Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 151

After Chu Xiangxiang returned to Lingyun Pavilion, the expression on Dan Qingyang\'s face became dignified again. After a slight sigh, two extremely exquisite jade bottles suddenly appeared in his hand. Three exquisite small characters were engraved on the two jade bottles. It was the names of Yang Tianlei and Chu Xiangxiang.

Dan Qingyang slowly opened the jade bottle engraved with Yang Tianlei\'s name and took out a small piece of animal skin and a strand of hair.

The eight characters of Yang Tianlei\'s birthday were written on the animal skin, and the strand of hair was cut off by Dan Qingyang from Yang Tianlei\'s head on the day when Yang Tianlei officially started.

"When a genius comes to waste wood, he can\'t advance inch in six years. Once he breaks a barrier, he will advance bravely and unstoppable! It\'s clear that the hidden dragon is in the abyss! If I\'m not a master who specializes in Dan Dao, I\'m afraid I can\'t see your particularity. Unexpectedly, I still can\'t see you through... I\'m not afraid of thunder attribute energy, golden thread snake venom, ice and cold gas, and I can hide in front of congenital experts... And that time Insight... How much is this smelly boy hiding? But under the power of heaven and earth... "Dan Qingyang murmured to himself, gently sat on the table, picked up Yang Tianlei\'s hair and slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a strange smell slowly came out of Dan Qingyang\'s body. On Dan Qingyang\'s head, a trace of light green light full of life slowly escaped!

"Everything in heaven and earth does not have five elements; five elements flow, six samsara, and no destiny..." strange characters float in Dan Qingyang\'s mind. A trace of life breath passes quickly from his head. Only a moment later, Dan Qingyang\'s face turns pale.

If an expert is present, it can be seen at a glance that Dan Qingyang is impressively performing the art of deduction that no cultivator wants to easily perform!

The art of deduction is just an ordinary magic in the cultivation world. Although there are countless kinds of inferential techniques in the world, and there are also levels, good and bad, any master who steps into the congenital realm can learn. Only those who are proficient in this way can reduce their own losses and achieve the purpose of deduction by some means and using various conditions. Some ordinary practitioners can only detect the mystery of the long river of destiny by wasting their own life yuan.

Dan Qingyang is not an expert in this way, but for the sake of Yang Tianlei, he did not hesitate to spend Shou yuan and showed his skill of deduction.

However, after more than ten minutes, Dan Qingyang suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes in amazement. His eyes were full of doubt and confusion!

At the beginning, he didn\'t see anything. In the long river of fate, there was only nothingness! When he was about to burn more Shouyuan and wanted to get a trace of information from Yang Tianlei, he was suddenly bitten by a strange breath, forcing him out of the pushing state!

"Expert! My good disciple is guarded by an expert!" although Dan Qingyang was bitten back, he was stunned for a moment. A trace of excitement flashed on his old face and said excitedly.

Although he didn\'t get any information from Yang Tianlei, Dan Qingyang knew very clearly that Yang Tianlei was still alive!

That\'s enough!


When Dan Qingyang used his skill of derivation to detect Yang Tianlei\'s information, Yang Tianlei, who was running fast in the boundless ice and snow world, suddenly had a strange and rapid rotation for several weeks, and then gradually subsided.

"Hoo -" Yang Tianlei took a long breath, suddenly stopped, grabbed the little spirit beast\'s fat ears with both hands, glared at the little spirit beast fiercely, and said, "little fellow, when are you going to deceive me? Ah? If you don\'t find out sister Zihan and brother again, brother will kill you tonight and drink stew! "

"Wuwuwuwu..." Xiao Ling\'s clever eyes stared pitifully at Yang Tianlei, and he wanted to be wronged. That was clearly a grievance.

"Forget it! What the hell is this place? Brother Mingming feels the smell of Zihan, but he can\'t get close to it. Ling Xi, Ling Xi, tell me what\'s going on?" Yang Tianlei reluctantly puts the little spirit beast aside, sits down on the cold ground and says depressed.

He has been in the ice and snow world for several days. He thought he would find Zhang Zihan soon. What excites Yang Tianlei is that when he is dedicated and wants to find Zhang Zihan quickly, it is strange