Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 371

Xuanqingwei\'s rule is that unless he asks for a crime or reward, the superior and subordinate just bow down. There\'s no need to kneel down. Civil servants like to show respect by kneeling.

Seeing Kuang Shengyuan kneeling on one knee, Shen Hao hesitated, but did not learn from Kuang Shengyuan, but bowed as usual.

Flattery doesn\'t matter. Who hasn\'t flattered in this way of official career? Can you be more modest?

To tell you the truth, Shen Hao found Kuang Shengyuan so open-minded for the first time.

Moreover, Kuang Shengyuan took his head, which made some contrast. Many people behind Shen Hao came to meet Pang ban, learning from Kuang Shengyuan, knelt down on one knee and shouted see you. Only Wang Yiming under Shen Hao and Tang Qingyuan standing beside Shen Hao did not learn to kneel down but bowed.

A good honor guard suddenly became a little strange.

"Hehe, get up."

Pang Ban\'s expression hasn\'t changed. He looks very kind with a smile, and he doesn\'t have the unique sense of oppression of high-level friars. Just a word makes you feel like a spring breeze, and your senses are very comfortable.

Shen Hao followed behind Kuang Shengyuan. His first impression of Pang ban was "unfathomable". This feeling was very strange. Three people had given him this feeling before: Li Shuyang of Guishan monastery, Tianchan Zongyu Aofeng and Zhong Hongye of wanjuan Shushan.

Pang Banxian talked to Kuang Shengyuan, the principal official of xuanqingwei on the side of fengri city. Introduced by Jiang Cheng. After a few words, Jiang Cheng introduced Shen Hao.

Pang ban smiled and patted Shen Hao on the shoulder: "I have heard of your name for a long time. I have handled many big cases at a young age. You adults Jiang attach great importance to you. As the saying goes, you are his right hand."

"My subordinates are terrified."

"Young people don\'t need to be modest. Let\'s go. It\'s getting late. I also want to see what achievements you have made after the pilot of the black flag camp, so eager to show." Pang Ban said something, but he found that the young man in front of him was not frightened and still looked neither humble nor arrogant and full of confidence.

This young man is really unusual.

In fact, Pang ban has been paying attention to Shen Hao for more than two days. At first, he paid attention to Shen Hao in the official newspaper of Xuanqing Wei, and then sent someone to check Shen Hao\'s heel. In addition to the "origin" recorded by Shen Hao on the letter has yet to be verified, the context after he entered xuanqingwei is very clear.

In short, it is a person who has means, ability and luck, but also takes into account the bottom line and ruthlessness.

Of course, Pang ban really paid attention to Shen Hao, or after Chang Baifeng got an insight and greatly increased his cultivation potential under the coincidence of Shen Hao\'s opportunity.

The world is still a world of fist talk, Pang ban can see through it. No matter how high a position is, it can\'t be stable. Especially in the military. Talents without potential are not worth paying attention to, and those with potential have training value.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Cheng strongly praises Shen Hao, Pang ban may not agree to the invitation of fengri city.

Over several levels, the invitation to the peak seems to have some meaning of overstepping. Shen Hao is really brave.

Shen Hao bowed again and said calmly: "please command to reassure adults. The black flag camp in fengri city will never disappoint you!"

Holding a pair of four kings and a hand of cards, Shen Hao was not flustered at all. He even felt that he was too conservative. At this time, it was not too much to pretend.

But others were sweating for Shen Hao. Especially Jiang Cheng.

"Presumptuous! Commander, don\'t talk big to your face! Don\'t lead the way?"

"Yes!" Shen Hao replied, knowing that Jiang Cheng was helping him. Then he turned sideways, pointed out the direction and let Pang ban go first.

The site is five miles outside fengri city.

It was originally a racecourse of a car and horse shop. Later, the car and horse shop fell down because of Jingxi action. The venue was consigned by the Yamen. Now it is vacant and rented by Wang Yiming. It is the school yard of the "big competition".

The school yard is also divided into indoor and outdoor. Different functions, different events.

The chariots and horses are the Hengshun chariot and horse shop that Shen Hao found. All the Coachmans have changed their own hands in the black flag camp. Now they have been replaced by Pang Ban\'s Pro guards.

Shen Hao rode a horse instead of taking a bus, one parking space behind Pang Ban\'s carriage. And he\'s the only one allowed to be so close. Kuang Shengyuan and others can only hang far behind.

After entering the venue, Shen Hao led Pang ban and other onlookers to the stand.

"This stand is very special." Pang ban followed him to the stone stand five feet high. Anyway, it was the first time he saw this structure. It was like a city wall, a long one with some chairs. The chair in the middle was bigger and should be prepared for him.

"Hehe, because there will be an opening ceremony, a higher stand has been built to facilitate adults to watch the ceremony later." Shen Hao has been accompanying Pang ban. The other guests were received by Wang Yiming, including Jiang Cheng.

This is an opportunity for Shen Hao and Wang Yiming. Facing so many big men in Xuanqing guards, Wang Yiming shows the style of high school children. He is also polite and dignified, and does not fall into the scene at all.

This scene was followed by Kuang Shengyuan\'s envy. He wished it was him who accompanied Pang ban and Jiang Cheng at this time. When he was so angry, he could only stare at him. He was the chief official of xuanqingwei, fengri city! This mood is generally not met by the human body.

"Your Excellency, the auspicious hour has arrived. Do you think you can start?"

Shen Hao didn\'t explain more to Pang ban. He looked at Shi Xiang on the side and directly asked if he could start. As for the process and details, he believes that it is better to leave them as surprises for all of you here.

Pang ban looked at the four small squares lined up in the distance with great interest and nodded to start.

Shen Hao didn\'t make any opening remarks. He didn\'t think it was necessary or appropriate for him to make an opening speech. After all, the world is different, and some upper and lower concepts can\'t be completely ignored.

Raise your hand to Wang Yiming, who had been waiting for a long time. The latter immediately went to the edge of the platform, took out two flags, raised them above his head and waved them a few times. The next moment there was a roar.

It\'s the drums.

A giant drum that had never been seen was pushed out on a large wooden frame. The drum was double-sided. On both sides, a huge man with bare upper body stood and beat, accompanied by their hissing.

"Dong Dong... Dong Dong..."

The drum began to beat slowly. Like thunder, it seemed to be about to chop down, giving people a sense of urgency.

"Is this... Your Majesty\'s thunder?"