Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 383

Shen Hao likes to eat himself first and then drink as soon as he gets on the table. Jiang Cheng, who is used to learning, thought it was wonderful at first, but now he is used to it.

When Shen Hao ate the fifth bowl of rice, there were some whistles, applause and more shouts of "ningle family".

"It should be sister Ziyi coming."

"Ning Ziyi? Is she really your classmate?"

Lianxiang nodded and said with a smile, "yes, sister Ziyi is three years older than me. She joined the master\'s school to learn music four years earlier. We all chose the piano, but later I stopped because of my talent and left the master early. Sister Ziyi has always learned to graduate. Now she has become a family and is enviable."

Shen Hao looked down. He didn\'t see anyone like Ning Ziyi, but there were musicians on the stage and began to play music. It should be warm. As for those who call "ningle family", they are all booing, or people who have no knowledge and don\'t know about warming up.

After two eyes, Shen Hao took back his eyes. When he saw the scene across the table at this time, he glanced and said secretly that the two old hooligans always like to play flower work. The two new girls are afraid to be taught to be human.

I was thinking that my hand would not be honest. I hugged Lianxiang who was already close to the edge and said with a smile: "I heard that Ning Ziyi used to be a green waist grade like you. Why can she earn enough money to redeem herself?"

Lianxiang patted the dishonest hand under the table, but it didn\'t help. Her face blushed: "it\'s not a matter of money. If I really want to calculate the money, I\'ll have enough money to redeem myself. The key is whether the owner will let you go. Hey, I said you don\'t... woo..."

"So the owner of your Hongen hospital won\'t let you go?"

"HMM. there is no one in Hong\'en hospital to replace me at present. If I leave, will the business here be hit? If you were the owner of Hong\'en hospital, you wouldn\'t... Wouldn\'t let me go."

The back of his hand was pinched hard. Shen Hao felt pain and smiled. He restrained his hand, but he continued to wonder: "I know Liao Chengfeng was making your idea before, but he didn\'t succeed. It\'s said that he was blocked by your master. So your master is very powerful?"

When Shen Hao first met Lianxiang at that time, he could see that Lianxiang was covered by Liao Chengfeng as a forbidden band. Later, Liao Chengfeng was transferred to Jiang Cheng, and Lianxiang began to flirt with him.

It can make the town envoy retreat. It can be imagined how capable the owner behind the Hongen courtyard is. And it\'s mysterious. At least the spies and news networks scattered by Shen Hao still don\'t know who is standing behind Hongen hospital. But probably some big man in the imperial city.

"Aren\'t you a" evil star "? There are things you don\'t know?" Lianxiang felt more relaxed when she saw that she pinched the evil hand under the table.

"There are many things I don\'t know. For example, why can your charm have a gathering state?" Shen Hao smiled and ordered. He knows that Lianxiang\'s identity must be more than that of a singer. I\'m afraid the mysterious owner of Hongen hospital will not be simple.


Shen Hao took a sip of his wine glass, got closer and continued, "do you really want me to guess?"

"Guess." Lianxiang also whispered. They were so close that they could even clearly feel each other\'s breath scraping on their faces.

"I checked the document library in Xuanqing Weili. There are many records about Meishu. It is said that its source came from an ancient sect called" Lingxiao Palace ". Later, the sect was destroyed for unknown reasons, but Meishu has lost its main school since then.

Then some scattered skills and methods of LingXiao palace spread and were studied by some scattered practitioners. Finally, many smart people gradually improved these scattered skills and methods, and finally formed their own schools, and even established their own ancestors. For example, today\'s Love Flower Valley is cheaper than LingXiao palace.

However, Meishu is not suitable for fighting after all, and its function is not even in fighting. The destruction of LingXiao palace in those years was a wake-up call for all friars who practice Meishu. Only some changed and adapted, while others did not, and finally embarked on the old road of LingXiao palace. "

Lianxiang smiled and said, "what are you talking about? I can\'t understand."

"I\'m saying that people majoring in flattery lack the confidence to fight and have very poor survival ability in the cultivation world."

"Really?" Lianxiang glanced, as if unconvinced by Shen Hao\'s statement.

However, Shen Hao continued: "therefore, for friars who are loose like casual practice and rely on fighting alone most of the time, flattery is definitely not their first choice, nor can they support their practice. Only the sect can train friars majoring in flattery with certain protection and resource supply.

Of course, in addition to zongmen, some organic organizations are also possible.

I guess your identity should be one of the two possibilities I said? "

As soon as Shen Hao\'s voice fell, he obviously felt that the woman\'s body around him was stiff for a moment, and then recovered as usual.

"Hee hee, I won\'t tell you!"

Before Shen Hao finished, he continued: "if you don\'t say anything, I can continue to guess. You have the cultivation of gathering gods, but you are willing to be a singer in Hualou. There must be another purpose behind it. It must not be for money, nor for the so-called Huakui reputation. Is it for..."

"OK! Don\'t guess!" Lianxiang twisted Shen Hao\'s thigh again and interrupted each other\'s words. To tell you the truth, she was really surprised. I didn\'t expect that so many rules would be easily pulled out. The more I listened, the more I trembled.

Shen Hao smiled and held Lianxiang\'s hand tightly. He didn\'t really have to guess again. In fact, he also had some judgment in his heart. There must be a sect or organization behind Lianxiang, and it has a huge influence in the Jingjiu Dynasty. Otherwise, it is impossible to stably block a big man like Liao Chengfeng. Then for the purpose, Shen Hao tends to be a "spy", because in the flower building, in addition to money, it is people.

It\'s interesting to think about it. Shen Hao himself plays spy. Unexpectedly, the women he meets are also in this line.

As for malice, Shen Hao didn\'t feel it from Lianxiang. Since Lianxiang\'s birthday, Shen Hao has not taken the initiative to find Lianxiang. In fact, he also wants to see the other party\'s reaction. Shouldn\'t a spy who exposes his identity be far away?

Both of them whispered in their voices, while Zhang Qian and Gan Lin across the table were busy. They didn\'t notice what Shen Hao and Lian Xiang whispered. They didn\'t have such an idea at all. Don\'t you always flirt like this when drinking flower wine? Who can\'t eavesdrop?

Lianxiang eased her breath and refused to accept that she was surprised by Shen Hao\'s analysis. After thinking about it, she decided to pull back. Then she said in Shen Hao\'s ear, "you\'re so smart. Do you know someone is secretly checking your details?"

PS: mention the second alliance leader. This is today\'s gageng. Bow your hands!