Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 372

As soon as the big drum team of 40 came in from the outside, it was magnificent and controlled the whole scene.

If you have seen the drill, you will find that the effect of this drill is much better than that of the drill. The main difference is that the hearts of the 40 giant men have changed. Before, they felt that they were bent by beating drums and dancing, but after the drill, they were highly praised, which made them more confident. Now they have put out all their energy on a formal occasion. That momentum has soared a little.

Many people in the stands are knowledgeable. After listening for a while, they can tell that the dull drum with excitement and power seems to come from a very familiar song.

"Is this... Your Majesty\'s thunder?"

"Yes, it\'s thunder! I didn\'t expect that it would be so magnificent to interpret it purely with big drums!?"

"Look at those giant men! They seem to be fighting with the enemy when beating drums. There is a hidden sword technique in their movements!"

"Momentum! This thunder is the most powerful I\'ve ever heard! Good!"

The audio-visual impact is the most direct impression, which is far easier to move people\'s hearts than words. In particular, the song itself has a very pure fighting atmosphere. All the people present are those who lick blood at the edge of the knife. Even now, they have fought with blood. Now they can\'t help recalling the past along the drum, and they feel their blood surging and excited.

Half way through a song "thunder", Wang Yiming shook the flag in his hand again in the stands, followed by the sound of horns and dull footsteps from a distance.

"This is..."

In the distance, the four phalanxes that had long been waiting for began to move orderly.

Since January, the soldiers of the black flag camp in the four city guard station have not been idle. Shen Hao ordered them to practice in a queue. To be consistent and uniform, anyone who dares to drop the chain will be disqualified from participating in the "big competition". Therefore, they work hard up and down, and they can really meet the minimum requirements in more than one month.

Measured by the standard in Shen Hao\'s heart, he can give 70 points for this level of square array.

The score is not high. That\'s because Shen Hao has a comparison of another world in his heart, but there is no full score comparison in the hearts of other people in the stands. He will only feel that the black flag camp soldiers who come in neat squares are simply amazing!

Energetic, neat and full of momentum!

With the blessing of thunder, the first square array has reached the lower part of the stand. It was the Licheng black flag camp square. The leader was Chen Tianwen, who walked in front with a cold face.

"Show the flag!"

With a loud drink, Chen Tianwen suddenly waved the flagman behind him. Under the shock of true Qi, he immediately blew the flag on the flagpole. That\'s the flag of xuanqingwei, but a column of characters indicates which team of xuanqingwei.

"This is fengri City District... Licheng Weisuo black flag camp? Very energetic!"

"Ha ha, indeed, I remember the leader, like a calm man surnamed Chen."

"OK! This opening is really interesting!"

Shen Hao smiled and listened to the comments of the peak in the stands. He thought: is this interesting? The really interesting one hasn\'t come yet.

While the people in the stands were still talking, Chen Tianwen burst out again, and then the whole square array shouted in unison: Jingjiu unparalleled! Huge man!

First, they were stunned, and then many people stood up directly from their chairs, stared round their eyes and looked under the stage, and an unspeakable sense of respect came naturally.

This... Is it flattery?

Count! Of course! But the horse was photographed speechless and impeccable. Look at Pang ban standing up with a smile, holding the railing and waving to the black flag camp array lined up below. You can see how beautiful the horses were.

With the proofing of Licheng black flag camp led by Chen Tianwen, the three phalanxes behind are also heroic. After unfolding the flag, not only the peaks in the stands know where they come from, but also show their strength to the top in this intuitive way for the first time.

Don\'t think it\'s a simple flattery. In fact, each square array has an internal "construction". It is arranged with the art of joint attack, coupled with the surge of true Qi. In the eyes of high-level friars, you can see the basic combat power of this queue at a glance.

"The friar has exceeded 30%! This is really selected from a grass-roots general flag system?"

"It\'s said that it\'s because of the cultivation of the pilot plan, but I didn\'t expect to improve so much!"

"The expense is not small."

"The expense is not small, but it\'s still cost-effective. I heard that Peiyuan prescription is mainly used, not Dan medicine, so it can be effective in a short time. I have to say that fengri city is in the right direction again this time. It\'s very powerful!"

The effect is obvious. The people in the stands were surprised by this new "flattering Kung Fu", and they saw the basic strength reflected by these arrays at the first time. Many of these people have worked in the grass-roots guards and have been in contact with them. They know what the strength level of a general flag establishment of the grass-roots Xuanqing guards will be, which is very different from these black flag camps.

Compared with the general Xuanqing guard general flag, the basic strength of the establishment has been nearly 20% higher!

This is an amazing gap. You know, the pilot program has not been started for long. Later, with the continuous injection of resources, this gap will certainly widen.

At the beginning, everyone had an idea that "the pilot plan really has a head".

After "thunder" was played twice, all the big drums and giant men were divided into two sides and leaned against the edge of the field without retreating. It was obvious that they had their work later.

At this time, Shen Hao got up and said with a smile: "gentlemen, this is the end of the opening ceremony. Now please move to the hypothetical crime scene below. The next thing we want to compete is" case investigation "

With this impressive "opening ceremony", no one will be impatient with the need to change places to watch the ceremony. On the contrary, they look forward to it with great interest.

The square array and big drum performances just now have never been seen before. What will the next "case investigation competition" look like?

Pang ban walked in front and got off the stand. He smiled and didn\'t ask much. He followed Shen Hao\'s guidance to the enclosed house on the left side of the site, turned half a circle and sat down on the back of the house.

After sitting down, I found that the house was actually split from the middle. The front looked normal. From the back, it was an open fake scene. Sitting in a chair, you could clearly see all the things to be displayed in the house.

Everyone else took their seats. Shen Hao signaled that they could start. First, it showed everyone the scene of a crime: a "murderer" covered in black and only exposed his eyes made a "murder" in front of the audience, and it was a monk who committed the crime. Then there are a series of arrangements to cover up the case.

It seems simple, but it soon attracted everyone\'s attention like a mime.