Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 704

"Hiss, hiss..."

Yang Tianlei, the huge Rune core and roaring, passively absorbs the energy from the explosion of hundreds of millions of stars and countless creatures in 33 days. There is only a surge of hatred in his heart!

This hatred makes Yang Tianlei want to destroy everything, even himself!

Ling Xi, Zhang Zihan, Ruan Xiyu, Yang Tianli... The death of all the loved ones made Yang Tianlei feel unprecedented pain. At this moment, what Avenue, what real fairy, what ambition to touch the origin of the truth became bullshit. He felt that he had lost the meaning of living. Glory, success, strength and status. If there is no sharing of relatives, lovers, brothers and friends, what is the source of struggle? For immortality? That will only make the walking dead suffer forever!

You know, at the moment of stepping into this space, Yang Tianlei has controlled for thirty-three days. At this moment, although he can\'t resist the mysterious change of the heart of the universe, he clearly senses the collapse of hundreds of millions of stars and the fall of fresh life. Brothers and sisters in the thousand Buddha Hall and countless familiar figures on Shiyuan star, including his flesh and blood mother

They\'re all dead.

Yang Tianlei also clearly sensed the existence of the evil leader, wutianshenzun and Xiao Jianren. He wanted to frustrate his bones and ashes!

He saw the three people\'s frightened expression in the collapse of the stars, and saw that they struggled to stop approaching themselves in the heart of the universe under their control, and their towering hatred turned into boundless killing thoughts!

Death together!

Similarly, Yang Tianlei also sensed the existence of "Xia Junzhu". Although Xia Junzhu at this time is no longer the former Xia Junzhu, Yang Tianlei can clearly sense the original flavor of Xia Junzhu, but... At this moment, Yang Tianlei didn\'t have any ripples in his heart, even a trace of curiosity. He didn\'t want to know why Xia Junzhu became a strong man in the real fairyland, let alone how they came from.

What curiosity can arise from a person who has lost any desire to live?

Now, all he wants to do is die with the evil leader, wutianshenzun and Xiao Jianren!

Although he doesn\'t know whether he can do it, he knows that as long as he pulls them to his side and the change of the heart of the universe ends, he will have a chance!

Because Yang Tianlei can sense the changes taking place in himself.

When Ling Xi, Zhang Zihan and others exploded into the center of his eyebrows, the energy in his body had changed. It was a new energy that Yang Tianlei had never seen or controlled. Moreover, with the explosion energy of stars and creatures in the whole thirty-three days, his eyebrows were undergoing subtle changes, which Yang Tianlei had not experienced, But I know very clearly that it is a sign of breaking through the realm of the highest god - the condensation of God!

Now, all he has to do is wait!


One hour, two hours

The stars collapsed and the creatures perished in the thirty-three days. After two hours, the huge thirty-three days have returned to chaos and become a part of the chaotic world. Only the original heart of the universe, that is, the space where Yang Tianlei is located, is still rapidly swallowing all energy and constantly integrating into Yang Tianlei\'s eyebrows.

The divinity in my mind has taken shape. It won\'t be long before it will really solidify!

Xia Junzhu and the demon leader are frantically resisting the violent collapse force, and desperately blocking their body like the heart of the universe. However, even if they are the strength of the real fairyland, they can only slow down, not really stop!

However, although the demon leaders are stronger, they approach the heart of the universe tens of millions of times faster than Xia Junzhu.

Xia Junzhu, the three of them directly stepped into Shiyuan star through the separation of Yuanshen. They are countless times closer to the heart of the universe than the protoss demons. Normally, it should have been inhaled by the heart of the universe. How can you resist for so long?

Of course, Xia Junzhu and the evil leader are not aware of this situation.

The reason is very simple, because Yang Tianlei, who already controls the heart of the universe, made him exert all his pressure on the three evil leaders because of his idea of killing the evil leader, and Xia Junzhu was just a natural swallowing force!


Finally, after the three Protoss demons and Xia Junzhu were close to a certain range, both sides sensed each other\'s existence at the same time. And at the same time, he exclaimed with a little shock.

"It\'s not them! It\'s not them who refined the heart of the universe!"

At this moment, both sides found the original judgment error at the same time. This discovery immediately relieved both sides. In any case, as long as the other party does not refine the heart of the universe, it means that they do not necessarily die. If only one master in the fairyland world is refining the heart of the universe, they basically have no possibility of death.

The reason is very simple. At this time, they can\'t resist the power of the collapse of the universe because the universe is condensed by the celestial fairyland master. The power generated when the collapse is unified is equivalent to the power of the celestial fairyland master. How can they compete? If this force is aimed at one of them alone, I\'m afraid it will be directly killed. Fortunately, collapse and unification is omni-directional and aimless. That\'s why they can guard themselves.

However, once the collapse of the universe in the thirty-three days is completed, the master of refining the heart of the universe only obtains the heaven law and source energy of heaven fairyland. He only has the energy to practice in heaven fairyland, but he can\'t directly become heaven fairyland!

"Ha ha... It\'s not you! Very good, very good!" with this discovery, the demon leader immediately laughed excitedly. He knew everything in a moment. He was arrogant and no longer blocked the swallowing power of the heart of the universe, and let himself move closer to the heart of the universe quickly.

Originally, the demon leader thought it was Xia Junzhu, an immortal master. I don\'t know when he had been recognized by the heart of the universe, so he could be completely refined in such a short time. But now after sensing Xia Junzhu, he knows that there must be someone else refining the heart of the universe. In thirty-three days, there is no real Wonderland master at all. Who is the one who refines the heart of the universe? And to be able to refine so quickly and completely must be a person recognized by the heart of the universe, and this person is naturally a person within 33 days. This means that people who refine the heart of the universe are at best the existence of the Supreme God. Even after refining, what can they do?

What else is he afraid of?

Different from the demon leader, Xia Junzhu found that it was not the demon leader who refined the heart of the universe. The first thing in her mind was the two people she met in the chaotic space, which made her blush and shocked her!

However, when she thought of Yang Tianlei and Duan Yuyan again, she suddenly widened her eyes. Countless memories of Yuan Shen\'s separation poured into her heart in an instant, which made her uncontrollably open her cherry mouth and exclaimed: "Tianlei?"

"What, Tianlei? Elder martial sister... What\'s the matter with you? What shall we do?"

Xia Junzhu\'s shocked expression and inexplicable words surprised her younger martial brother and sister who were still in a state of fear.

"Yang Tianlei... Yang Tianlei, is that you?"

However, Xia Junzhu didn\'t seem to hear the words of his younger martial brothers and sisters. He directly urged the mind in his mind and shouted in his mind.

This idea is the idea left by Yang Tianlei and Xia Junzhu. However, Xia Junzhu used to be nothing but the separation of yuan and God. Now that he has been integrated by the real body, everything about Xia Junzhu is everything about the girl. It can be said that this girl is Xia Junzhu, but Xia Junzhu is only a part of this girl.

However, Xia Junzhu\'s call did not receive any response.

"Save him! Give up resistance! Save him!"

To the surprise of the younger martial brothers and sisters, Xia Junzhu suddenly said in a deep voice. While talking, he suddenly broke the resistance formed by the three people and crossed directly and quickly to the heart of the universe like a demon!


"Whoosh... Whoosh..."

Six streamers, three dark streamers in front and three bright lights in the back, lightning thinking about the heart of the universe.

However, when the demon leader, wutianwangzun and Xiao Jianren "roared" into the heart of the universe emitting strange light, Xia Junzhu suddenly felt a surge of resistance, which forcibly shrouded them and wanted to prevent them from entering.


At the same time, the heart of the universe suddenly burst into a bright light. It originally seemed that there were thousands of miles of huge light spots, which suddenly contracted. In an instant, it became a small to extreme rune, completely convergent!


Deep in the heart of the universe, did Yang Tianlei hear Xia Junzhu\'s cry?


However, Yang Tianlei, who is already dead, knows that Xia Junzhu is not what Xia Junzhu once was. Her breath does have the breath of Xia Junzhu. Her appearance and voice are indeed Xia Junzhu, but her cultivation is not what Xia Junzhu can achieve in any case. Similarly, if Xia Junzhu is really Xia Junzhu, what she calls is not such a strange title as "Yang Tianlei".

Of course, even the real Xia Junzhu, Yang Tianlei will still choose to do so.

Xia Junzhu and Xia Niu are the women Yang Tianlei loves. However, no matter how excited they are, they can\'t save the lives of their mother Ji Ruoyan, Ling Xi, Zhang Zihan, all the girls and countless brothers and sisters.

Death, now his only idea is to die with the evil leader of the culprit, no God and the despicable Xiao Jianren!

Of course, for Xia Junzhu at this time, although Yang Tianlei didn\'t know what the specific situation was, he guessed that the biggest possibility was that the former Xia Junzhu was swallowed up, or a divine power similar to the eternal reincarnation of the true God realm.

Moreover, Yang Tianlei saw a flash of worry and anxiety on Xia Junzhu\'s face.

Therefore, Yang Tianlei did not hesitate to spend energy and mind to stop Xia Junzhu for a moment before he died with the demons, and successfully converged the heart of the universe!

(first, thank you. Thank you brothers who have been rewarding and voting these days. Thank you.) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly votes at Qidian. Com. Your support is my biggest motivation.)