Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 703


Zhang Zihan and others called out one by one in their mind to comfort, but they didn\'t know how to speak. At this moment, their mind was connected with Yang Tianlei. They should have been able to clearly feel Yang Tianlei\'s state of mind. However, at this moment, they couldn\'t feel even a trace of emotional fluctuation. Yang Tianlei seemed to have become a dead tree without any thinking.

As time went by, the majestic spirit and colorful Huaguang still quickly integrated into Yang Tianlei\'s eyebrows.

With each trace, a trace is emitted from Yang Tianlei\'s body, integrated into the huge runes, constantly integrated with Yang Tianlei\'s original mysterious energy and mana, and subtle changes are taking place.

Finally, after a few hours, Yang Tianlei\'s violent trembling body gradually subsided, all the spirit and colorful light disappeared, and the essence light emitted by the huge Rune became more intense!

However, Yang Tianlei\'s mind still has no fluctuation.

However, with the passage of time, the women who have controlled each day for thirty-three days feel a great pressure from the depths of their soul. That feeling is like their original God and life brand are being refined. An irresistible force is constantly and madly pouring into their hearts, and the women who were originally in thirty-three directions, And the huge Rune suddenly revolved around the unconscious Yang Tianlei and began to rotate wildly. In an instant, it reached the speed that the women couldn\'t bear!

"Boom, boom..."

The women didn\'t have time to respond. The terrible rotating force stripped their original gods and soul imprints from their flesh. At that moment, they clearly saw that their flesh was like a quiet glass bottle, directly exploded, and turned into pure energy and heaven earth law of their respective attributes. Similarly, it was also like the energy emitted when the quiet glass bottle exploded, Began to gather with Yang Tianlei.

"Ah --!"

At this moment, Yang Tianlei, who had no mind fluctuation, suddenly woke up. His blood red eyes just saw this terrible scene!

The reason why Yang Tianlei can wake up is that his mind has already been integrated with the women, the separation of the women\'s original gods from the soul brand, and the explosion of the body are directly like exploding in Yang Tianlei\'s heart. How can Yang Tianlei not wake up?

Wave after wave!

What the fuck is that?

one disaster after another!

The loss of Ling Xi has made Yang Tianlei unbearable, and the one who was hit almost lost his soul. But when he opened his eyes, he saw that Zhang Zihan, Duan Yuyan, Ruan Xiyu, Yang Tianlei and other women turned into blood mist one by one, and constantly integrated into his eyebrows one by one.


Monstrous hatred!

No pain, because Yang Tianlei can\'t hurt anymore!

He didn\'t understand why there was such a change, nor what impact this change had on his cultivation realm, but he knew that whether the impact was good or bad, this result was not what he wanted. Together with the creator of the heart of the universe, Yang Tianlei hates it to his bones!

However, at this moment, in addition to his heart breaking cry, he could not move a penny at all, let alone change a penny. I can only watch Zhang Zihan and other Yuanshen explode into bright fireworks and integrate into his eyebrows


"The heart of the universe in heaven fairyland, the law of heaven is absolutely heaven fairyland. How can I lose resistance? Hahaha... God helps me!" nine days later, the demon leader said excitedly. When he began to refine the cosmic heart, he was ready for a long-term battle. According to his estimation, it would take at least three years or more to fully refine and control the cosmic heart of heaven fairyland. However, at this moment, the heart of the universe, which was still running on its own to resist his refining, stopped resisting and contracted rapidly, as if it had lost energy support, which suddenly increased his refining pace countless times, and moved forward madly at the speed of destroying the withered and decaying!

How can he not be excited?


But at this time, the demon leader felt that the seal formed by his mana was stabbed again, and this time it was much clearer than the first time, even when he was excited.

"What is it?"

At the same time, Wutian shenzun and Xiao Jianren were also a little surprised to ask. Obviously, even the two of them sensed it.

"Fairyland! Protoss breath, who is this? How is this possible?" the demon leader said in shock. The majestic mind was explored from the pierced place in an instant, but could not catch the slightest breath. Everything was still as if it had never happened. However, this time, he felt very clearly that the breath that pierced his seal at an amazing speed contained the breath of protoss, but it was not completely Protoss, but more like a human cultivator. In this case, even if the demon leader is well-informed, he can\'t figure out what\'s going on.

"Hum... Do you want to rob the meat in my mouth? No matter who you are, I will refine it with you!"

In an instant, the demon leader\'s gloomy voice rang through the whole nine days. Wu Tianshen Zun and Xiao Jianren instantly felt that their mana and divine thoughts were quickly extracted, and the demon leader began to approach suddenly at a more violent speed!



On the Shiyuan star, Xia Junzhu disappeared suddenly and mysteriously again. At the moment of appearance, the whole person\'s breath suddenly changed dramatically and increased countless times. Perhaps it was because the promotion was so fast that it caused a huge storm in the space of thousands of miles. At the same time, Xia Junzhu was bound to a big special magic weapon from childhood and suddenly exploded on him, Together with the turban on his head, it was no exception. In an instant, a head of green silk floated behind him, with a flat chest directly uplifted and a graceful body shape!

"Protoss and earth immortals... There are Protoss and earth immortals refining the heart of the universe?" the first sentence, the voice is already Xia Junzhu\'s voice, but it can be said for sure that she is no longer Xia Junzhu.

At this time, Xia Junzhu is the real fairyland girl who met Yang Tianlei and Duan Yuyan in the chaotic world!

Xia Junzhu is the incarnation of the girl\'s yuan God.

The incarnation of Yuanshen is only the power of true fairyland. It is also the usual way of cultivation for real fairyland masters. The avatar itself is an independent individual. Just like ordinary people, they are born and grow normally. I don\'t know that I\'m just the embodiment of a powerful existence. However, the powerful being itself can clearly control the trace of its original God incarnation. In fact, it is similar to the principle of Huafan\'s accession to the WTO, but at a higher level.

"Immortal of protoss? Elder martial sister, are you sure?"

At this time, two streamers suddenly escaped from Xia Junzhu. A man and a woman suddenly appeared beside her and asked in surprise.

"That\'s right! I feel three breath, two Protoss, one is the land fairyland, the other is the human fairyland, and the other is similar to us. It is a human cultivator, but the condensed divine personality is the protoss attribute!"

The moment of the three people\'s dialogue was the moment when Zhang Zihan and other thirty-three women blew themselves up. At the same time, the shock in the thirty-three days suddenly became millions of times stronger, and the rumbling noise kept coming out!

"No! The universe collapses!" Xia Junzhu, who was talking, said suddenly with a trace of shock.

The demon who is rising to the limit and madly refining the heart of the universe also feels this terrible change. Although the heart of the universe is extremely important to him, at this moment, he knows that life is far more important than the heart of the universe. There is almost no hesitation. The demon leader madly takes back his mind and mana under extreme panic!

"Come on, guard together!" Xia Junzhu said hurriedly. At the same time, the demon leader also said the same thing to wutianshenzun and Xiao Jianren.


"Boom, boom..."

With the sudden collapse of the thirty-three days, the scope shrouded outside the thirty-three days, including countless secret places wandering in the chaotic world outside the thirty-three days, and the thousand Buddha Hall, without exception, began to collapse.

Countless cultivators, countless demons, regardless of the enemy or ourselves, no living creature can escape. One flesh Yuanshen explodes and turns into the purest energy, converging to the heart of the universe at a speed beyond the cognition of the cultivators in the thirty-three days!

The original star, which has accumulated almost all creatures for nine days, has not been spared!

Ji Ruoyan, Huan Qing, Chen Xin, Chen Paotian, Ji Chongxiao, Meng Xiahui... And the Yunmeng fairy and the Lord of yunjue hall in the Thousand Buddhas hall are irresistible and irresistible!

At the moment of dying, everyone knew what was going to happen.

The universe collapsed in thirty-three days.

From then on, they will disappear in the long river of life, completely disappear

Only the evil leader, wutianshenzun, Xiao Jianren, Xia Junzhu\'s brother and sister, six experts in the real fairyland, can guard against this terrible collapse. But even they can\'t stop the body from converging to the heart of the universe!


"No... someone refined the heart of the universe, not collapse!"

At this moment, Xia Junzhu and the demon leader found the abnormality at the same time. If the universe collapses, they only need to bear the terrible explosion turbulence, but they will never converge towards the heart of the universe. There is only one reason for this, that is, someone has really refined the heart of the universe for 33 days!

"It\'s over..."

Similarly, almost at the same time, Xia Junzhu and the evil leader thought they were finished. In their eyes, they both thought that each other refined the heart of the universe. Moreover, they also know that their cultivation is a fairyland. Although the demon leader is slightly better, no matter who refines the heart of the universe, they can definitely surpass each other.

What does that mean?

It means they will all die under each other\'s hands!

At this moment, they did not think that they were not the two people who really refined and controlled the heart of the universe. But someone else!

Yang Tianlei!

(second change.) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)