Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 48

48. First of all, I feel that he is in a wheelchair, and there are obstacles in that area, so I will not have any idea about her.

Secondly, Huo Yunshen doesn't have any shelf of movie emperor or president. She always feels that he cares for her as warm as a friend, just like Fang Xiaocheng gives her.

In the face of such a sincere man, Xu Xiyan really felt that he was safe and comfortable with him, without any restraint.

She said he wasn't like that.

Well, he was very satisfied with the answer.

At least, he has earned her trust.

Huo Yunshen was in a good mood, and added, "I won't, but in the future, I need to take more care of everything."

"Well, yes, I will."

Xu Xiyan nodded like a pestle, thanking him for his advice.

After Xu Xiyan finished drinking the milk, Huo Yunshen had brought the medicine box to find the ointment for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. He came to Xu Xiyan and said, "stretch out your arms, and I will wipe some medicine for you!"

"No, no, I'll do it myself."

Wipe medicine is to need skin to be intimate, besides, how dare she drive male god to kiss automatic hand?

"What are you afraid I will do to you?"

Huo Yun raised his Obsidian like eyes and gave her a cold look, as if questioning her why he wanted to be prepared for him.

"No! No I just

Xu Xiyan quickly waved his hand to explain.

Huo Yunshen doesn't give her a chance to get rid of her. He grabs her wrist and starts to apply medicine for her.

“……” Xu Xiyan looks down at the man carefully applying medicine for her, and suddenly an indescribable emotion rises in his heart.

Over the years, apart from Yingbao and her uncle, who really cared about her life and death?

This man, who only had one leg five years ago, is so kind to her. Alas, she doesn't know how to repay him.

After wiping the medicine, Huo Yunshen helped her to count the cash in her bag again, "a total of 132, 000. The cash stays with me. I use my cell phone to transfer the money to your bank card, which saves you from running to the bank again. "

"Good! Thank you very much. "

Listen to her a "thank you", Huo Yunshen didn't say anything, but in the heart said: really don't be polite, for you to do anything, is my own willing.

Xu Xiyan finds out the bank card and sends him the card number and account name.

Seeing the word "Jingxi", Huo Yunshen couldn't help asking, "Jingxi? Have you changed your name? "

"Yes! This is my stage name. You can call me that later! I think it sounds good. "

Xu Xiyan explained that the biggest reason for the change of name is not that it's bad, but that she doesn't want to have any relationship with the Xu family at all.

Huo Yun deeply hooked his lips with a faint smile, and the eyes of evil spirits twinkled with light. "Jingxi, Jingxi, it's very pleasant."

After online transfer, Huo Yunshen heard, "which company have you ever thought of signing? Does the agent have it? "

Embarrassment in capital!

It's because I don't even count as a formal actress. Where would anyone sign her?

The work of her double is obtained through the underground black market agency, not the formal channel.

"I haven't signed a contract with an entertainment company or an agent," said Xu

"Want to enter the sea of clouds?"

Huo Yun's deep eyes stared at her, telling her that she only needed a word from him if she wanted to enter the sea of clouds.

"No, no, no, I don't really want to enter. It's better to avoid suspicion."

Xu Xiyan declined politely, in fact, he didn't want to directly hit the muzzle of the gun.

Now Xu Jinshan is the director of Yunhai entertainment. If she enters the Yunhai, will Xu Jinshan let her go?

"What about star gathering entertainment?" Huo Yunshen asked again.
