Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 382

If there is a place that laughs all year round, it must be Hualou.

The brilliance of Hualou almost meets the most direct demand of ordinary people for "desire". In particular, after the singer\'s grade is made, the meat business in essence has become "romantic and elegant", and can even be judged on the table.

Don\'t think that all the visitors to the flower building are men. There are also women guests here, but the number is much less than that of men. Generally, they don\'t enter from the front door of the lobby, but from the back door. They will play in the side hall specially opened for women guests. As for what to play, it\'s the same as the men in the lobby, but the priorities of both sides have changed.

At the door, the procuress was still like that. The folds on her face could catch flies. It is said that she was also the flower leader when she was young.

"Oh! Lord Shen, Lord Zhang and Lord Gan! Please come inside!"

Shen Hao is also a regular guest of Hongen hospital. His first feeling is that there seem to be a lot more people at the door today than usual. There are especially many young people dressed as simple scholars. They look around with excitement and anxiety. They seem to be looking forward to something? There are many such people around the gate of Hongen hospital.

Out of his professional habits, Shen Hao looked at these people more and was pulled by the rain around him: "don\'t look, go in."

"Who are those people?"


"Ha?" Shen Hao didn\'t understand. What was the connection between those people outside the door and poverty and looking around at the door.

"Those are poor fools waiting for Ning Ziyi. They have no money to come in. They can only wander around outside and look forward to seeing Ning Ziyi from a distance. They are stunned."

Shen Hao went through it before he understood it. Secretly, Ning Ziyi is very popular. Sometimes there are places where the two worlds can coincide, which makes Shen Hao laugh.

The procuress led the way sideways in front, kept talking and boasting, which probably meant that their Hongen hospital had long expected Shen Hao to come. This time Ning Ziyi came, they also reserved the best box for Shen Hao, and Lianxiang would accompany him later. Finally, a sentence was added: "it would be great if Lord Shen could leave more ink today".

Shen Hao smiled and didn\'t pick up the procuress. Although his poems are not really his own creation, but from the heritage of the ancestors of another world, it is not who wants to give them. It depends on his mood.

After entering Hongen hospital, the procuress took Shen Hao and went upstairs directly. It\'s not the warm Pavilion on the top floor, because it\'s inconvenient to watch the performance in the lobby later. Therefore, the wing room arranged for Shen Hao and them is on the second floor, facing the slightly lower position.

This position is not the best, but it is definitely very good. Open the door of the wing and walk inside to see the downstairs stage.

As soon as the seat was taken here, an attendant came to settle down. Tea, dried fruit, and a pair of dominoes.

"Come on, brother Shen, let\'s play two." Gan Lin grabbed the dominoes and flipped his fingers to make a loud noise.

"Brother Gan, my accomplishments are higher than yours now. You\'re not afraid to lose again when you play money with me?"

"Be afraid of farts! Look what this is, boy?" Gan Lin proudly touched a palm sized Dharma plate and put it on the table with a slap.

"This is... Induction disk? To check Qi?"

"Good eyesight!" Gan Lin said with a laugh, "it depends on how you cheat with this thing! Come on, play two before the dishes are ready!"

Zhang Qian is also eager to try.

Only Shen Hao was funny and didn\'t say much. He just nodded and began to play. He really can\'t avoid the induction of the Dharma plate, but as long as he gets the card and covers the real Qi on the card without leakage, the induction Dharma plate can\'t detect anything strange. Of course, this method is very demanding for the use of true Qi, but if others can\'t, it doesn\'t mean Shen Hao can\'t.

Therefore, after less than half an hour, Gan Lin and Zhang Qian were numb.

Lost again!

Fortunately, in a short time, Zhang Qian and Gan Lin lost more than 2000 points to Shen Hao, but the result was really depressing, because they didn\'t win a set in less than half an hour. They lost all!

"You cheated!"

"How possible." Shen Hao first stuffed the silver ticket into the storage bag and took a sip of the tea on the table.

"You\'ve definitely cheated! Otherwise, you can\'t beat us with your card skills!"

Shen Hao smiled and didn\'t speak. Of course he cheated, but you can\'t feel it yourself, and you can\'t feel the Dharma plate. You reminded these two people to lose in advance. You don\'t believe it. Now it\'s merciful to win more than 2000.

Gan Lin was so angry when he lost money that Zhang Qian was open. After laughing and scolding Shen Hao, he said firmly again that he would not play with Shen Hao in the future. He joked that if Shen Hao had to make up for it when he left later, who let him win the money?

But Shen Hao ignored.

As soon as the food was ready, the fragrant wind blew in outside the door. Yingyingyan generally found their own seats and sat down.

A new face is the "new sister" Zhang Qian said before he came. Shen Hao looked at it and wondered if he hadn\'t been in Fengyue for a long time. Unexpectedly, the standards in Hongen hospital have changed.

In the past, it seemed that Hongen hospital took a slim route, but now the two new sisters are really rich and fat. They are very capable at first sight. The key is that they have that desire in their eyes. Let alone, it\'s more direct to show their faces.

"Ha ha, brother Shen, you have to wait. Miss Lianxiang is expected to come down for a while, otherwise you will have a bowl of rice first?" Gan Lin hugged the young lady and joked about Shen Hao happily.

Shen Hao was really not in a hurry. He picked up his chopsticks and ate. He was really hungry.

The two new singers, who were waiting on Zhang Qian and Gan Lin, carefully peeked at Shen Hao, who was sitting in the first place. Before they came, they were very nervous and curious when they learned that there was a fierce Shen Shaxing on the table. Now they see nothing but handsome and young. It is said that this is still a great talent. If he can be favored, can he also write a song for me?

There are still dreams. What if they come true?

However, when a long white dress, light makeup and refreshing Lianxiang came in, the two new girls who love to dream had to wake up from their dreams.

"You haven\'t been here for a long time. Why? Like the new and hate the old?" Lianxiang went straight to Shen Hao and sat down next to her. Her small mouth tooted slightly, like dissatisfaction.

"How can you get tired of it before you eat it? Why don\'t you taste it for me first?"

"Hum, you haven\'t tasted it yet? I think you\'re admiring sister purple!"

Shen Hao said no with a smile, and then continued to plan the rice. Lian Xiang smiled and brought him vegetables. He whispered. The atmosphere was strange but very harmonious. It was different from the two pairs of men and women across the table who were already red faced for some reason.