saw a huge fortress mixed with wood and stone. Even outside the Great Wall, there were many embers that had just extinguished and were still smoking. The smell of blood and burnt smell floated along the wind, which made Shen Hao and his party subconsciously tighten their nerves again.