Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 254

"As for the future, you know almost. I was secretly pushed into the river when the water rose, and then I was very lucky to climb up the bank.

Finally, I was saved by you! So I have to go back to the thar tribe as soon as possible, find the person who pushed me, and then... "Mi Xiaoxiao stopped deliberately.

Speaking of this, she really felt lucky enough to survive in such a turbulent river. Would she run out of luck for the rest of her life?

"Then revenge?" tamer\'s hand cut the meat paused, looked at Mi Xiaoxiao, and his eyes looked uncertain.

"What do you think?" Mi Xiaoxiao reached for his clothes at the head of the bed and played with them when he left.

The clothes scraped in the river. There was a hole in the left shoulder and several places in the right pocket of the hem.

Other places are fine, but there are still some scratches, which makes the clothes that originally looked good much rougher.

Fortunately, there are few places to rub, so you can still use those animal skins to mend, but it may be a little nondescript.

"If it\'s not easy to mend, don\'t mend it. I happen to have excess animal skin. Just make another one at that time." tamer carefully strung the cut meat with a wooden stick.

"Really?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at the few animal skins left in the corner. Is this... Redundant?

It\'s not polite for those guys to come into this cave today. They not only finished the rest of their food.

And Hao impolitely took away more than half of those skins, so that now there are only a few lonely skins in that corner.

"If I say there is surplus, there is surplus." tamer then looked at the corner and said hard.

The skins that were taken away by those people today, he only cared about Mi Xiaoxiao at that time, but he forgot those skins.

But it is estimated that by tomorrow morning, it may not be easy to use if it takes up the dew.

"OK, you\'re handsome and you\'re right about everything." Mi Xiaoxiao was really defeated by his arrogance. Do you want to be so stubborn? Just say it when you\'re good to her!

"What does handsome mean?" tamer stopped his action and looked at Mi Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

"Handsome... Simply praising your good looks." Alas, it seems that there are some language differences between here and modern times, even the commander doesn\'t know.

"I\'m a fox. Of course I look good." tamer didn\'t feel embarrassed this time. Moreover, I can hear that this guy is very proud.

"Are all fox people beautiful men?" Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Tamo with bright eyes. Beautiful men are the most eye-catching.

"With your body, don\'t be paranoid. We fox people have a high vision." tamer looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and shook his head solemnly.

"..." Mi Xiaoxiao glared at a man. Is she as bad as he said?

Although her figure is not as good as those international famous models, she still has a good figure. How can she say that she has d without e!

"Eat! Have a rest early after eating. Her foot injury still needs to be well maintained." if it hadn\'t been for today, her foot injury wouldn\'t be as serious as it is now.

"You\'re a good craftsman. By the way, you certainly didn\'t bring back the water today. Can you bring some back tomorrow?" even if you did today, you might have lost it when saving her.

Anyway, she didn\'t see what water he brought back, but the salt was still indispensable. The smell of animal blood was so fishy that she couldn\'t accept it.

"Here you are." tamer put down the meat in his hand, then took out a small wooden stake from behind, and covered it with a cover.