Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 49

49. He is in charge of Yunhai entertainment. Justar entertainment has half of his share investment. He recommends the two companies. He just wants to sign her in his own name so that he can arrange everything for her in the future.

Treat their own women, of course, unconditionally to her good, what want to give her the best.

Xu Xiyan shook his head quickly, "no! Thanks for the offer. For the time being, I will not enter the sea of clouds and gather stars. "


Huo Yun is puzzled. There is no way to know how many actors want to get into the sea of clouds or gather stars.

And she, why don't you have such a good chance?

The key problem is that her father is now the director of Yunhai, her sister is the first sister of justar, and her brother-in-law Chu Yuhe is the president of justar.

In any way, if she wants to enter the entertainment circle, cloud sea and star gathering must be the first choice?

In fact, Huo Yunshen doesn't know the relationship between Xu Xiyan and his family. Because of Xu Xiyan, he pays special attention to Xu family and Chu Yuhe and others.

If we let him know that he is kind enough to help us all, we will be angry and spit blood.

"I know both Yunhai and Juxing are good, but I don't want to rely on the relationship of my family. I just want to climb up step by step with my own efforts and get everything I want. Thank you for your kindness. "

Xu Xiyan can't explain her relationship with Xu family and Juxing to him for the time being. He can only politely refuse his kindness.

“……” Huo Yunshen has some accidents. Unexpectedly, she is so ambitious. Obviously, she has the most advantaged conditions and resources, but she chooses to find another way.

It has to be said that she is really a very special woman, and he didn't lose sight of her.

Since she doesn't want to enter the cloud sea and gather stars, Huo Yunshen still has a way to keep her,

"I know that an entertainment company is an alternative to the entertainment industry, independent of any company.

"Although it is not well-known for the time being, its contacts and future development momentum should not be underestimated.

"I can introduce you if you are interested!"

"It's not your friend's, is it?" Xu Xiyan asked in question.

Huo Yunshen already knew a little about her temper and knew that she didn't want to have a relationship with him, so he said, "to be exact, it's a friend and a competitor."

Xu Xiyan heard that it was an independent alternative company, or Huo Yunshen's competitor, and immediately attracted her interest. He asked, "what company?"

"Jingyue entertainment."

I haven't heard of it. It's really a new company.

There is a word "Jing" in the name, which sounds like calling her mother's name.

Jingyue, jingruyue

Inexplicably let Xu Xiyan to it more than a trace of cordiality, "sounds very good, do not know where?"

"When are you free, I'll show you!?" Huo Yun asked deeply.

Xu Xiyan thought about her recent schedule, only tomorrow is free, "or tomorrow! I have time tomorrow Friday. I don't know if it's convenient for you tomorrow? "

"Convenient. I have time. "

Huo Yun deep mouth promise, as long as it is for Xu Xiyan, no time can make time.

"That's settled." Xu Xiyan stood up, grabbed the hem of his pajamas, and asked, "it's time for me to go back. Now can you ask the driver to take me back?"

Huo Yunshen raised his wrist and looked at the watch. It was nearly 12 o'clock,

"it was 12 o'clock. When you go back so late, you have to ask someone to open the door for you. You might as well call your friend. I have a lot of rooms. I'm staying here for the time being, and I'll go to Jingyue entertainment tomorrow morning. "

The words of retention are too clever and full!
