Profound Heaven Evil Venerable

Chapter 152

As Yang Tianlei gradually approached, the surrounding temperature suddenly decreased. The already extremely cold air became more and more cold and piercing, like ice needles, pierced into every pore and entered Yang Tianlei\'s body.

If Yang Tianlei hadn\'t absorbed the cold ice in the golden snake king\'s nest, I\'m afraid he couldn\'t stand the cold at all.

"Thousands of years of ice plants! Ice branches, ice leaves, ice poles, ice fruits... These are rare natural materials and earth treasures. Each can refine the exclusive weapons, magic tools and even more advanced spirit tools of the ice star... The ice energy contained therein is of great benefit to the water star\'s perception of the nature of ice. I\'m afraid it is much higher than Zihan\'s dark ice sword!" Yang Tianlei confirmed the ice plants he saw one by one with the data recorded in the book.

When Yang Tianlei was about to get close to the ice plants, the little spirit beast standing on his shoulder suddenly rubbed and jumped in front of Yang Tianlei, whined at Yang Tianlei, pointed to the front with his claw, and then his body flashed like lightning into the ice plant forest, and disappeared in a moment.

"Shit, wait for me inside?" Yang Tianlei understood the meaning of the little spirit beast and wanted to catch the little spirit beast and beat it up. In vain, he took it all the way. At the critical moment, the little spirit beast ran away alone. Obviously, this guy is very familiar with here and doesn\'t help at all. It\'s really not loyal enough.

However, this also makes Yang Tianlei understand that atmospheric transportation and great opportunities are by no means as simple as imagined. If you want to get it, you can only rely on yourself!

Yang Tianlei\'s increasingly mature face became quiet at this time. Two pure lights flashed in his eyes. He stared at the strange plants in front of him and walked forward with firm steps!

One step, two steps

When Yang Tianlei stepped into the flora, although he had already prepared himself, he was still surprised. The scene in front of him changed dramatically again!

The plants with strange shapes and shining ice crystals seemed to live and move quickly in front of him. Even the ground Yang Tianlei stepped on was spinning in a whirl. He forcibly overturned Yang Tianlei and fell seven meat and eight vegetables. When he stood up again, there was no difference in all directions.

Yang Tianlei stared in amazement. He couldn\'t help thinking of the Peach Blossom Island written by master Jin. It was obvious that he had fallen into the array. He couldn\'t tell the southeast from the northwest. Moreover, the icy smell around his body was intense several times in an instant. Countless plants emitting ice crystal light were rotating rapidly around him, and the speed was more and more amazing!

Yang Tianlei didn\'t dare to hesitate when he felt a trace of danger. The majestic power of Dantian suddenly went crazy!

"Hiss -" in an instant, bursts of sounds broke through the air. The rapidly rotating and approaching ice attribute plants suddenly danced in a group of branches, turned into whips, and attacked Yang Tianlei like lightning!

"Shit!" Yang Tianlei shouted angrily, and the whole person suddenly twisted wildly and showed Lingbo to the limit!

During this period of cultivation, Yang Tianlei has perfected Lingbo\'s micro step cultivation, and integrated his experience in combat, especially his battle with the golden thread snake king in the water, which has benefited him a lot. The ethereal and unpredictable Lingbo\'s micro step has integrated a trace of fish like flexibility, making the surrounding violent energy seem to turn into water waves, But Yang Tianlei is like a fish, riding the wind and waves and taking advantage of the situation!

"Roar..." there were loud and shocking noises. Yang Tianlei\'s Vajra sword attacked violently and sharply. It danced into a light curtain, swinging and cutting off branches. At the same time, his feet suddenly stepped down on the hard ice and snow ground, and the whole person flew into the sky!

At the moment of rising from the sky, Yang Tianlei glanced quickly for a week. He was surprised. Where he came into the eye was the boundless forest sea. No matter where he fell, he would suffer endless attacks!

"Impossible! This is definitely a cover up!" Yang Tianlei\'s brain is running fast and his eyes are shining, looking for a flaw similar to the peach blossom array. However, without any research on the array, he wanted to see a clue, but it was very difficult.

"Whoosh, whoosh -"

When Yang Tianlei\'s body rose to the highest point, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air. The leaves emitting ice blue light shot at Yang Tianlei like arrows with a terrible cold smell.

"Tai Chi turns round to Ruyi, \'circle magic skill\'!"

Yang Tianlei shouted angrily, and his muscles and veins shook strangely. When he was in the air, he turned like a top. The energy in the Dantian was completely transformed into water energy, and his body was released into soft water waves. Under his rapid rotation, it seemed to become a turbulent whirlpool, with the power of terror!

If there is an expert present, it will be shocked!

Obviously, Yang Tianlei\'s Star Skill doesn\'t belong to Tianxuan mainland at all. It\'s completely self created!

Since the last battle with the golden thread snakes, Yang Tianlei has been thinking about how to avoid the dense attacks, so he naturally thought of the scene that Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang, understood Taijiquan!

Beat the hard with softness, fight with strength, and pull a thousand catties in four or two!

At this time, Yang Tianlei forcibly changed his own center of gravity by quenching 100% of his muscles and veins, so that his body could rotate without any leverage in the void. At the same time, he transformed the energy in the Dantian into soft water attributes, and put the power of the stars around his body. With the power of rotation, he formed a huge rotating nest around his body, turning round and turning well, and using strength to fight!

Any attack, in the moment of approaching his body, will be changed in the powerful spiral nest and absorbed into the spiral nest! Of course, if the attack power far exceeds the swallowing power of the spin nest, Yang Tianlei can\'t control it!

"Puff, puff..."

One leaf after another sank into the whirling nest like a moth to the fire. Yang Tianlei in the center of the whirling nest was not hurt at all. On the contrary, those leaves containing magnificent ice attribute energy added to the whirling nest, which made the whirling nest more huge and terrible, and the power of swallowing became more terrible!

When Yang Tianlei landed on the ground, the rotating gyroscope, which was originally only two meters in diameter, was so huge that it was two feet around. With its majestic swallowing power, it stubbornly uprooted the ground plants before they could attack them, joined them in the rotating nest, and became a part of the growing rotating nest!

"Boom, boom..."

One after another, in the great roar of terror, a terrible picture appeared in the whole forest. A crazy rotating ball, like a snowball, became bigger and bigger. There was no grass left where it passed, and everything was directly swallowed up. It joined the rotating army and constantly expanded the power of the ball.

Even Yang Tianlei didn\'t expect that his "circle" magic skill had such "fork" power!

With the rapid growth of the ball, it has become a terrible ball with a diameter of ten feet in just a few seconds. Under the support of the majestic energy, Yang Tianlei is like flying clouds and fog. He is at the core of the energy and can\'t land at all. Moreover, it is more and more difficult to control. Unexpectedly, he has a feeling of involuntarily!

At this time, Yang Tianlei is only a nine level star. He has not reached the congenital level. He can\'t control the mystery of mental power, let alone the realm of mental power against things. He can send out such a circle and fork of the cow to force the star skill, which is entirely based on the demonic physical conditions and the whimsical essence of Taiji for the people of different worlds!

In a small range, he can also control the rotation nest of his body through the rotation of his body and a trace of control over the power of releasing stars. However, when he grows to such a degree, the power of stars released by him can not reach the edge of the rotation nest, and his body\'s control over rotation is getting smaller and smaller.

It will eventually evolve into a completely out of control state! Once the spin nest is completely out of control, he in the energy core may be torn directly!


Hide in a space and stare at Yang Tianlei\'s little spirit beast. At this time, the lovely and smart eyes are full of horror! Its owner condensed the ice and snow world with all his supernatural powers when Shouyuan was about to run out, and laid many prohibitions, waiting for people with great luck and great opportunities to obtain his inheritance. It can be said that each prohibition has his deep meaning and his will and spirit.

And what Yang Tianlei is facing at this time