Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 253

"Cough, I\'ll just take some prey back later. It\'s just a piece of cake for me." tamer looked down at the road and his feet accelerated a lot.

"Well, now that you\'re ready, I don\'t want to sleep hungry." ha ha! Is this man shy? It\'s quite interesting.

"Cough, you have a wound on your foot. I\'ll take you home first. I don\'t want you to have any trouble again. I won\'t bother to take care of it at that time."

Tamo said he didn\'t want to let her down. Mi Xiaoxiao knew that this guy was afraid of trouble. In fact, he was worried about her foot injury!

But for MI Xiaoxiao, food is very important. People are iron and rice is steel. It\'s a truth not to panic about hunger.

"But I\'m hungry now. When you take me home and then go hunting, will I already starve to death?

Didn\'t you say you don\'t like collecting corpses for others? Therefore, you\'d better listen to me. Now, immediately, you put me down, and then you go hunting. I\'ll wait for you. "

In fact, this can also reduce a lot of time. The closer it is to winter, the faster it will get dark. If Tamo sends her home and comes out to hunt, it will increase his risk.

What\'s more, tamer saved her twice. The most important thing is that she has such a high appearance. It\'s a pity to die, isn\'t it?

"OK, I\'ll go hunting, you wait for me." tamer stopped, paused, slightly lifted the corners of his mouth, then carefully put down Mi Xiaoxiao and let her sit down on a big stone.

"OK..." Mi Xiaoxiao glanced at Tamo, then nodded seriously. Then Tamo started hunting without looking back.

Originally, MI Xiaoxiao thought Tamo would not agree, at least not according to his awkward nature, but unexpectedly, he agreed.

The forests around Shimi tribe are rich in prey resources, and there are many kinds of prey. I don\'t know how many kinds there are than thar tribe.

It was precisely because of the wide variety of prey, rich resources and the fast speed of Tamo that he came back full of harvest in less than half an hour.

"Not bad! I didn\'t expect you to be very powerful." Mi Xiaoxiao looked at Tamo\'s prey and praised it without stingy.

"Of course, I\'m fast." tamer glanced at Mi Xiaoxiao, then quickly moved away, but the corners of his mouth quietly burst into a flirtatious smile.


"Stay here, if you\'re moving, I don\'t care about you." tamer\'s warning eyes swept Mi Xiaoxiao, and then lit the fire again.

"I see. I promise I won\'t move. Just boil the water attentively." Mi Xiaoxiao doesn\'t know how many times he promised not to move.

Although he was worried about her, he was a little wordy, but sometimes, it was better to be wordy, at least it proved that he was a close person.

"Well, the bone has been twisted back. If you apply it with this animal skin, it should be almost the same. But I\'m afraid it will take some time if you want to walk down the ground.

Moreover, your recovery ability is too poor. What race are you? "Tamer handed Mi Xiaoxiao the animal skin soaked and wrung dry, and then told her where to apply it.

"Hiss... It\'s burning me!" Mi Xiaoxiao felt the heat from the animal skin before she was next to the injured foot ring, which made her react immediately and take away the animal skin a little.

"My recovery ability is very poor since I was a child. I\'m not as fast as you. Also, let\'s formally introduce myself.

My name is mi Xiaoxiao. I am a little female of the ape family. I used to live with people in my tribe. Later, for some reasons, I lost my family.

Later, I went to the thar tribe and lived there. "